Margaret Paston to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Margaret Paston to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34888, f. 55
- Date
- 15 March 1451
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 182; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 27
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
To my Ryth worshipfull hosband, John Paston.
RITH wurchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow,
desiring hertily to her of yowr welfar; preying you to
wete that Herry Halmannys wif sent to me word on
Saterday last past that Prentys thretyth her hosbond sor, and
John Robyns, for suche thynges as Prentys seyth that they
haue donn ayens hym; he seyth he shall make hem so besy or
he leve hem that he shall make hem not wurth apeny; and
they ben aferd that he woll hold hem conuawnt if he have
powyr ther to. It is seyd her that the kyng shuld com in to
this contre, and sir Thomas Todenham and Heydon arn well
cheryeshid with hym. And also it is seyd they shall have as
grett rewill in this contre as evyr they hadde, and many more
folkes arn sory therfore than mery. Sir Thomas Todenhamys
man and Heydonys sowyn this sedde all abowte the contre,
that here maysteris shull cum hom in hast in here prosperite
and be als well att esse as ever they wer. As for that ye
dessyryd that I shuld enquyr wher any stuff is of yowris, I wot
not how to don ther with, for if ever wer aspyid that hath of
yowr stuff, and we had it from hym, other that have more ther
of wold ben ware be hym, and avoyd seche stuff as they have
of yowris. I suppose John Osbern shall tell yow whan ye com
hom agode meen to wete wher meche ther of is becom. Jamys
Gloys is ayen to Gressam and I suppose John Damme shall tell
yow what he hath donn ther. Yowr tenawntis wold fayn that
summe mene of yowris shuld abyde amongis hem, for they ben
in gred diswyr what they may do; the langage is so grett on
the tother party that it maketh the tenawntis sor afferd that ye
shuld not regoyse itt. I send to yow a letter be Colynys of
Frawnceys Costard what dedis he woll don. It was told me
also that the Lord Molyns was lyke to have aday ayens yow att
Thetford at the next assyse. On [one] that loueth yow ryth-
well told me how it was told hym so, and warnyd me therof in
secrete wyse. Itt is gode to ben war of ther falsed. I pray
yow that ye woll send me word in hast, if ye woll have red to
your levery as ye wer avysid, and if ye woll not, &c. And
also I pray yow that ye woll do bey ij. gode hattis for your
sonys for I can none getyn in this town. Mor tydynges can I
not send yow yett. The Holy Trinyte have yow in his
kepyng. Wretyn att Norwiche on the fyrst Monday of Lent.Yowris, M. P.
2 [Add. MS. 34,888, f. 55.] This letter would appear to be of the same year as
No. 184, written a fortnight later. Both letters speak of rumours that Tuddenham
and Heydon will regain their ascendency.MARCH 15
MARCH 15 - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
A.D. 1451, 15 March
[Add. MS. 34,888, f. 55]
This letter would appear to be of the same year as No. 150 of the general
series written nearly a fortnight later. Both letters speak of rumours that
Tuddenham and Heydon will regain their ascendency.To my Ryth worshipfull hosband, John Paston.
RITH wurchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd
me to yow, desiring hertily to her of yowr
welfar; preying yow to wete that Herry
Halmannys wif sent to me word on Sater-
day last past that Prentys thretyth her hosbond sor,
and John Robyns, for suche thynges as Prentys seyth
that they haue donn ayens hym; he seyth he shall
make hem so besy or he leve hem that he shall make
hem not wurth apeny; and they ben aferd that he woll
hold hem conuawnt if he have powyr ther to. It is
seyd her that the kyng shuld com in to this contre,
and sir Thomas Todenham and Heydon am well
cheryeshid with hym. And also it is seyd they shall
have as grett rewill in this contre as evyr they hadde,
and many more folkes am sory therfore than mery.
Sir Thomas Todenhamys man and Heydonys sowyn
this sedde all abowte the contre, that here maysteris
shull cum hom in hast in here prosperite and be als
well att esse as ever they wer. As for that ye des-
syryd that I shuld enquyr wher any stuff is of yowris,
I wot not how to don ther with, for if ever wer
aspyid that hath of yowr stuff, and we had it from
hym, other that have more ther of wold ben ware be
hym, and avoyd seche stuff as they have of yowris.
I suppose John Osbern shall tell yow whan ye com
hom agode meen to wete wher meche ther of is
becom. Jamys Gloys is ayen to Gressam and I
suppose John Damme shall tell yow what he hath
donn ther. Yowr tenawntis wold fayn that summe
mene of yowris shuld abyde amongis hem, for they
ben in gred diswyr what they may do; the langage
is so grett on the tother party that it maketh the
tenawntis sor afferd that ye shuld not regoyse itt.
I send to yow a letter be Colynys of Frawnceys
Costard what dedis he woll don. It was told me
also that the Lord Molyns was lyke to have aday
ayens yow att Thetford at the next assyse. On
[one] that loueth yow rythwell told me how it was
told hym so, and warnyd me therof in secrete wyse.
Itt is gode to ben war of ther falsed. I pray yow
that ye woll send me word in hast, if ye woll have
red to your levery as ye wer avysid, and if ye woll
not, &c. And also I pray yow that ye woll do bey ij.
gode hattis for your sonys for I can none getyn in
this town. Mor tydynges can I not send yow yett.
The Holy Trinyte have yow in his kepyng. Wretyn
att Norwiche on the fyrst Monday of Lent. Yowris,M. P.
1 Thomas de Kirkeby.