I GRETE yow well and send yow Goddes blissyng and myne, letyng yow wete that your fermours have brought me a gret bille of reparacion, the which I send yow, with lxs. in mony. I wold have had the residue of the mony of them, and they said it was your agrement that this reparacion shuld be do and alowed now at this payment, and so I coud get no more mony of them. And they say that the parson2 was prevy to the reparacion. If ye were thus agreed and woll have the reparacion examined ye may send word; but I wold ye shuld purvey for your self as hastely as ye may, and come home and take heed to your owne and to myn therto, other- wise thanne ye have do bifore this, bothe for my profite and for yours, or ellis I shall purvey for my self otherwise in hast, so that I trust shall be more ease and avayle for me and non ease nor profite to yow in tyme to come. I have litell help nor comfort of non of yow yet, God geve me grase to have heraftir. I wold ye shuld assay whedir it be more profitable for yow to serve me thanne for to serve such masters as ye have servid afore this, and that ye fynde mooste profitable theraftir do in tyme to come. Ye have assayed the werld resonabilly, ye shall knowe your self the bettir heraftir. I pray God we may be in quyete and in rest with oure own from hens forth. My power is nat so good as I wold it were for your sake and other; and if it were, we shuld not longe be in
daungere. God brynge us oute of it; who have yow in His kepynge. Wretyn with onhertes ease the Monday next aftir Relike Sonday.
By your Modir.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter, although subscribed ‘By your mother,’ is neither signed nor addressed. It is, however, undoubtedly from Margaret Paston to her son Sir John. It is written in Pampyng’s hand, and seems to be of the same year as his own letter immediately preceding, which is dated on the same day.
2 Sir Thomas Howes.
1470 JULY 15