Margaret Paston to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Margaret Paston to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27444, f. 83
- Date
- 29 October 1460
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 427
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
To my ryth welbelovyd brodyr, Clement Paston,
for to delyver to hys brodyr Jon, in haste.RYTH w[urshepfu]ll husbonde, I recomande me to yow.
Plesyth yow to weet that I receyvyd a lettyr on Seynt
Symondys evyn and J[w]d, that came frome Jon Paston,2
in the wyche lettyr he wrot that ye desyryd that I scholde do
Jon Paston or Thomas P[layter] looke in the gret standyng
chyste in on of the gret canvas baggys whyche standyth ageyns
the lokk, for the copys of the fals inqwest of ofys that was
fownde in Northefolk, and for the kopy of the comyssyon
that came to Jon Andrewys and Fylpot and Heydon, and othyr
thyngys towchynge the same mater, I have do. Jon Paston
sowte all iij. grete baggys in the seyd kofyr at ryth good leyser,
and he can non swhyche fynde. Plesyth it yow to remembre
ye sent me word in the fyrste lettyr that ye sent me, that ye
wolde that Playter scholde asent hem up to yow to London,
and I schewyd hym yowyr wryttyng howe that ye wrote to me
ther in. I suppose be cawse he purposyd to come up to
London hym selve hastely, he sent yow none answer ther of.
Rychard Calle tolde me that alle swhyche thyngys were
lefte with Hery Barbore at the Tempyle Gate when the last
terme was doo, and soo I sent yow worde in a lettyr whyche
was wretyn on the Twesday next aftyr Seynt Looke,3 and ther
in was an answer of all the fyrst lettyr that ye sent me. I sent
itt yow by yonge Thomas Elys. I sent yow anothyr lettyr by
Playter, the whyche was wretyn on Saterday4 last past.Item, I receyvyd a lettyr frome yow on Sonday,5 of the
wyche I sent yow an answher of ma lettyr on Seynt Symondes
Evyn and Jwde by Edmunde Clere of Stokysby; and as sone
as I hade the seyd lettyr on Sonday, I sent to Syr Thomas
Howes for the mater that ye desyryd that he scholde inqwer of
to Bokyng, and I sent a yene sethe to the seyd Syr Thomas for
to have knowlage of the same mater yestyrdaye, and I have non
answher of hym yet. He sent me worde he scholde do hys
part there in, but othyr answer have I none yet of hym. I
sende yow in a canvase bage, inselyd by Nycolas Colman, as
many of Crystofyr Hansonys acomptys as Jon Paston can fynde
ther as [where] ye sent worde that they were. Rychard Harbard
recomawndyth hym to yow, and prayth yowe that ye wole
wychesave to remembre the lettyr that scholde be sent fro my
Lorde of Warwyk to a man of hys beyng at Lowystofete; and
if it be not sent to hym, that it plese yow to do purvey that it
may be sent to hym in haste, if it maye be, as to morow ther
schall be keppyd a day at Bowunggey for Mastyr Fastolfys
londys be for the exchetore, and there schall be Wylliam
Barker and Rychard Call. Ye schall have knowlage in haste
what schall be do ther. And the blyssyd Trinite have yow in
Hys kepyng.Wretyn in haste at Norwyche on the Wednysday next aftyr
Seynt Symond and Jwde,Be yowyr M. P.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The date of this letter is ascertained by the state-
ment at the end that, on the morrow, a ‘day’ was to be kept at Bungay for Fastolf’s
lands. The inquisition on Fastolt’s lands in the county of Suffolk was held at Bungay
on Thursday before All Saints, 39 Henry VI., i.e. 30th October 1460.—(Inquisitions
post mortem, 38 and 39 Hen. VI., No. 48.)2 The elder son of that name.
3 See No. 423. 4 October 25th. 5 October 26th.
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OCT. 29