To my ryght worschipfull husbond, John Paston, in haste.
ITEM, it was tolde me thys day that Master John Salatt hathe made a serge in the regestre this monethe aftre the wylles and testements of suche as hought the maners of Heylesdon and Drayton this c. yere, and be that hathe they founde suche evidence as schal be gret strenghthyng to the Duks tittle, as it is seide. I undrestonde verely that Mastre John Salet is all on that partye, and no thyng with you.
Item, as for the bill that ye sent to Sir Thomas Howys touchyng on Edmond Carvyll and on Fraunces, I wote ner whether he had hem or nought, for he is not spoken with yett in the maters. As wee spede owr materys, we chall sende yow answers of them as hastely as we maye. At the reverense or God, spede ye yowr materys that ye maye come owte of that loggyng that ye ar in as hastely as ye maye, for I have non fansey with some of the felechipp. I tolde yow, as me thowth, I praye yow be ware, &c.
I praye yow yf it plese yow that I may be recommaundyd to my Lorde Percy, and to myn mastres, and to my Lorde Abott. And I pray God bryng yow and them owt of troble, and send yow good spede in alle yowr materys. Wretyn in hast, the Fryday next afor Michellmes.
Be yowr,
M. P.
Yf it plese yow to send aney thyng by the berer herof, he is trusty
2 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is apostyled in the handwriting of John Paston, and numbered ‘V’ at the head. As it refers to Paston’s dispute with the Duke of Suffolk about the manors of Hellesden and Drayton, it must belong to the year 1465. The reader will also perceive that it contains an allusion to John Paston’s imprisonment in the Fleet, and to my Lord Percy, who is mentioned in Letter 609, and who must have been a fellow-prisoner of Paston’s.
To get a copy [of] that he hath . . hed; notwith- standyng [I] wote well thei have found non such evidens as ye wene.
1465 SEPT. 27