1 Letter to Sir Robert de Plumpton, 24 May 1416 (CB, 378)
Unto the worshipfull & reuerent Sir, Monsire Robert de Plompton, steward of the forest of Knaresburgh, or to his deputies, William Bedale, mercer, Richard Bellingham, mercer, John Vnthanke, spicer, William Garnet, bower, Thomas Constable, fletcher, & Thomas Lincolne, citizens of Yorke, send honor & reuerence. For als mekill als an John of Lawe, chapman, sold unto Richard Clerk of Burebrig a pak with diuers mercery therein & a horse for xxie nobles of the kings coyn, on Thursday next after St Elen Day last past, in the towne of Burebrig, als wee are fully by true men enformed; and for als mekill als it is needfull & necessary thing to all Christen men to record & beare witness to the soth, we do ye to witt that the gude quilke the foresaid John sold att Burebrig was his awen proper gude, and leley and truly bought & sold; and a gude man of name and fame euer that was & is halden among us, and for non other neuer that was halden ne reccond. And this witnesse we by this our present letter, written & seald att Yorke, the xxiiij day of May in the yeare of King Henry fift after the Conquest of England, fourth.a
a Appended: This letter hath six seales. Copied 3 February. 1615.