Margaret Paston to Sir John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Margaret Paston to Sir John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27445, f. 58
- Date
- 5 June 1472
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 803
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To Sir John Paston, Knythe, be thys delyverid.
IGRET zow welle, and send zow Godds blyssyng and myn,
latyng zow wet that I spakke with frends of myn with
yne thys fewe days that told me that I am leke to be
trobyld for Sir John Fastolles goodes, the whyche were in
zour fadyrs possessyon, and as for me I had never none of
them. Where fore I pray zow send me a kopy of the dysse-
charge whyche ze have of my Lord of Wynchester that ze
told me that ze had, bothe for my dyscharge and zowyrs wat
sum ever that be callyd upon of eyther of us here after. Item,
yt ys told me that Harry Heydon hat bowthe [bought] of the
seyd Lord bothe Saxthorpe and Tychewelle, and hathe takke
possessyon there in. We bette the busschysse and have the
losse and the disworschuppe and ether men have the byrds.
My Lord hathe falsse kownselle and sympylle, that avyseythe
hym thereto; and as yt ys told me, Guton ys leke to goo the
same wey in hast. And as for Heylysdon and Drayton, I
trow yt is ther yt schalle be. Wat schalle falle of the rem-
naunt, God kowythe,—I trow as evelle or whersse. We have
the losse among us. Yt owythe to be remembyrd, and they
that be defawty to have konsyens there in. And so mot I
thryve, yt was told me but latte that yt is seyd in kownselle
of them that ben at Caster, that I am leke to have but lytylle
good of Mauteby yf the Duke of Norfolke have possessyon
stylle in Caster; and yf we lesse that, we lesse the fayereste
flower of owr garlond. And ther for helpe that he may be
owte of possessyon there of in haste be myn a vyse, wat so
ever fortune here after. Item, yt is seyde here that my Lord
Archebysschoppe is ded; and yf yt be so, calle up on hys
sueretes for the mony that is owyng to us, in hast be myn
avyse; and at reverens of God helpe that I mythe be dys-
chargyd of the C. mark that ze wet of, owder be that mene or
sum other, for yt is to myche for me to bere, with other
charges that I have besyd, that I am to hevy wan I thynk up
on yt. As for your syster Anne, Master Godfrey and his
wyffe and W. Grey of Martyn, arn up on a powntment with
me and your brother John, so that ze wylle a gre there to and
be her good brother; sche schalle have to joyntor hys modyrs
lyvelod after the dyssese of her and her husbond, and I to pay
xli. be zere to the fynddyng of her and her husbond tylle cli.,
be payed. And yf hys grawntsyers lyvelod falle to hym here
after, he hathe promysed to amend her joyntyr. Master God-
frey hathe promysyd hym for hys parte xls. be zere, and than
lakkythe but iiij. nobyls of xx. mark be zere, the wyche they
hope ze wylle make upe for zour parte. Wylliam Grey told me
he schuld speke with zow here in wan he kam to London thys
terme. God kepe zow.Wretyn in hast on Fryday next after Sen Pernelle.1
Be your modyr.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It is evident that Henry Heydon’s purchase of
Saxthorpe, mentioned in this letter, must have been subsequent to his support of
Gurney in the possession of that manor, as mentioned in Letter 801. No doubt the
year is the same. The letter is endorsed by Sir John ‘Per matrem.’1 St. Petronilla the Virgin or St. Pernell. Her day was the 31st May.
JUNE 51472