Margaret Paston's Will
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Margaret Paston's Will
- Reference
- Add. Charter 17253
- Date
- 4 February 1482
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol VI, item 978
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume VI'
IN the name of God, amen. I, Margaret Paston, widowe,
late the wiff of John Paston, Squier, doughter and heire
to John Mauteby, Squier, hole of spirit and mynde, with
perfite avisement and good deliberacion, the iiijte day of Febru-
ary, in the yer of Our Lord God a m1.cccclxxxj. make my testa-
ment and last wille in this fourme folowyng. First, I betake
my sowle to God Almyghty and to Our Lady His blissid
Moder, Seint Michael, Seint John Baptist, and to Alle Seintes,
and my body to be beried in the ele of the cherch of Mauteby,
byfore the ymage of Our Lady there. In which ele reste the
bodies of divers of myn aunceteres, whos sowles God assoile.Item, I bequethe to the high awter of the seid cherch of
Mauteby xxs.Item, I wulle that the seid ele in which my body shalbe
beried be newe robed, leded, and glased, and the walles therof
heyned [heightened] convenyently and werkmanly.Item, I wulle that myn executours purveye a stoon of
marble to be leyde alofte upon my grave within a yer next
after my decesse; and upon that stoon I wulle have iiij.
scochens sett at the iiij. corners, wherof I wulle that the first
scochen shalbe of my husbondes armes and myn departed, the
ijde of Mawtebysarmes and Berneys of Redham departed, the
iijde of Mawtebysarmes and the Lord Loveyn departed, the
iiijte of Mawtebysarmes and Sir Roger Beauchamp departed.
And in myddys of the seid stoon I wull have a scochen sett
of Mawtebysarmes allone, and under the same thise wordes
wretyn, ‘In God is my trust,’ with a scripture wretyn in the
verges therof rehersyng thise wordes, ‘Here lieth Margret
Paston, late the wif of John Paston, doughter and heire of
John Mawteby, Squier,’ and so forth, in the same scripture
rehersed the day of the moneth and the yer that I shall
decesse: ‘on whos sowle God have mercy.’Item, I wulle that myn executours shall purveye xij. pore
meen of my tenauntes, or other if they suffice not, the whiche
I wulle shalbe apparailled in white gownes with hodes accord-
ing, to holde xij. torches abowte myn herse or bere at such
tyme as I shalbe beried, during the exequies and masse of my
berying; which xij. torches I wille remayne in the seid cherch
of Mawteby whil they may last for my yerday.Which yerday I wull myn heire kepe in the same cherch
for me my seid husbond and myn aunceteres yerly during the
terme of xij. yeres next after my decesse;1 and I wulle that
ich of the seid xij. pore meen the day of my beriing have iiijd.
Also, I wulle that iche preste being at my berying and masse
have viijd., and ich clerk in surplys iijd. Also, I wull that the
preste which shall berie me have vjs. viijd., so that he seye
over me at the tyme of my berying all the whole service that
to the berying belongeth.Also, I wulle that from the day and tyme that I am beried
unto the ende of vij. yeres than next folowyng be ordeyned a
taper of wexe of ali. to brenne upon my grave ich Sonday and
haliday at alle divine service to be seid or sunge in the seid
cherch and dailly at the masse of that preest that shalle singe
there in the seid ele for my sowle.Item, I wulle that vj. tapers, ich of iiijli., brenne abowte
myn herse the day of my beryng, of which I wull that iiij.
yerly be kept to brenne abowte myn herse whan my yerday
shalbe kept aslong as they may honestly serve.Item, I wulle have an honest seculer prest to synge and
pray in the seid ele for my sowle, the sowles of my father and
mother, the sowle of the seid John Paston, late my husband,
and for the sowlys of his aunceteres and myn during the
terme of vij. yeres next after my decesse.Item, I wulle that myn executours purveye a compleet
legende in oon book, and an antiphoner in an other book,
which bookes I wull be yeven to abide ther in the seid cherch
to the wursship of God aslonge as they may endure.1Item, I wulle that every houshold in Mauteby as hastily as
it may be convenyently doo after my decesse have xijd.Item, to the emendyng of the cherch of Freton in Suffolk
I bequethe a chesiple and an awbe.2And I wulle that ich houshold being my tenaunt there
have vjd.And I bequethe to the emendement of the cherch of
Basyngham a chesiple and an awbe.3And I wulle that every houshold there have viijd.
Item, I bequeth to the emendyng of the cherch of Mate-
lask a chesiple and an awbe.4And I wull that every pore houshold that are my tenauntes
there have viijd.Item, I bequethe to the emendyng of the cherch of
Gresham a chesiple and an awbe.6And I wulle that ich pore houshold that be my tenauntes
there have vjd.Item, I wulle that ich pore houshold late my tenauntes at
Sparham have vjd.Item, to the reparacion of the cherch of Redham there as I
was borne I bequeth v. marc and a chesiple of silk with an
awbe with myn armes therupon to the emendement of the
same cherche.5Item, to iche of the iiij. houshes of Freres in Norwich,
xxs.Item, to iche of the iiij. houshes of Freres of Yermouth
and at the South toun to pray for my sowle I bequeth xxs.Item, to the ankeres at the Frere Prechours in Norwich I
bequeth iijs. iiijd.And to the ankeres in Conesford I bequeth iijs. iiijd.
Item, to the anker at the White Freres in Norwich I
bequethe iijs. iiijd.Item, to iche hole and half susters at Normans in Nor-
wich, viijd.Item, to the Deen and his bretheren of the Chepell of
Feld, to the use of the same place to seye a dirige and a masse
for my sowle, xxs.Item, to the hospitalle of Seint Gile in Norwich, also for
a dirige and a masse for my sowle, xxs.Item, to iche of the iiij. pore meen, and to either of the
susters of the seid hospitall, ijd.Item, to the mother cherche of Norwiche for a dirige and
masse, xxs.Item, to iche lepre man and woman at the v. Yates in
Norwich, iijd.And to iche forgoer at every of the seid yates, ijd.
Item, to iche lepre without the North gates at Yermouth,
iijd.; and to the forgoer ther, ijd.Item, to iche houshold of the parish of Seint Peter of Hun-
gate in Norwich that wull receyve almes, have iiijd.Item, I wull have a dirige and a masse for my sowle at
the parisshe cherche of Seint Michael of Coslany in Norwich,
and that every preste ther havyng his stipend being therat
have iiijd., and iche clerk in surplys of the same parissh than
ther being have ijd., and the parissh clerk vjd., and the curat
that shall seye high masse have xxd., and I bequeth to the
reparacion of the bellys of the same cherche vjs. viijd.,
and to the sexteyn there to rynge at the seid dirige and masse,
xxd.Item, I wull that myn executours shall geve to the susten-
tacion of the parson or preste that shall for the tyme mynystre
the sacramentez and divine service in the cherch of Seint Petre
of Hungate in Norwich, xxli. of lawfull money;1 whiche xxli.
I will it be putt in the rule and disposicion of the cherch reves
of the same cherche for the tyme being by the oversight of
the substancialle persones of the seid parissh, to this intent,
that the seid cherch reves, by the oversight as is before-seid,
shall yerly yeve, if it so be that the profites of the seid cherch
suffice not to fynde a prest after ther discrecions, part of the
seid xxli. to the seid parson or preste, unto the seid xxli. be
expended.Item, I bequeth to Edmund Paston, my sone, a standing
pece white covered, with a white garleek heed upon the knoppe,
and a gilt pece covered with an unicorne, a fetherbedde and a
traumsom at Norwich, and the costers2 of worsted that he
hath of me.Item, I bequeth to Katerine his wiff a purpill girdill
harneisid with silver and gilt and my bygge bras chafour, a
brasen morter with an iren pestell, and a stoon morter of
cragge.Item, I yeve and graunte to Robert, sone of the seid
Edmund, alle my swannes morken with the merke called
Dawbeneys merk, and with the merk late Robert Cutler,
clerk, to have hold and enjoye the seid swannes with the seid
merkes to the seid Robert and his heirs for evermore.Item, I bequeth to Anne, my doughter, wiff of William
Yelverton, my grene hangyng in my parlour at Mauteby, a
standing cuppe with a cover gilt with a flatte knoppe and a
flatte pece with a cover gilt withoute, xij. silver spones, a
powder boxe with a foot and a knoppe enamelled blewe, my
best corse girdill blewe herneised with silver and gilt, my
primer, my bedes of silver enamelled.Item, I bequeth to the seid Anne, my fetherbedde with
sillour,3 curteyns and tester4 in my parlour at Mauteby, with
a white covering, a peire blankettes, ij. peire of my fynest
shetes iche of iij. webbes, a fyne hedshete of ij. webbes, my
best garnyssh of pewter vessell, ij. basyns with ij. ewres, iij.
candelstekes of oon sorte, ij. bras pottes, ij. bras pannes, a bras
chafour to sett by the fyre, and a chafour for colys.Item, I require myn executours to paie to the seid William
Yelverton and Anne the money that I shall owe them of ther
mariage money the day of my decesse of such money as shalbe
receyved of such londes as I have putte in feffement to accom-
plissh my wille.Item, I bequeth to William Paston, my sone my standing
cuppe chased parcell gilt with a cover with myn armes in the
botom and a flatte pece with a traill upon the cover, xij. silver
spones, ij. silver saltes wherof oon is covered the hole bedde
of borde alisaundre as it hangeth on the gret chaumber at
Mauteby, with the fetherbedde, bolster, blankettes, and cover-
yng to the same, ij. peire shetes, ij. pilwes, and my best palet,
a basyn, an ewre, and a litel white bedde that hangeth over the
gresyngges in the litell chaumber at Mauteby for a trussyng
bedde.Item, I bequeth an C. marc in money to be paied and be-
stowed to the use and byhoff of the seid William Paston after
this forme folowyng; that is to sey, in purchasyng of as
moche lond to him and to his heires as may be had with the
same money, or ellys to bye a warde to be maried to him if
eny suche may be goten, or ellys to be paied to him assone as
it may be convenyently gadered and receyved of sucche londes
as by me are put in feffement as is beforseid after the ele in
Mauteby cherche be fynsshed and performed as is beforseid,
and after the stipend of the preste lymyted to singe for me be
yerly levied, as well as the money be dispended upon the kep-
ing of my yerly obite. And if the seid William dye or he
come to the age of xxj. yer, than the seid C. marc to be dis-
posed for the wele of my sowle by myn executours.Item, I bequeth to John Paston my sone a gilt cuppe
standyng with a cover and a knoppe liche a garkeek heed, vj.
gobelettes of silver with oon cover.Item, I bequeth to Margery Paston, the wif of the seid
John, my pixt of silver with ij. silver cruettes and my masse-
book with all myn awterclothes.Item,1 I bequeth to William Paston, sone of the seid John
Paston, and Elizabeth his suster, C. marc whan they come to
laufull age, to be take and receyved of the londes beforseid;
and if either of them die or they come to the seid age, than I
wull that the part of him or hir so deying remayne to the
survyver of them at laufull age, and if they bothe dye or they
come to the seid age, than I wull that the seid C. marc be
disposed for the helth of my sowle by th’avise of myn
executours.Item, I bequeth to Custaunce, bastard doughter of John
Paston, Knyght, whan she is xx. yer of age, x. marc, and if
she die bifore the seid age, than I wull that the seid x. marc
be disposed by myn executours.Item, I bequeth to John Calle, sone of Margery my
doughter, xxli. whan he cometh to the age of xxiiij. yer, and
if the seid John dye or he cometh to the seid age, than I wull
that the seid xxli. evenly be divided attwen William and
Richard, sones of the seid Margery, whan they come to the
age of xxiiij. yer; and if either of the seid William and
Richard dye or he come to the seid age, than I wull that the
part of him so dying remayne to the survyver; and if bothe
the seid William and Richard dye or the come to the seid age,
than I wull that the seid xxli. be disposed by the good advys
of myne executours for me and my frendes.Item, I bequethe to Marie Tendalle, my goddoughter, my
peir bedys of calcidenys gaudied2 with silver and gilt.Item, I wull that iche of myn other godchilder be rewarded
by th’avyse of John Paston, my sone.Item, I bequeth to Agnes Swan my servaunt, my muster-
develys gown furred with blak, and a girdell of blak harneised
with silver gilt and enamelled, and xxs. in money.Item, to Simon Gerard my silver gobelet cured and a flatt
pece with verges gilt, and myn hole litel white bedde in my chapell
chaumber at Mauteby with the fetherbedde liche as it is nowe
in the seid chapell, with a peire blankettes, a peire shetes, and
a pilwe of doune.Item, to John Heyth a materas with a traunsom, a peire
shetes, a peire blankettes, and a coverlight.Item, I wull that myn housholt be kept after my decesse
by half a yer, and that my servauntes wages be truly paied at
ther departing, and also that every persone being my servaunt
the day of my decesse have a quarter wages beside that they at
her departing have do service fore.Item, I wull that alle suche maners, londes, and tenementes,
rentes and services whiche are descended unto me by weye of
inheritaunce immediatly after my decesse remayne unto myn
heires accordyng to the last wille of Robert Mauteby, Squier,
my grauntfader, except suche londes as I have putte in feffe-
ment to accomplissh therof my last wille, and except v. marc
of annuyte which I have graunted out of the maner of Freton
in Suffolk to Edmund Paston, my sone, Katherine his wiff, and
Robert, ther sone, for terme of ther lyves.Item, I bequeth to Anne, my doughter, xli. to hir propre
use.And to Osbern Berney x. marc of the money comyng of
the londes by me put in feffement as is beforseid.Item, I wull that the residewe of the stuffe of myn houshold
unbiquothen be divided equally betwen Edmund and William,
my sones, and Anne, my doughter.The residewe of all my godes and catalle and dettes to me
owing I yeve and comitte to the good disposicion of myn
executours to performe this my testament and last wille, and
in other dedes of mercye for my sowle, myn aunceterez sowlez,
and alle Cristen sowles, to the most pleaser of God and profit
to my sowle.Of this my testament, I make and ordeyne the seid John
Paston, Squier, my sone, Thomas Drentall, clerk, Simon Gerard
and Walter Lymyngton myn executours.And I bequeth to the seid John Paston for his labour xli.
And to iche of myn other executours for their labour v. marc.
In witnesse wherof to this my present testament I have
putto my seal. Yevyn day and yer biforseid.2 [Add. Charter, 17,253, B.M.]
1 In the margin is written in John Paston’s hand, ‘Memorandum, v. yer to come
to kepe the yerday.’1 In margin, ‘vli. vjs. viijd.’ This and the marginal notes which follow are all in
John Paston’s hand.2 In margin, ‘xvjs. viijd.’ 3 Ibid. 4 Ibid. 5 Ibid.
6 In margin, ‘vli.’
1 In margin, ‘xxli.’
2 Pieces of tapestry used on the sides of tables, beds, etc.—Halliwell.
3 Canopy of tapestry. 4 Head of the bedstead.
1 Opposite this paragraph is written in the margin in John Paston’s hand: ‘C.
marke. Solut’ E. P. l. marke.’2 Halliwell explains ‘gaudees’ as ‘the larger beads in a roll for prayer.’ Accord-
ing to Palsgrave they represented the Paternoster.1482
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