Margaret Paston to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Margaret Paston to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34889, f. 8
- Date
- 8 June 1464
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 567; Fenn, Vol IV, Edward IV item 49
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (1st transcript)
To myn ryght Worshypful
he shond Iohn Paston be thys
delyveryd in haste.RYGHT Worshypful hosbond I rekomaund me on to you
plesyth you to wete that I sent yistrday Loveday to
Norwyche to speke wyth the 1 Vykyr of Derh'm for the mater
betwen mastr Constantyn and hym And he seyth yt as for that
mater mastr Constantyn sewyd hym for feyth and trowth brekyng
and he sewyd mastr Constantyn in the temp'all Curte uppon an
obligacion of x li. and her was made appoyntment be twen hem
by the advyce of bothe ther Conceylis be for mastr Rob' Popy yt
eche of hem shuld relece othyr and so they dede and the sewtys
wer wythdrawyn on bothe prtyes and jche of hem aquytau'ncyd
othyr and as for any Copy of the plee he had nevr non Ner he
ner mastr John Estegate yt was hys atrnay remembryth nat yt it
was regestryd And mastr John Estegate seythe if it schuld be
scergyd in the regestr it wolf take a fortenyght werk an yit
praventur nevr be the nerer. Syr Thom's Thom's 2 Howes hathe ben
ryght besy thys weke at Bloofeld in wrytyng and lokyng uppe
of ger and John Russe hathe ben wt hym ther the moste prte of
alle thys weke And thys daye was Rob' Lynne ther wt hym
what they have do I wote nat but I schal wete if I may It was
told me yt Syr Thom's desyryd of Iohn Russe to make hym a
new Jnventory of Sr Iohn Fastolffs goods Iohn Russe myght not
be spoke wt yit for the lettr yt he shuld a wretyn whych ye sente
me word of I'm it is tolde yt the Dwke yt the Dwke of 3 Suffolk is kome
home and owthyr he is ded or ellys ryght seke and not lyke to
eskape And Syr Iohn Howard is kome hom and it is seyd yt the
lord 4 Skalys and he have a Comyssyon to enquer whye they of
thys Cont' yt wer Sent for for kame not hastylar uppe afftyr they
wer sent for It is reportyd yt the kyng is gretly dyspleasyd ther
wt At the revrence of God arme yowr selve as myghtyly as ye
kan ageyn yowr 5 enmyes for I know verrayly yt they wyl do
ageyn yow as myghtyly as they kan wt all ther power it is told
me yt Syr Thom's shal kom uppe in haste and othyr suche as he
kan make for hys p'tye Also for goddys sake be war what me-
defyns ye take of any 6 fysissyans of London I schal nevr trust to
hem be cause of your fadr an myn Onkyl whoys sowlys God
Assoyle The blisssyd trynyte have yow in hys kepyng and sende
yow helthe and good spede in all yowr mat'ris Wretyn in haste
of the Fryday next befor sceynt Bernabye.By yowrs.
7 M. P.
Alle the Jentylmen of thys contre yt went uppe to the Kyng
ar contrmaundyd and ar com home ageyn. It is told me yt
8 Rowse of Suffolk is ded. If Iohn Gayn myght have any releese
of his sone if it myght do hym ese it wer a good torne for hym.11 1/2 by 8 1/2.
Paper Mark,
A Bugle Horn strung.
Pl. XXVII. No 15.This Letter was written in 1464, about the time that King Henry VI. was taken and
committed to the Tower, and order having been issued in May for the Subjects of this
kingdom to take arms and attend King Edward. The Commission of Enquiry seems to
relate to this order, which most probably was enforced for the more easy discovery of
the unfortunate Prince, who perhaps was by this time lodged in the Tower, as those
Gentlemen who had obeyed it, were now dismissed and returned home.1 Constantime Dalby was instituted to the Vicarage of East Derham, in 1451, and was
succeeded in 1456 by Robert Sheringham.2 J. Paston and Thomas Howes had at this time disagreed about the executorship of Sir.
John Fastolf's Will.3 John, Duke of Suffolk, did not die till 1491.
4 Anthony Widville was created Lord Scales in 1461.
5 These my either mean those Enemies which the affairs of Sir John Fastolf had caused
him, or those which the national disputes had occasioned.6 How her Father and her uncle had suffered from London Physicians does not appear.
7 Autograph Pl. II. No 25. Seal. Pl. XIV. No 4.
8 Reginald Rous, Esq. of Denington, in Suffolk, died in 1464, and from him the
present Sir John Rous, Bart, of Henham, in Suffolk, is lineally deseended. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (2nd transcript)
To mine right worshipful Hushand John Paston, be this
delivered in haste.RIGHT worshipful Husband, I recommend me unto you,
pleaseth you to weet that I sent yesterday Loveday to
Norwich to speak with the 1 Vicar of Dereham for the matter
between Master Constantine and him, for faith and truth
breaking, and he sued Master Constantine in the Temporal Court
upon an obligation of ten pounds and there was made an
appointment between them by the advice of both their Counsels.
before Master Robert Popy, that each of them should release
(the) other, and so they did, and the sureties were withdrawn on
both parties, and each of them acquittanced other; and as for any
Copy of the plea he had never none, nor he nor Master John
Estgate, that was his Attorney, remembereth not that it was
registered; and Master John Estgate saith, if it should be searched
in the Register it would take a fortnight's work, and ye t perad-
venture never be the nearer.Sir Thomas 2 Howes hath been right busy this week at Blo-
field, in writing and looking up of geer, and John Russe hath
been with him there the most part of all this week,, and this day
was Robert Lynne there with him; what they have done I wot
not, but I shall weet if I may.It was told me, that Sir Thomas desired of John Russe to
make him a new Inventory of Sir John Fastolf's Goods; John
Russe might not be spoken with ye t, for the Letter that the
should have written, which ye sent me word of.Item, it is told that the Duke of 3 Suffolk is come home and
either he is dead, or else right sick, and not like to escape; and
Sir John Howard is come home; and it is said that the Lord
4 Scales and he have a Commission to enquire, why they of this
country that were sent for, came not hastilier up after they were
sent for.It is reported that the King is greatly displeased therewith.
At the reverence of God arm yourself as mightily as ye canagainst your 5 enemies, for I know verily that they will do again
you as mightily as they can with all their power.It is told me that Sir Thomas shall come up in haste, and
other such as he can make for his party.Also for God's sake beware what Medicines ye take of any
6 Physicians of London; I shall never trust to them because of
your Farther and mine Uncle, whose Souls God assoil!The blessed Trinity have you in his keeping, and send you
health and good speed in all your matters. Written in haste,
on the Friday next before Saint Barnabas.By yours.
All the Gentlemen of this Country that went up to the King
are countermanded, and are come home again. It is told me that
8 Rous of Suffolk is dead; if John Gayn might have my release
of his Son, if it might do him ease, it were a good turn for him.Friday, 8th June.
1464. 4 E. IV.This Letter was written in 1464, about the time that King Henry VI. was taken and
committed to the Tower, and order having been issued in May for the Subjects of this
kingdom to take arms and attend King Edward. The Commission of Enquiry seems to
relate to this order, which most probably was enforced for the more easy discovery of
the unfortunate Prince, who perhaps was by this time lodged in the Tower, as those
Gentlemen who had obeyed it, were now dismissed and returned home.1 Constantime Dalby was instituted to the Vicarage of East Derham, in 1451, and was
succeeded in 1456 by Robert Sheringham.2 J. Paston and Thomas Howes had at this time disagreed about the executorship of Sir.
John Fastolf's Will.3 John, Duke of Suffolk, did not die till 1491.
4 Anthony Widville was created Lord Scales in 1461
5 These my either mean those Enemies which the affairs of Sir John Fastolf had caused
him, or those which the national disputes had occasioned.6 How her Father and her uncle had suffered from London Physicians does not appear.
7 Autograph Pl. II. No 25. Seal. Pl. XIV. No 4.
8 Reginald Rous, Esq. of Denington, in Suffolk, died in 1464, and from him the
present Sir John Rous, Bart, of Henham, in Suffolk, is lineally deseended. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To myn ryght worshypful hosbond, John Paston,
be thys delyveryd in haste.RYGHT worshypful hosbond, rekomaund me on to you.
Pleasyth you to wete that I sent yisterday Loveday to
Norwyche to speke wyth the Vykyr of Derham3 for
the mater betwen Master Constantyn and hym; and he seyth
that as for that mater, Master Constantyn sewyd hym for
feyth and trowth brekyng, and he sewed Master Constantyn
in the Temporall Curte uppon an obligacion of xli.; and ther
was made appoyntment be twen hem by the advyce of bothe
ther Conceylis, be for Master Robert Popy, that eche of hem
shuld relece othyr, and so they dede, and the sewtys wer wyth-
drawyn on bothe partyes, and iche of hem aquytauncyd othyr;
and as for any copy of the plee, he had never non, ner he ner
Master John Estegate, that was hys atornay, remembryth nat
that it was regestryd; and Master John Estegate seythe, if it
schuld be scergyd in the regester it wold take a fortenyght
werk, and yit peraventur never be the nerer.Syr Thomas Howes hathe ben ryght besy thys weke at
Blofeld, in wrytyng and lokyng uppe of ger, and John Russe
hathe ben with hym ther the moste parte of alle thys weke,
and thys day was Robert Lynne ther with hym; what they
have do I wote nat, but I schal wete if I may.It was told me that Syr Thomas desyryd of John Russe to
make hym a new inventory of Syr John Fastolffs goods. John
Russe myght not be spoke with yit, for the letter that he
shuld a wretyn, whych ye sente me word of.Item, it is tolde that the Dwke of Suffolk1 is kome home,
and owthyr he is ded, or ellys ryght seke, and not lyke to
eskape; and Syr John Howard is kome hom; and it is seyd
that the Lord Skalys2 and he have a comyssyon to enquer
whye they of this contre that were sent for kame not hastylar
uppe afftyr they wer sent for. It is reportyd that the Kyng is
gretly dyspleasyd ther with. At the reverence of God, arme
yowr selve as myghtyly as ye kan ageyn yowr enmyes, for I
know verrayly that they wyl do ageyn yow as myghtyly as
they kan with all ther power.It is told me that Syr Thomas shal kom uppe in haste,
and othyr, suche as he kan make for hys partye.Also for Goddys sake be war what medesyns ye take of
any fysissyans of London; I schal never trust to hem be cause
of your fadr and myn onkyl, whoys sowlys God assoyle.The blissyd Trynyte have yow in Hys kepyng, and sende
yow helthe and good spede in all yowr materis. Wretyn in
haste, on the Fryday next befor Sceynt Bernabye.By yowrs, M. P.
Alle the jentylmen of thys contre that went uppe to the
Kyng ar contrmaundyd, and ar com hom ageyn. It is told
me that Rowse of Suffolk1 is ded. If John Gayn myght
have any releese of his sone, if it myght do hym ese, it wer
a good torne for hym.2 [From Fenn, iv. 176.] The commission to Lord Scales and Sir John Howard
mentioned in this letter seems to have reference to a proclamation dated the 11th
May 1464, by which all men between the ages of sixty and sixteen were ordered to
attend the King. The date is confirmed by the reference in the postscript to the
death of ‘Rous of Suffolk,’ for Reginald Rous of Denington died in 1464. (See
Weever’s Funeral Monuments, p. 782.)3 Constantine Dalby was instituted to the Vicarage of East Dereham in 1451,
and was succeeded in 1458 by Robert Sheringham.1 John de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk.
2 Anthony Widville was created Lord Scales in 1461.?F.
1 Reginald Rous, Esq. of Denington, in Suffolk, died in 1464. He was the
ancestor of the present Earl of Stradbroke.JUNE 8