Lord Molyns to the Tenants of Gresham
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Lord Molyns to the Tenants of Gresham
- Reference
- Add. 43488, f. 52
- Date
- 24 March 1449
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 86; Fenn, Vol I, Henry VI item 49
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (1st transcript)
To my trusty and wel belovyd the Vycary and Tenaunts of my
Lordschepe of Gressham.TRUSTY and welbeloved Frendys I grete yowe well,
and putte yowe all owte of doute for all yt ye have doon
for me, and the money that ye pay to my welbeloved srvñt
John Partrich I will be your warant as for your discharge and
save yowe harmeles ayenst all thoo yt wold greve yōwe, to my
power.And as hertly as I can I thanke yowe of the gud wyl ye
have had and have toward me, and as to the tytyll of rigth
yt I have to the Lordship of Gressam schal with in short tyme
be knoweyn, and be the lawe so determynyd that ye schall
all be glad yt hath ought me youre gud wyll yrin.And All myghty God kepe yowe and be his g’ce I schall be
wt yowe son aftyr the Parlement es endyd.Wrytten atte London on Oure Lady evyn last past.
11 ¾ by 5 ½.
R. H
L. Molyns.Paper Mark,
A Bunch of Grapes.
Pl. IX. No 14.21 st of March.
Before 1460, 39 H. VI.This Letter is subscribed by Robert Hungerford, Lord Molyns, and contains nothing
worthy of its being preserved, exclusive of its being the private Letter of a Nobleman of
so remote a period.The Subscription however is particular, as he uses the Initial Letters of both his
Christian Name and Family Title, and then writes Lord Molyns.Robert Hungerford, was Lord Hungerford by descent, and was summoned to Parlia-
ment in 1435, as Lord Molyns, in right of his wise Eleanor, Daughter and Heir of
William, Lord Molyns. Pl. II. No 13.There is nothing which ascertains the date of this Letter, farther than that Thomas,
Lord Hungerford. succeeded his brother Robert, and was beheaded in the reign of Ed-
ward IV. for being in arms in favour of Henry VI. it is probable therefore that this
was written before 1460. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (2nd transcript)
To my trusty and well beloved, the Vicary and Tenants of my
Lordship of Gresham.TRUSTY and well beloved Friends, I greet you well,
and put you all out of doubt for all that ye have done
for me; and the money that ye pay to my well beloved Servant
John Partrich I will be your warrant as for your discharge, and
save you harmless against all those that would grieve you to my
power.And as heartily as I can, I thank you of the good will ye
have had, and have towards me; and as to the title of right
that I have to the Lordship of Gresham (it) shall within short
time be known, and by the law so determined, that ye shall
all be glad that hath ought me your good will therein.And Almighty God keep you, and by his grace I shall be
with you soon after the Parliament is ended.Written at London, on Our Lady even last past.
Lord MOLYNS.11 ¾ by 5 ½.
Paper Mark,
A Bunch of Grapes.
Pl. IX. No 14.21 st of March.
Before 1460, 39 H. VI.This Letter is subscribed by Robert Hungerford, Lord Molyns, and contains nothing
worthy of its being preserved, exclusive of its being the private Letter of a Nobleman of
so remote a period.The Subscription however is particular, as he uses the Initial Letters of both his
Christian Name and Family Title, and then writes Lord Molyns.Robert Hungerford, was Lord Hungerford by descent, and was summoned to Parlia-
ment in 1435, as Lord Molyns, in right of his wise Eleanor, Daughter and Heir of
William, Lord Molyns. Pl. II. No 13.There is nothing which ascertains the date of this Letter, farther than that Thomas,
Lord Hungerford. succeeded his brother Robert, and was beheaded in the reign of Ed-
ward IV. for being in arms in favour of Henry VI. it is probable therefore that this
was written before 1460. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
To my trusty and wel belovyd, the Vycary and Tenaunts
of my Lordschepe of Gressham.TRUSTY and welbeloved frendys, I grete yowe well, and
putte yowe all owte of doute for all that ye have doon
for me; and the money that ye pay to my welbeloved
servaunt, John Partrich, I will be your warant as for your
discharge, and save yowe harmeles ayenst all thoo that wold
greve yowe, to my power. And, as hertly as I can, I thanke
yow of the gud wyl ye have had, and have, toward me. And
as to the tytyll of rigth that I have to the Lordship of Gressam
schal with in short tyme be knoweyn, and be the lawe so
determynyd, that ye schall all be glad that hathe ought me
youre gud wyll therin.And All Myghty God kepe yow; and, be His grace, I
schall be with yowe son aftyr the Parlement es endyd.Wrytten atte London, on Oure Lady evyn last past.
1 [From Fenn, i. 192.] Lord Molyns took possession of Gresham, as already
shown—see page 94, note 1,—on the 17th of February 1448; but the reference to
Parliament as sitting at the date of this letter proves it to belong either to 1449 or
1450. The latter date, however, is not very probable.APRIL 2