205 John Tomlynson1 to Sir Robert
Plumpton [before 1509] (No. 82, p.
Right worshipfull & my especyall good master, I recommend me vnto
you etc., shewying you ?at at the last end of this terme Sir Richard
Aldburgh2 sold take of me awort, as yt is made me to know, praying
your mastership to speake to your atturnay, & poynt yt, if ?at so be, &
what charge or cost ye be at, I shall content. No more at this tyme,
but Jesu preserue you in all causes.
Your bedman & seruant John Tomlinsona
Endorsed: To his hartly beloued & <good> master Sir Ro: Plompton kt
be these delivered
a Appended: Copied ?e 20 of May 1613..
1 Of Little Ouseburn, Yorks (d.1507) and a
tenant of Fountains Abbey in North Stainley,
Lease Book, xlv, 105.
2 Knight of the body to Henry VII by 1509,
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