Memoranda in William Worcester's handwriting....
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Memoranda in William Worcester's handwriting....
- Reference
- Add. 27443, f. 108
- Date
- 1450-1452
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 119
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
A paper of memoranda in William Worcester’s handwriting, of which the
principal contents are as follows:—A commission of oyer and terminer, dated 1 August 28 Henry VI.—A session
at Swaffham, on Thursday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 29 Henry VI.
(17 September 1450).—A note of six other sessions:—1. At Norwich before
the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Oxford and Yelverton, Tuesday after St.
Mathias’ day, 29 Henry VI. (2 March 1451); 2. At Norwich, before Oxford
and Yelverton, Monday after St. Martin in Winter, 29 Henry VI. (16 November
1450); 3. At Norwich, before Oxford and Yelverton, Wednesday after the
Conception of St. Mary (15 December), continued seven days; 4. At Lynn,
before Oxford, Scales, and Yelverton, Tuesday after Epiphany (13 January);
5. At Norwich, before John Prysot and Yelverton, Thursday in Easter week,
29 Henry VI. (29 April 1451); 6. At Walsingham, before Scales and Prysot,
Monday in crastino clausi Paschoe (3 May 1451).‘Parliamentum apud Leyseter —— anno xxviijo.—Durante illo Parliamento
intravit T. Daniell manerium de Braydeston.—Will’us, Dux Suff’ obiit tertio
die Maii anno xxviijo Regis Henry viti.—Jak Cade, proditor de Kent, fugit de
le Blakheth xxij. die Junii anno xxviij. H. VI., [] Julii mense decapitatus
fuit.—Injuria Plumbsted post hoc (?)’— Mundford and Heydon entered
Braysto[ne] on the eve of the Nativity of St. Mary anno 29 (7 September
1450). Thomas Danyell entered Braydeston a second time, 30 Henry VI.Between Mich. 30 and 31 Henry VI. (1451 and 1452) Norfolk, Oxford,
Scales, and a great number of others were at Norwich holding sessions. The
same year ‘John P.’ was with John, Earl of Oxford, at Whevenho on the
Nativity of St. Mary (8 September). The same year, before all these things,
Thomas Danyell was married at Framlyngham.‘Testimonium Commissionariorum et cognitio Milonis Stapulton quo ad
impanellationem juratorum.‘Item, testimonium concilii quoad mutationem actionum in indictamentis et
recordum apparet et declaratio Johannis Geney facta Thomæ Gurney.‘Item, testimonium concilii et Thomæ Grene quoad absenciam Johannis
Porter. Et testimonium hominum de Bliclyng. Item, missio pro Johanne
Porter pro pecunia et placito proprio. (Memorandum, quando Porter fuit
juratus, J. Andru fuit extractus de indictamento.)‘Item, testimonium juratorum de non procuratione. Et indictamentum
Johannis Andrew in Suff. causa fugationis ejus.‘Item, antiquum debat’ supposit’ inter Andrews et Porter erat pro distric-
tione capta de Johanne Andrews apud Weston pro debito domini Bardolf; pro
qua causa idem Johannes Andrews implacitare vellet dictum Johannem Porter
ad terminum (?) nisi pro dicto domino Bardolf; sic dictus Andrews continuavit
maliciam suam erga prædictum Johannem Porter, et e contra quod et malicia
Heydon erat causa conspiracionis per ipsum. . . .’[As this document is a key to the dates of several of the letters during the years
1450 to 1452, we have thought it best to insert it in the beginning of the period to
which it refers, instead of the date at which it may be supposed to have been written.]1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.]