John Payne to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Payne to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/195
- Date
- 15 May [1482]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 314; Kingsford, Vol II, item 314
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR15 MAY [1482]
This was clearly written in the same year as No. 305, and may safely be
assigned to 1482. From AC, xlvi, 195.Right worshipfull Syr, and my right especiall gode Mastere, I re-
commaund me unto you with right herty and manyfold thankynges for
þe great favour and mastership, þat ye have showed me in diverse wises
&c. And forþermore þat it woll please you to knowe, or I departed
owte of London, þere whas certayne knowlage þat þis gentlewoman whas
sacred, wiche whas don þe Freyday byfore my commyng to Hamptons
place: þe said parties were commyn to London or I came thens: this
knowen, I hadd no cause to tarie. I fere me lest M. Barkeclay colored
in þis work. Never Þe lasse I shall thynke it myn infortune. I pray
God I may here after doo you sum pleasyr for þe labour, charge, and
goode maistership, þat ye shewed me in þis behalfe. Also such en-
commaundements as ye gave me to Master Rishe and oþer at London
I remembred thayme as I cowde. And also delyvered your letter to
Hugh Hownton. Also nowe I am sorye þat my lady Ane departeth
from þes parties: for my lady and all þe houshold shall hastely to
Dertyngton, and þere remayne and byde a season. Syr, if þer be any
servyce þat I can doo att your commaundment in þes parties, ye shall
have me at your pleasyr, and will duryng my life, þat to juperde to þe
utterest of my power, that knoweth our blessed Lord, whome I beseche
to preserve you in long helthe and prosperous filicite. Scribled at þe
Castell of Taunton, þe xvth dai of Maii,One of your servaunts, John Payne,
Wt my lord Marquis.Unto the right honorable and my full goode Master, Sir Willm.
Stonor, one of the knyghtes for the Kynges body, be þis takyn. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR15 MAY [1482]
This was clearly written in the same year as No. 305, and may safely be
assigned to 1482. From A.C., xlvi, 195.Right worshipfull Syr, and my right especiall gode Mastere, I re-
commaund me unto you with right herty and manyfold thankynges for
þe great favour and mastership, þat ye have showed me in diverse wises
&c. And forþermore þat it woll please you to knowe, or I departed
owte of London, þere whas certayne knowlage þat þis gentlewoman whas
sacred, wiche whas don þe Freyday byfore my commyng to Hamptons
place: þe said parties were commyn to London or I came thens: this
knowen, I hadd no cause to tarie. I fere me lest M. Barkeclay colored
in þis work. Never þe lasse I shall thynke it myn infortune. I pray
God I may here after doo you sum pleasyr for þe labour, charge, and
goode maistership, þat ye shewed me in þis behalfe. Also such en-
commaundements as ye gave me to Master Rishe and oþer at London
I remembred thayme as I cowde. And also delyvered your letter to
Hugh Hownton. Also nowe I am sorye þat my lady Ane departeth
from þes parties: for my lady and all þe houshold shall hastely to
Dertyngton, and þere remayne and byde a season. Syr, if þer be any
servyce þat I can doo att your commaundment in þes parties, ye shall
have me at your pleasyr, and will duryng my life, þat to juperde to þe
utterest of my power, that knoweth our blessed Lord, whome I beseche
to preserve you in long helthe and prosperous filicite. Scribled at þe
Castell of Taunton, þe xvth dai of Maii,One of your servaunts, John Payne,
Wt my lord Marquis.Unto the right honorable and my full goode Master, Sir Willm.
Stonor, one of the knyghtes for the Kynges body, be þis takyn.