To my trusty cosyn, Margaret Paston, at Norwich, be this delyvered.3
I RECOMAUNDE me to you, letyng you witte that I sent a letter to John Russe and Richard Kalle that thei, by th’advyse of Watkyn Shipdam and William Barker shuld send me word of whom alle the maneres, londes, and tenementes that were Sir John Fastolffes wern holde, preyng you that ye wold do them spede them in that matier; and if my feodaryes, whiche lye in the tye of my gret cofyr, may ought wisse therin, lete them se it.
Item, I wolde that William Barker shulde send me a copye of the olde traverse of Tychewell and Beyton. And lete Richard Kalle spede hym hidderward, and come by Snaylwel, and take suyche mony as may be getyn there, and that he suffre not the mony that the tenauntes owe to come in the fermours handes.
Item, that he come by Cambrigge and bryng with hym Maister Brakkeles licence from the provynciall of the Grey Freres. I prey you recomaunde me to my modir.
Wretyn at London the Thursday next to fore Midde- somer.
2 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter appears to have been written the year after Fastolfs death.
3 Below this address is written, in another hand, ‘To Richard Calle, at Caster, be this deliverid in hast.’