To my ryght wyrshypfull mayster, Sir John Paston, be thys letter delyveryd.
PLEASE it your maistershyp to wyte, uppon Satourday last, Mayster Wyll. Paston and I werre with my Lord the Byshoppe of York, and enformyd hys Lordshyp of the entre that was made at Haylesdon in the Duk of Suffolks name. And my Lord asked of ous whether the C. marc wer payd or not, and we awnswered that it was payd many day a goon. And than he sayd, ‘I dar swer uppon a boke that the Duchesse of Suffolk hath no knowlych therof.’ And so he comaundyd ous to a wayte uppon hym, for he wold be at London a yen uppon Tewysday next; and soo we have non awnswer as yet.
Item, I have spoken with Mayster Robert Kent for your maters, and byddeth that ye shold not dowte therof; and as for the neglygens of your wytnes, Mayster Robert sayth it ys but a jape, and shall be no hurt. And the copys therof wer deliveryd or than I cam horn from Parker ys hands, and that causyd me to spake no word to hym therof.
Item, the Lord Scales sayd at a soper wher as he soped within thys iiij. nyztys that he wold ryde home and enter in ij. fayre maners in hys contray, and desyred Stanhope that shall wed Gernyngham ys suster to ryde with hym. I suppose it be to entre in to Caster and Cotton; wherfor maketh gode wache be tyme, for it ys mery to plede in possession, &c.
Item, I have send you an unce of myvers(?) by the beror of thys letter, and thay cost me iiijs. iiijd.
Item, your gesseren1 and gaunteletts shall be send hom by the next caryours, for ther be non hyre yete, &c. No more to you at thys tyme. The Holy Trynyte have you in Hys kypyng. Wryten at London uppon Tewysday next after Seynt Anne.
By youre servaunt, JOHN WYKE.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The date of this letter is sufficiently apparent from the reference in the beginning to ‘the entry made at Hellesden in the Duke of Suffolk’s name.’
1 A sleeveless coat of mail.