John Paston to [Margery Brews]
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Paston to [Margery Brews]
- Reference
- Add. 27445, f. 99
- Date
- ?1476
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 887
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
MASTRESSE, thow so be that I, unaqweyntyd with yow
as yet, tak up on me to be thus bold as to wryght
on to yow with ought your knowlage and leve, yet,
mastress, for syche pore servyse as I now in my mynd owe
yow, purposyng, ye not dyspleasyd, duryng my lyff to contenu
the same, I beseche yow to pardon my boldness, and not to
dysdeyn, but to accepte thys sympyll byll to recomand me to
yow in syche wyse as I best can or may imagyn to your most
plesure. And, mastress, for sych report as I have herd of yow
by many and dyverse persones, and specyally by my ryght
trusty frend, Rychard Stratton, berer her of, to whom I be-
seche yow to geve credence in syche maters as he shall on my
behalve comon with yow of, if it lyke you to lystyn hym, and
that report causythe me to be the more bold to wryght on to
yow, so as I do; for I have herd oft tymys Rychard Stratton
sey that ye can and wyll take every thyng well that is well
ment, whom I beleve and trust as myche as fewe men leveing,
I ensuer yow by my trowthe. And, mastress, I beseche yow
to thynk non other wyse in me but that I wyll and shall at all
seasons be redy wythe Godes grace to accomplyshe all syche
thynges as I have enformyd and desyerd the seyd Rychard
on my behalve to geve yow knowlage of, but if [unless] it
so be that a geyn my wyll it come of yow that I be cast
off fro yowr servyse and not wyllyngly by my desert, and
that I am and wylbe yours and at your comandmen in every
wyse dwryng my lyff. Her I send yow thys bylle wretyn
with my lewd hand and sealyd with my sygnet to remayn
with yow for a wyttnesse ayenste me, and to my shame and
dyshonour if I contrary it. And, mastress, I beseche yow,
in easyng of the poore hert that somtyme was at my rewle,
whyche now is at yours, that in as short tyme as can be that I
may have knowlage of your entent and hough ye wyll have
me demeanyd in thys mater, and I wylbe at all seasons redy
to performe in thys mater and all others your plesure, as fer-
forth as lythe in my poore power to do or in all thers that
ought wyll do for me, with Godes grace, Whom I beseche to
send yow the accomplyshement of your most worchepfull
desyers, myn owne fayer lady, for I wyll no ferther labore
but to yow, on to the tyme ye geve me leve, and tyll I be
suer that ye shall take no dysplesur with my ferther labore.1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is printed from a draft in the hand of
John Paston the younger. I suppose it must have been written about the year 1476,
and intended for Margery Brews, whom he afterwards married. It will be seen that
Richard Stratton, whom in his last letter he recommended to Lord Hastings, is here
the bearer of a confidential message to the lady.1476(?)