[c. 1481]
There is nothing to show the date except that it is not earlier than 1478. It is probably later than No. 298. It is placed here for convenience with Shynner?s other letters. As to Shynner, see Note on No. 300. From A.C., xlvi. 203.
Most worchepfull and reveryend Mayster, I recummend me onto yowr reverynd Maisterchep also lowly as I can hoder may: wyllyng yowr Maysterchep to have knowleche Þat syr Wylyam Sandys ys gretely dysplesyd with me, and Jaye do lesayd maner also,58 as for a grehowde Þat I scholde send onto yowr maysterchep as they say: Þe weche I know not what coler Þis grehowd ys, noder no seche I send to yow, neyder was consente Þer to: werefor I beseche yowr maysterchep to wrythe onto Syr Wiliam Sandys as for myne a skese, and to speke to Jaye at Londun, wen ye methe with hym, as my treste ys on yowr Maysterchep, and as I schall and am yowr preste to praye to God for yow and yowrys, ho have yow and yowrs in hys kepyng ever, Amen
your preste Syr John Shynner.
To my ryʒth worchepfull and reverynd Mayster Syr Wiliam Stonor, yn hast.
1 Sandes continued ?of hys comyng,? but crossed these three words out. |