Margaret Paston to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Margaret Paston to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27444, f. 139
- Date
- 3 May 1465
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 579
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To my ryght wyrshypfull husband, John Paston,
be thys delyveryd in hast.RYGHT wyrshipful husbond, I recomaunde me unto
you. Pleasyd you to wyte that I have spokyn thys
wyke with dyvers of youre tennaunts of Drayton and
put hem in comfort that all shalbe well hereafter by the grace
of God; and I fyle well by hem that they wylbe ryght glad
to have ayen there olde mayster, and so wold they all except
j. or ij. that be fals shrewys. And thys next wyke I purpose
on Wensday or Thursday to be at Haylesdon, and to a byde
ther a wyke or ij., and send oure men aboute to gedere money
at Drayton and Haylesdon; and yf ye wyll I woll do kepe a
corte at Drayton or I com thens. I pray yow send me word
how ye wyll that I doo there in. I recevyd ij. letters from
you of Nicholl Tolman yesterday, werin ye desyre that we
shuld purvey for your malte and barley; and soo shall we
doo as well as we cann, and send you word howe that we may
doo therewith in hast.Item, yesterday Master Phylyp1 toke Dorlets hors uppon
Drayton lond as they went to the plowe for the hole yere
ferm; and as it ys told me the tenaunts of Drayton tolde
hym that he dyde hym wrong to make hym pay for the hole
yere, for non of the tenaunts had payd hym but for the di’
[half] yere and he say thohg they had not payd but for the di’
yere, Paston shuld pay for the other di’ yere, and for moo
yers also yf he lyvyd. But I trow to gyte Dorlet ayen hys
hors or els Mr. Phylyp ys lyke to be unhorssyd ons, and we
lyve all. Your son2 shall com hom to moryn, as I trowe, and
as he demenyth hym hyr after I shall lete you have knowlych;
and I pray you thynk not in me that I wyll supporte hym ne
favour hym in no lewdnesse, for I wyl not. As I fynd hym
hereafter, soo I wyll lete you have knowlych. I have put
your evydens that com owte of the abbay3 in a seck and
enseylyd hem under Ric. Call ys seall that he shal not say
but they eryn as he left hem; but as for the place where
they ern kypt he hath no knowlych . . . . . . . .
. . . As for the gentylwoman that ye wrote to me for yn
youre lettere, I . . . . . . . . . . . . there,
yf it lykyd all folks as well as it shold doo me, I trow
. . . . . . . a bowte yf her frends were as well a
gryed therto, and as they . . . . . . . . parte,
yf ye wyll that it be movyd of more hereafter I wyll
. . . . . . . . wyll make a newe parson, at Dray-
ton. Also it ys sayd that . . . . . . . . there,
by cause it hath stond so long voyd; yet and any sh. . . .
. . . had lever that he com in by the Byshop then by a
. . . . . . . . doo therein yf ye wyll send hom
any presentacion selyd . . . . . . . . we shall a
say to gyte som gode priste and sette hym . . . .
. . . . Wryten in haste at Caster on Holy Rode Day &c.As . . . . . . . doo therein as well as I cann.
I have gyte a replevyn . . . . . . . . CC shype,
and yf they may not be hadde ayen, then he grau[nteth]
. . . . . . . . We fynd hym ryght gode in that
we desyre of him for you, and therfore yf it lyke you I wold
he were th . . . . . .2 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] Holy Rood Day, on which this letter is dated,
commonly means the 14th of September (feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross).
Here I suspect it is the 3rd May (Invention of the Holy Cross), as the contents of
the letter suit that date in the year 1465. It will be seen that Margaret Paston dates
from Caister, and proposes next week to be at Hellesden. Her next letter, dated the
10th May, is from Hellesden, and shows that she carried out the intention here ex-
pressed of sending men to collect money at Drayton, and had left her eldest son at
Caister to keep the place. There is also a close agreement between that letter and
this, in what is said about the demeanour of the tenants and Mr. Philip’s conduct.
The apostyle of this letter, as of the preceding, is in the hand of John Paston, very
ill written, and occasionally ambiguous.1 Philip Lipgate, the Duke of Suffolk’s bailiff.
2 Sir John Paston.
3 See No. 561.
perter ij.1465
MAY 3Malt,
barly.Dorlat et
M.P.J. P., sen.
prioris (?)1465
MAY 3Data
cione (?)
pro ovibus