Declaration by Robert Mill, John Hobbes, John Claryngton, Thomas Davy, John Brygge, John Watyr, and William Parson, tenants of the manor of Marlyngford, before the Abbot of St. Benet’s, John [R]adclyf Fywater,2 Mr. John Smyth, Robert Ippeswell, William Lomnor, John Paston, Esq., William Yelverton, senior, John Coke, alderman, William Bastard, gentleman, and William Fuller, that they have always held of the manor in the name of Agnes Paston, daughter, and one of the heirs of Edmund Bery, Knt., and in her name only, till Saturday [21 Aug.] before St. Bartholomew Apostle, 19 Edw. IV., when her son, William Paston, desired them to attorn to him without showing writing or evidence.
Done in the parlour of John Cooke, 26 Aug., 19 Edw. IV. Signed: ’Thomas, Abbot of Seynt Benettes of Hulme.’—’J. Radclyff Fytzwauter.’— ’John Smyth, clerk.’—’Robert Ipeswell.’—’Will. Lomnor.’—’W. Yelverton.’ —’John Cook.’—’Will’m Bastard.’—’Will. Fuller.’
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.]
2 John Radcliff, son and heir of Sir John Radcliff, called Lord Fitzwalter in No. 450 (vol. iii.). He was summoned to Parliament as Lord Fitzwalter in the first year of Henry VII.
AUG. 26