John Rysyng to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Rysyng to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27444, f. 144
- Date
- 18 June 1465
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 588
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
Onto my ryght reverent and worchipfull maister, John Paston,
Esquyer, be this letter delyvered.RYGHT reverent and worchipfull sir, I recomende me
onto your good maisterchip in the moste lowly wise
that I can or may, letyng your masterchippe under-
stonde howe that John Smyth, of Freton, and John Hopton,
of Freton, and I were attached and led onto Gippeswich, and
there putte into the Kynges pryson by cawse of the fyn which
was sessed upon the forsaid John Smyth, John Hopton, and
me, as your maisterchippe knowith well. And as for John
Smyth and John Hopton, they had labored the meanes onto
Master Jenney, that they were delyvered owt of pryson or than
the massenger come ageyn to theym which they sent onto yow;
and I remayne stille in pryson, and I can not knowe but that
they labour the meanes to make me to paye the money for
theym. And so I can not se non other meane but that I shall
ly stille in pryson, and been ondo for ever withoute your good
masterchippe shewed to me at this tyme; for as I am enformed
that Jenney hath promysed theym that I shall paye the fyne
for theym, and also alle the costes that haith be spent ther upon,
and shall be spent, for thei say that I am sufficient to bere the
hole daunger. And my keper yafe me licence to goon home,
and thei had hevyed the peple that dwelle ther, and that gretly,
and said playnly how that ye myght not beere the dawnger a
geyns Jenney for your self; therfor the seiden that ye myght
not helpe them owt of dawnger when thatte ye myght not
helpe your self. Wherfor I pray your masterchippe to lete me
have word in as hasty tyme as ye may, to knowe whether that
I shall abyde her stylle or not, and if I myght do yow any
good at London, I pray your mastershippe that ye will sende
for me, and I will come up to yow. And if ther be non other
remedy but that the money most nedys be paid, I pray your
masterchippe that ye will make such purveyaunce therfor that
it may be to myn delyveraunce at the reverence of God, and
in the weye of charite as myn hole truste is in your master-
chippe, for I can not seke to no man, nor will not but only to
yow. Wherfor I pray yow that ye will tenderly understond
this letter, as I may pray for yow onto God, who have yow in
His kepyng. Wretyn at Gippeswich the xviij. day of June.These ar the names of theym that have parte of my catell,
Gilbert Nicoll, of Sprowton, William Merssh and John Woode
of Gippeswich, bocher.By your man and feithfull servant,
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The imprisonment of John Rysing is referred to in
Margaret Paston’s letter of the 27th May 1465 (No. 584), and in another of the 24th
June following (No. 590). There can be no doubt this letter is of the same year.1465
JUNE 181465