99 John Swale of Stainley1 to Sir Robert Plumpton (No. 168, p. 109)
Right worshipfull Sir, after my duty I recomend me vnto your mas- tership, beseching you to be good master to Henry Gulles concerning one farmhold in Follifit,a which John Gullese now holdeth; þat if ye can git John Gullese goodwyll, þat ye wilbe so good master vnto Henry Gullese, þat he may have yt, & þe better master for my sake. No more at this tyme, but Jesu perserue you.
Your own to his power
John [. . .]b Swale of Staynleyc
Endorsed: Vnto my right worshipfull master Sir Robt Plompton knight thes deliuered in hast
a Marginal note: Lands in Folifoott.
b Shaw deleted.
c Appended: Copied þe 27 of Aprill 1613.
1 John Swale, of South Stainley in the North Riding, was a defendant in a case of trespass heard in Star Chamber c.1485, W. Brown (ed.), Yorkshire Star Chamber Proceedings, i (YASRS, xli, 1909), 5–8.