Lord Scales to the Council of the Duke of Norfolk
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Lord Scales to the Council of the Duke of Norfolk
- Reference
- Add. 34889, f. 76A
- Date
- 10 April 1469
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 706; Fenn, Vol IV, Edward IV item 82
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (1st transcript)
WYRSHYPFULL and my ryght gode frend J comaund
me to you And where as J am enformed that my lorde
of Norff p'tendeth title to serteyn londys of S' John Pastons
whych were late of S' John Fastolf it is sayd that by the
Comaundement and supportacyon of my sayd lord sertayn hys
s'unts felleth wode maketh grete wast and destrayned the ten'nts
of the seyd lands to the grete damage of the seyd Sr Iohn
Paston and hys sayd ten'nts And also that my sayd lord entend-
yth to entre sertayn places of the same And for asmoch as
maryage ys fully conculuded by twyx the seyd Sr Iohn Paston
and on of my nerrest kynneswomen J dout not that your reason
wele Conceyueth that nature must Compelle me the rather to
shewe my gode wylle assystens and favor unto the seyd Sr Iohn
in such thyngs as concerne hys enheryt'ns and because J am on
of my said lordys Councayll and must and will tendre hys honor
J hertely p'y you that it may lyke you to advrtyse and avyse my
sayd lord and yourys that all such entres sellyng of wode de-
straynyngs of ten'nts and all such maters lyke touchyng the sayd
londes or any part of them be cessyd unto such tyme as a reson-
sonabell meane may be sounde by my sayd lords counsayll my
lord my faders and other cousyns and frendes of my seyd kyn-
neswoman thys next terme as may be to my sayd lordys hono"
and to the sauyng of the ryght tytle of the seyd Sr John Paston
Our thys I p'y you that ye wille enforme my gode frend Iames
Hobard of the p'mysses that he may advertyse my seyd lord in
lyke wyse and that ye will yeve credens unto William Paston
and J shal be welwilled to do that may be to your plesur wt
godds mercy. ffro Westmynstre the x day of Apryll. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (2nd transcript)
WORSHIPFUL and my right good Friend, I commend
me to you, and whereas I am informed that my Lord
of Norsolk pretendeth title to certain lands of Sir John Paston's
which were late of Sir John Fastolf, it is said that by the com-
mandment and supportation of my said Lord, certain his servants
felleth wood, maketh great waste, and distrained the tenants of
the said tenants ; and also that my said Lord intendeth to
enter certain places of the same ; and for as much as marriage
is fully concluded betwixt the said Sir John Paston and one of
my nearest kinswomen, I doubt not that your reason well con-
ceiveth, that nature must compel me the rather to shew my good
will, assistance, and favour unto the said Sir John in such things
as concern his inheritance ; and because I am one of my said
Lord's counsel, and must and will tender his honour ; I heartily
pray you that it may like you to advertise and advise my said
Lord and yours, that all such entries, felling of wood, distrain-
ing of tenants, and all such matters like, touching the said lands
or any part of them, be ceased unto such time as a reasonable
mean may be found by my said Lord's counsel, my Lord my
father's and other cousins and friends of my said kinswoman this
next term, as may be to my said Lord's honour, and to the sav-
ing of the right title of the said Sir John Paston.Over this I pray you that ye will inform my good friend
James Hobart of the premisses, that he may advertise my said
Lord in like wise ; and that ye will give credence unto William
Paston, and I shall be well willed to do that may be to your
pleasure, with God's mercy.From Westminster, the 10th day of April.
Monday, 10th of April.
1469. 9 E. IV.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
WYRSHYPFULL and my ryght gode frend, I
comaund me to you. And where as I am en-
formed that my Lorde of Norffolk pretendeth title
to serteyn londys of Sir John Pastons whych were late of Sir
John Fastolf, it is sayd that by the comaundement and sup-
portacyon of my sayd Lord, sertayn hys servaunts felleth
wode, maketh grete wast, and destrayned the tenants of the
seyd lands, to the grete damage of the seyd Sir John Paston
and hys sayd tenants; and also that my sayd Lord entendyth
to entre sertayn places of the same. And for asmoch as
maryage ys fully concluded by twyx the seyd Sir John Paston
and on of my nerrest kynneswomen, I dout not that your
reason wele conceyveth that nature must compelle me the
rather to shewe my gode wylle, assystens, and favour unto the
seyd Sir John in such thyngs as concerne hys enherytans.
And because I am on of my said Lordys councayll, and must
and will tendre hys honour, I hertely pray you that it may
lyke you to advertyse and avyse my sayd Lord and yourys,
that all such entres, fellyng of wode, destraynyngs of tenants,
and all such maters lyke touchyng the sayd londes or any part
of them, be cessyd unto such tyme as a resonabell meane may
be founde by my sayd Lords counsayll, my Lord my faders1
and other cousyns and frendes of my seyd kynneswoman thys
next terme, as may be to my sayd Lordys honour, and to the
savyng of the ryght tytle of the seyd Sir John Paston.Over thys I pray you that ye wille enforme my gode frend
James Hobard of the premysses, that he may advertyse my
seyd Lord in lyke wyse; and that ye will yeve credens unto
William Paston, and I shal be welwilled to do that may be to
your plesur, with Godds mercy.Fro Westmynstre, the x. day of Apryll.
1 [From Fenn, iv. 322.] This and the following letter were printed by Fenn
from contemporaneous copies, written on the same paper without signature or address.
On the back, however, is the following memorandum:—’Copea literz Dñi de Scales;’
to which has been added in a later handwriting: ‘ad Concilio Duc’ Norff’ et aliis
(sic) in favore J. Paston mil. eo quod maritaret cognata suam Annā Hawte.’ The
date is clearly in the year 1469, when the Duke of Norfolk laid claim to Caister.1 Richard Woodville, Earl Rivers.