[? 8 JULY, 1481]
This was probably written after the death of William Harleston on 4 Nov., 1480 (see note on No. 260). So 1481 is possible, but it may be later. The writer is perhaps the John Yaxley or Yaksley, who was a lawyer and was made a Sergeant-at-law in 1495 (Chron. Lond., p. 208). From A.C., xlvi, 223.
Ryght reverent and worshipfull Sere, I recomaund me to Зou &c. Sere, my Mastres Harlston recomaundyth here to Зou: and I am sure she wilbe glad iff I tell here of Зour prosperous welfare, whan I come home: for in good feyth, sere, she was verry ffull off thought and ferd lest Зe had ben sore seke or gretly diseasid, be cause she cowd not here from Зour good Mastership many a day. Wherfor she desired me feythfully þat I shuld inquere of Зour welfare, of þe whech I have herd at London þe certente, thankyd be Jhesu, ho have Зour seid worshipful mastership in kepyng. Wreten at London, þe mornyne next after Seint Thomas Day with þe rude hand of Зour feyþefull servaunt, hos name is John
To my ryght reveren[t and] worshipful master Sere Willm. Stoner, in hast