Margaret Paston to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Margaret Paston to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43490, f. 15v
- Date
- 5 March 1475
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 866; Fenn, Vol II, Edward IV item 64
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
On the back of the foregoing Letter is written by Mrs. Margaret
Paston (Pl. II. No 20.) to her Son, John Paston, the fol-
lowing:JOHN PASTON I send yow Godds blyssyng and myn letyng
yow wete yt I hadd non er thys lettyr than on Sent Matheus
evyn yf I myth a had an massenger or thys tym I had sent yt
yow I can yow thank for ye lettyr yt ye sent to my Cosyn Cal-
thorpp and me of the tydyngs I wold ye shuld do soo mor as
ye may remēbyr yt I spak to yow for ye xxti li for my Cosyn
Clere spek to yowr hunkyll therof and send me an answer
therof in hast and for ye 1 lycens yt I spak to yow for to have
ye Sacrement in my Chapell yf ye cannot getyt of ye Busshop of
Norwych getyt of ye Busshop of Caunterbery for yt ys most swyr
for all plase God kepe yow. Wretyn on Mydlent Sunday.Midlent Sunday,
5th of March, 1474,
15 E. IV.1 We are here informed that the Archbishop’s Licence was preferable to that of the
Diocesan, and seemed to have greater Privileges annexed to it. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
On the back of the foregoing Letter, is written by Mrs. Margaret
Paston, to her Son John Paston, the following.JOHN PASTON, I send you God’s blessing and mine, letting
you weet, that I had none ere this Letter than on Saint
Matthew’s even; if I might have had a Messenger ere this time
I had sent it you; I can you thank for the Letter that ye sent
to my Cousin Calthorp and me of the tidings; I would ye
should do so more. As ye may remember that I speak to you
for the 20l. for my Cousin Clere, speak to your Uncle thereof,
and send me an answer thereof in haste.And for the 1 Licence that I speak to you, for to have the
Sacrament in my Chapel, if ye cannot get it of the Bishop
of Norwich, get it of the Bishop of Canterbury, for that is
most sure for all places.God keep you. Written on Midlent Sunday.
Midlent Sunday,
5th of March, 1474,
15 E. IV.1 We are here informed that the Archbishop’s Licence was preferable to that of the
Diocesan, and seemed to have greater Privileges annexed to it. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
JOHN PASTON, I send yow Godds blyssyng and myn,
letyng yow wete, that I hadd non er thys lettyr than
on Sent Matheus Evyn; yf I myth a had an massenger
or thys tym I had sent yt yow. I con yow thank for the
lettyr that ye sent to my cosyn Calthorpp and me of the
tydyngs; I wold ye shuld do soo mor. As ye may remembyr
that I spak to yow for the xxtili. for my cosyn Clere, spek to
yowr hunkyll therof, and send me an answer therof in hast.
And for the lycens that I spak to yow for, to have the Sacre-
ment in my Chapell, yf ye cannot getyt of the Busshop of
Norwych, getyt of the Busshop of Caunterbery, for that ys
most swyr for all plase. God kepe yow.Wretyn on Mydlent Sunday.
1 [From Fenn, ii. 178.] This letter was written on the back of Letter 861.