Margaret Paston to Sir John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Margaret Paston to Sir John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34889, ff. 95v-96r
- Date
- 23-30 September 1469
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 733; Fenn, Vol IV, Edward IV item 96
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (1st transcript)
To Sr John Pafton
In bafl
a matr?I Grete zow wele and send zow godds blyffyng and m[ILL] letyng
zow wete yat me thynke be yz lett? yt ze sent me by Robeyn
yt ze thynke yt I xuld wryte to zow fablys and ymagynacyons
but I do not soo I haue wryt[ill] as yt haue be enformed me and
wulle do Jt was told me yt bothe Daubeney and Berney wer
dedee but for s?ten Daubeney is dede god afoyle hys sowle wher
of J ā rythe sery and yt had plefyd God yat yt mythe abe oder
wyffe Remēbyrzow ze haue had ij gret loffys wt tyne thys Towyle-
mo?th of h[ILL] and of Sr Thomas. God wyfyth zow as yt plefythe
h[ILL] Jn fudery wyfes he woole ze xuld knowe h[ILL] and f?ue hy
bettr yā ze haue do be for thys tyme and yā he wull send
zow ye mor gr?ce to do wele in ale other thynggs And for
goods loue remēbyr yt rythe welle and take yt pacyentely and
thanke god of hys vyfitacyon and yf ony thing haue be mysse
ony other wife yā yt howte to haue ben befor thys owther in
pryde or in laves expēcs or in eny other thing yat haue offendyd
god amend yt and pray hy of hys g?ce and helpe and entende
welle to god and to zo? neybors and thow zo? poor herastyr be
to aquyte hē of her maleys zet be mrsyfulle to thē and god xale
send zow ye mor g?ce to haue yor entrente in other thynggs I re-
mebyr thys clawsys be cause of ye laft lettr yt ze sent me I haue
sent to Hary Halmā of Sporylle to helpe to gete as ze desyerd
me and he cāne not gette passyd v or viij at the most and zet yt
wule not be but yf he cue yat ze truft upon yat xuld cue for
they long a p?te to h[ILL] and Ryschard Sharman hathe afayed on
hysp?te and he cae not gette paffyd v for thoo yat long to u? thei
long alfo to ot adu?sarys and they haue be desyerd be the and
they woold nowte do for he and ther they thynke to haue
magery of y? toder prte. As for ye lantylmā yat ye desyerd me
to speke wt I spake wt hys wyfe and sche told me he was not in
thys c[ILL]tr ner nowte woost wā he xuld be her and as for the tod?
mā he hath bowthe h[ILL] a liu'rry in Bromcholme Pryery and
haue geue upe ye word &c. It? as for mony I kowde gettee but
x li upon pledges and yt is spent for zor maters herfor paying of
zor mē yt wern at Caftr and other thynggs and I woot not wer
to gette non nowther for suerte n for pleggs And as for myn
owyn lyuelod J ā fso sympely payed ther of yt I fet me I xale be
sayn to borrow for my sylfe or ell to br?ke up howsold or bothe
as for ye zeddng of the place at Caftr J trowe Wretyll hathe told of
the paw temēts how ytts delyurd J woold yt had be so her
thys tyme and zither xuld not a be do so mykyle herte as ther
is in dyu?fe weyes For may of oe welewyllers arn putte to looffe
for ? saks And I fer me yt xale be long her yt be r?c[ILL]pensyd
ageyn and yt xale cause other to do ye leffe for vus her aftyr J
woold ze xuld zor brother word and fu other yt ze trufte to fee
to zor own lyelod to fette yt in a rule and to gadr ther of yt
may be had in bafte and also if Sr John Fastolf lycold yt may be
gadyrd in pefyble wife for as for Ryschard Calle he wulle no
mor gadyr yt but yf ze command h[ILL] and he woold sayn make
Hys.. . acowntte and haue zo good Maystyr Schepe as ytts told
me and delyu?e ye cuydens of bekkeh?m And alle other thynggs
yt longyth to zow yt he trusty the yt ze wylle be hys good mays
ter heraftyr. And he seethe he wylle not take non newe mast
tyle ze refuse hys suyse Remebyr yt zo lyuelod amy be fet in
foche a rule yt ye may knowe how ytts and wat is ownyn to zow
for be my feythe I have holpyn as mysche as I may And mor
sauyng my sylfe And therfor take hede er yt be weers Thys
lettr was begune on Fryday was vij nyhe And enddyd thys day
nexte afftyr Mychylmes day god kepe zow and yeue zow g?ce
to do as wele as J woold ze dede And I scharge zow be war yt
se fette no lond to morgatge for if eny auyse zow ther to they arn
not zo srendds be war be tymes myn auyse &c. J trow yor
brother wyll geve zow tydyngs in hassle.11 ? by 14
Paper Mark,
Bull?s Head and Star.
PL XXII. N. 13.This well written Letter of Margarut Palton to Sir John Palton, gives us an high opi-
nion of her good sense and prudent contur the is jully displeased with him for sup-posing, that the should knowingly send him false information; the good advice the gives
him flows from her own reliance upon God, and from her knowledge of mankind; the
laments her own inability to afift him with money, and recommends proper methods for
the increase of his livelihood.1 It was usual in these times for persons growing into years, to procure by purchase or
gift retreat in some grligious society, where, giving up all concern in wordly matters,
they passed the remainder of their time in prayer and consetion; some did it to sinith a
pure and unspotted life in place set apart for religion, where they should be free from
every wordly engagement; others undertook it as an atonement for their former evil deeds, with hope that it might insure their eternal welfare.2 Autograph PL IL No.25
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (2nd transcript)
To Sir John Pafton, in baffle, a matre
I Greet you well, and send you God?s blessing and mine, let-
ting you weet that me think by the Letter that ye sent me
by Robin, that ye think that I should write to you sables and
imaginations, but I do not fo, I have written as it have been
informed me, and will do; it was told me that both Dawbeney
and Berney were dead, but for certain Dawbeney is dead. God
affoil his Soul, whereof I am right soory, and it had pleased
God that it might have been otherwiefe.Remember you, ye have had two great loffes within this
twelvemonth of him, and of sir Thomas; God visiteth you as
it pleaseth him sundry wifes, he would ye should know him
and serve him better than ye have done before this time, and
then he will send you the more grace to do well in all other
things; and for God?s love remember it right well, and take it
patiently, and thank God of his visitation; and if any thing
have been amifs, any other wife than it ought to have been be-
fore this, either in pride, or in lavith expenses, or in any other
thing, that have offended God amend it, and pray him of his
grace and help, and intend well to God, and to your neighbours,
and though your power hereafter be to acquit them of their ma-
lice, yet be merciful to them, and God shall send you the more
grace to have your intent in other things. I remember there
clauses, because of the last Letter that ye sent me. I have sent to
Harry Halman, of Sporle, to help to get as ye desired me, and
he cannot get past five or eight at the most, and yet it will not be,
but if (unless) he come, that ye trust upon that should come for
they long (belong) apart to him. And Richard Sharman hath
assayed on his part, and he cannot get past five for those that long
to us, they long also to our adversaries, and they have been desired
by them, and they would nought do for them, and therefore
they think to have Margery (q? management) of the other part.As for the gentleman that ye desired me to speak with I spake
with his wife, and the told me he was not in this country, nor
nought wift when he should be here; and as for the other man
he has bought him a 1 Livery in Bromholm Priory, and have
given up the world, &c.Item, as for money I could get but ten pounds upon pledges,
and that is spent for your matters here, for paying of your men
that were at Caister, and other things, and I wot not where to
get non, neighter for surety nor for pledges; and as for mine
own livelihood, I am so simply paid thereof, that I fear me I
shall be sain to borrow for myself, or else to break up house-
hold, or both.As for the yielding of the place at Caister, I trow Writtil hath
told of the pawntements (appointments) how it is delivered, I
would that had been so ere this time, and then there should
not have been done so mickle hurt as there is in divers ways
for many of our well-willers are put to lofs for our sakes, and I
fear me it shall be long ere it be recompensed again, and that
shall cause others to do the lets for us hereafter.I would ye should (send) your brother word, and some other
that ye trust, to fee to your own livelihood to set it in a rule,
and to gather thereof that may be had in haste; and also of Sir
John Fastolf?s livelihood, that may be gathered in peaceable
wife, for Richard Calle he will no more gather it, but if
(unlefs) ye command him, and he would fain make his account,
and have your good mastership, as it is told me, and deliver the
evidence of Beckham, and all other things that longeth to you,
that he trusteth that ye will be his good master hereafter; and
he saith he will not take none new master till ye refuse his
service.Remember that your livelihood may be set in such a rule, that
ye may know how it is, and what is owen to you, for by my
faith, I have holpen as much as I may and more, saving myself,
and therefore take heed ere it be worse.This Letter was begun on Friday was few?night, and ended
this day next after Michaelmas day; God keep you, and give
you grace to do as weel as I would ye did, and I charge you be-
ware that ye set no land to mortgage, for if any advise you
thereto, they are not your friends; beware betimes mine advice,
&c. and I trow your Brother will give you tidings in haste.2 MARGARET PASTON.
Begun Friday and September,
ended Saturday 30th September,
1469, 9E.IV.This well written Letter of Margarut Palton to Sir John Palton, gives us an high opi-
nion of her good sense and prudent contur the is jully displeased with him for sup-posing, that the should knowingly send him false information; the good advice the gives
him flows from her own reliance upon God, and from her knowledge of mankind; the
laments her own inability to afift him with money, and recommends proper methods for
the increase of his livelihood.1 It was usual in these times for persons growing into years, to procure by purchase or
gift retreat in some grligious society, where, giving up all concern in wordly matters,
they passed the remainder of their time in prayer and consetion; some did it to sinith a
pure and unspotted life in place set apart for religion, where they should be free from
every wordly engagement; others undertook it as an atonement for their former evil deeds, with hope that it might insure their eternal welfare.2 Autograph PL IL No.25
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To Sir John Paston, in hast. A matre.
I GRETE zow wele, and send zow Godds blyssyng and
myn, letyng zow wete that me thynke be the letter that
ze sent me be Robeyn, that ze thynke that I xuld wryte
to zow fabyls and ymagynacyons; but I do not soo. I have
wrytyn as yt have be enformed me, and wulle do. It was told
me that bothe Daubeney and Berney wer dedee, but for serten
Daubeney is dede, God asoyle hys sowle; wher of I am rythe
sery, and yt had plesyd God that yt mythe abe other wysse.Remembyr zow, ze have had ij. gret lossys withyne thys
towylemonth, of hym and of Sir Thomas.3 God wysyth
[visiteth] zow as yt plesythe Hym in sundery wyses; He
woole ze xuld know Hym, and serve Hym better than ze have
do be for thys tyme, and than He wull send zow the mor
grace to do wele in ale other thynggs. And for Godds love,
remembyr yt rythe welle, and take yt pacyentely, and thanke
God of Hys vysitacyon; and yf ony thyng have be a mysse
ony other wyse than yt howte to have ben befor thys, owther
in pryde or in laves expences, or in eny other thyng that have
offendyd God, amend yt, and pray Hym of Hys grace and
helpe, and entende welle to God, and to zour neybors; and
thow zour poor heraftyr be to aquyte hem of her maleys, zet
be mersyfulle to hem, and God xale send zow the mor grace to
have your entente in other thynggs.I remembyr thys clawsys, be cause of the last letter that ze
sent me. I have sent to Hary Halman of Sporylle to helpe
to gete as ze desyerd me, and he canne not gette passyd v. or
viij. at the most, and zet yt wule not be but yf [unless] he
cume that ze trust upon that xuld cume, for they long a parte
to hym. And Ryschard Sharman hathe asayed on hys parte,
and he cane not gette passyd v.; for thoo that long to us, thei
long also to our adversarys, and they have be desyerd be them,
and they woold nowte do for hem, and ther for they thynke
to have magery of the toder parte.As for the jantylman that ye desyerd me to speke with, I
spake with hys wyfe, and sche told me he was not in thys
cuntre, ner nowte woost wan he xuld be her; and as for the
toder man, he hath bowthe [bought] hym a livery in Brome-
holme Pryery, and have geve upe the woord [world], &c.Item, as for mony, I kowde getee but xli. upon pledges,
and that is spent for zour maters her, for payeng of zour men
that wern at Caster, and other thynggs, and I woot not wer to
gette non, nowther for suerte ner for pleggs; and as for myn
owyn lyvelod, I am so sympely payed ther of that I fer me I
xale be fayn to borow for my sylfe, or ell[es] to breke up
howsold or bothe.As for the zeddyng [yielding] of the place at Caster, I trowe
Wretyll hathe told of the pawntements [appointments] how ytts
delyvered. I woold that [it] had be so her [ere] thys tyme,
and zan [then] ther xuld not a ben do so mykyle herte as ther
is in dyverse weyes; for many of our welewyllers arn putte
to loosse for our saks, and I fer me that [it] xale be long her
yt be recumpensyd ageyn, and that xale cause other to do the
lesse for vus her aftyr.I woold ze xuld [send] zour brother woord, and sum other
that ze truste, to see to zour owyn lyelod to sette yt in a rule,
and to gader ther of that may be had in haste, and also of Sir
John Fastolf lyoeld that may be gadyrd in pesybyle wyse. For
as for Ryschard Calle, he wulle no mor gadyr yt but yf ze
comaund hym, and he woold fayn make hys . . acowntte,
and have zour good maystyr schepe, as ytts told me, and
delyvere the evydens of Bekkeham, and alle other thynggs that
longyth to zow, that he trustythe that ze wylle be hys good
mayster heraftyr. And he sethe he wylle not take non newe
master tyle ze refuse hys servyse.Remembyr that zowr lyvelod may be set in soche a rule
that ye may knowe how ytts, and wat is owyn to zow; for be
my feythe I have holpyn as mysche as I may and mor, savyng
my sylfe, and therfor take hede er yt be weers.Thys letter was begune on Fryday was vij. nythe, and
enddyd thys day nexte afftyr Mychylmes Day. God kepe
zow, and yeve zow grace to do as wele as I woold ze dede;
and I scharge zow be war that ze sette no lond to morgage,
for if eny avyse zow ther to, they arn not zowr frendds. Be
war be tymes myn avyse, &c. I trow yowr brother wyll geve
zow tydyngs in haste.2 [From Fenn, iv. 396.] This is written, as will be seen, in reply to No. 725.
3 Sir Thomas Howes.
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