John Yeme to Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Yeme to Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/86
- Date
- 11 June [?1466]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 81; Kingsford, Vol I, item 81
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
11 JUNE [? 1466]
Since Frende was still bailiff in Dec., 1465—see p. 79 below—the year is
probably 1466. From the reference to Plympton and Trematon Courts it
would seem likely to be of about the same date as the Articles—No. 79.
Thomas Stonor was apparently in London in May, 1466—see pp. 79, 80;
but the date may possibly be 1467. For Yeme as bailiff, see further No. 126.
For Thomas Horne, see Nos. 64 and 82; and for Menwynnek, see No. 126.27
From A.C., xlvi, 86.28Rygth Reverent Mayster, y recomand me unto yowe, desyryng to
here of yower wellefare and prosperyte of body and sawle, besekyng
Almyзthy Jhesu preservy hit unto his plesure and to yower worly wor-
schyppe and herte ys desyre. Furdermore, as for the accion of sewryte
of pese, the wycche Thomas Horne hathe ayenst me, y have aperyd
therto and have y-putte yn iij seuryteys, John Kyrton ys on, John
Frende of Seynte Jely's parysche ys the secunde, and a cosyn of myn
ys the thirde. And y hadde myche labur to gete me a weye. Fuder-
more, Walter Frende recomandes hym to yower good maisterchyppe,
and he wolle pray yowe to sende hym worde wher to Mylle of
Ermyngton29 schall be y-koweryn with stone or strawe, and wher he
schall ordeyne any haye ayenst yower comyng. Y wold have come
home to your maisterchyppe, but y have y-taryd vij dayys yn London
apon you: for the osteler tellyd me that ye wolde have y-be ther atte the
begynnyng of the terme. All so y have y-bofte me a hors atte London,
for y loste my hors ful falsly and untreuly apon the waye, as I tryste to
Godde to enforme yower maysterchyppe and ever y may speke with
yowe. And y have y-spende mycche mony to gete me awaye fro the
Marschall ys warde: for y was comyttyd ynto his warde, but yette y
thanke Godde and ffrende men for. All so Ric. Fortescu ffaryth ffowle
with Walter Frende and me, and layyth his men yn awayte to murder
me when y was laste atte Ermyngton atte Corte: and all ys for by
cawse y wolde notte suffry hym to have his yntente at Plympton Corte:
but y tryste he schal never have non yntente ayenste them that he
sewyth ther. And as for the Corte of Tremeton, y have mycche laburr
ther; but yette y have notte geffe no ple ther, for he ys asoynyd ij
tymys a rewe yn his oune pleynte. And that sawe y never yn no place
but ther: but that ys Menwynnycke, a felow of Corte of his, ys doyng,
the whycche ys Steward ther. No more to yowe atte thys tyme. And
Jhesu preservy yow yn his blessyd kepyng, Amen. Y-wrytyn atte Lon-
don on Seynte Barnebe y Evyn yn all haste.By yower pore servant John Yeme.
To my Reverent Mayster Thomas Stonor, Esquyer, thys letter be
y-dylyveryd in all haste. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
11 JUNE [? 1466]
Since Frende was still bailiff in Dec., 1465—see p. 79 below—the year is
probably 1466. From the reference to Plympton and Trematon Courts it
would seem likely to be of about the same date as the Articles—No. 79.
Thomas Stonor was apparently in London in May, 1466—see pp. 79, 80;
but the date may possibly be 1467. For Yeme as bailiff, see further No. 126.
For Thomas Home, see Nos. 64 and 82; and for Menwynnek, see No. 126.
From A.C., xlvi, 86.Rygth Reverent Mayster, y recomand me unto yowe, desyryng to
here of yower wellefare and prosperyte of body and sawle, besekyng
AlmyЗthy Jhesu preservy hit unto his plesure and to yower worly wor-
schyppe and herte ys desyre. Furdermore, as for the accion of sewryte
of pese, the wycche Thomas Horne hathe ayenst me, y have aperyd
therto and have y-putte yn iij seuryteys, John Kyrton ys on, John
Frende of Seynte Jely’s parysche ys the secunde, and a cosyn of myn
ys the thirde. And y hadde myche labur to gete me a weye. Fuder-
more, Walter Frende recomandes hym to yower good maisterchyppe,
and he wolle pray yowe to sende hym worde wher to Mylle of
Ermyngton schall be y-koweryn with stone or strawe, and wher he
schall ordeyne any haye ayenst yower comyng. Y wold have come
home to your maisterchyppe, but y have y-taryd vij dayys yn London
apon you: for the osteler tellyd me that ye wolde have y-be ther atte the
begynnyng of the terme. All so y have y-bofte me a hors atte London,
for y loste my hors ful falsly and untreuly apon the waye, as I tryste to
Godde to enforme yower maysterchyppe and ever y may speke with
yowe. And y have y-spende mycche mony to gete me awaye fro the
Marschall ys warde: for y was comyttyd ynto his warde, but yette y
thanke Godde and ffrende men for. All so Ric. Fortescu ffaryth ffowle
with Walter Frende and me, and layyth his men yn awayte to murder
me when y was laste atte Ermyngton atte Corte: and all ys for by
cawse y wolde notte suffry hym to have his yntente at Plympton Corte:
but y tryste he schal never have non yntente ayenste them that he
sewyth ther. And as for the Corte of Tremeton, y have mycche laburr
ther; but yette y have notte geffe no ple ther, for he ys asoynyd ij
tymys a rewe yn his oune pleynte. And that sawe y never yn no place
but ther: but that ys Menwynnycke, a felow of Corte of his, ys doyng,
the whycche ys Steward ther. No more to yowe atte thys tyme. And
Jhesu preservy yow yn his blessyd kepyng, Amen. Y-wrytyn atte Lon-
don on Seynte Barnebe y Evyn yn all haste.By yower pore servant John Yeme.
To my Reverent Mayster Thomas Stonor, Esquyer, thys letter be
y-dylyveryd in all haste.