Joyce Parmenter to George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Joyce Parmenter to George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/96
- Date
- 30 January 1482
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 75
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
No year or month is mentioned in this letter, but the promise of the buyer of
wool to fetch it away within the fourteen days after Candlemas fixes it as written
on January 30. The reference to the death of old Richard Cely as recent news,
fixes the year as 1482.Ryghte worshipfull master I recomande me unto yow lattyng
yow wyt that I have reseyvyd ij letters that cam frome yow be the
whiche wryttyng I onderstond my mayster yowr fader is descesyd
on whose sowle God have mercy lattyng yow wyt that your woll &
fell ar in good sawte we lak no thyng but onely pelt & fer we can
have none her onder xxli d. a dosen if it please yow to send me
Ml wt next schippyng that comys betwene I wolde pray yow Also
your broder Dalton hathe promysyd me Mc pelt that he hathe
boghte in Flawnders thay be not suffisient Also I lat yow wyt that
Bottrell hathe brok up a wyndew of the west syde off your wol-
howse & ther he hathe caste in horsse donge upon your sellers I
dyd mak a man wt a donge fork in his honde to caste the donge
asyde Bottrell cam in & tuk the forke fro hym & bete hym wele
& inthryftyle I seynge hes uncurtess delynge I prayd John
Ekynton Robert Turney John Ellyrbek & Wylliam Hyll wt moo to
breke faste in your chamber for this entent to see the hurtes &
harms he dyd yow uppon your goodes that thay myghte beyr record
one other day what so ever ye wold sey therto Doyng yow to wyt
that ther be no holanderes come unto ther day that ther byll was
mayd & than ther cam one cartt. Also I latt yow wyt that your
broder Dalton hathe solde xj sarpleres of woll to a mann off
Brgges & he hathe mayd promyse to be here wt in xiiij days after
candylmess to fet thayme away & he hathe promysid to helpe yow
of lli of caruluss grottes for xvj d in ther pownd change [I can no
more to yow at thys tyme but]a Also I lat yow wyt that Charles
hathe offyrd viijli flemyshe for Bayerd your horse I have grantyd
hym for ixli wharfor I pray yow to send me word how ye wyl be
disposid therin also I lat yow wyt ther ye go & ete puddynges the
woman is withe child as I onderstond Also I pray ze to purvay yow
off cottys for we can have none onder ijs iiijd the rasur and to purvay
you bothe of whete vj rasures I can no more to yow but I beseche
yow to recomande me to my good maystres your modir to all my
maysters your brethyrne & to Hankun & all your howsehold is in
savety blissid be Jesu who preserve you bothe body & sowle.At Calice xxxti day of
Be your servaunt
Joysse Parmenter.
Addressed: To my ryghte worshipfull mayster
George Seely in Marke Layne in
London thys byll be delyvered in
goodly haste.a The words between the brackets are crossed out.
a Lord Hastings, afterwards executed by Richard III. He was made
Chamberlain of the Exchequer, June 7, 1472, and Master of the Mint and Keeper
of the Exchange in the Tower and at Calais, January 8, 1477.