[John Paston] to Margaret Paston and Others
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- [John Paston] to Margaret Paston and Others
- Reference
- Add. 34889, ff. 15-16
- Date
- 15 January 1465
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 575; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 59
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
AND OTHERS1To my mastres Margrete Paston, and to my welbelovid Frendis,
John Daubeney and Richard Calle.I PRAY yow, see to the god governaunce of my housold
and guydynge of other thynges touchyng my profite, and
that ye, with Daubeney and Richard Calle, and with other
such of my frendis and servauntis as can avise yow aftir the
mater requireth, wekely take a sad comunecacion of such
thynges as be for to do, or oftenner and nede be, takyng avise
of the master, and of the viker2 and Sir Jamis,3 that is for to
say, as well for provision of stuffe for myn howsold as for the
gaderyng of the revenew of my livelode or greynes, or for
setting awerk of my servauntis, and for the more poletik meane
of sellyng and carryng of my malt, and for all other thynges
necessari for to be do; and that whanne I come home I have
not an excuse, seying that ye spoke to my servauntis and that
Daubeney and Calle exkuse them that thei wer so besy thei
myght not attende; for I woll have my mater so guided that
if on man may not attende a nother shall be comaunded to do
it; and if my servauntis faile I had lever wage some other
man, for a jorny or a season, thanne my mater should be on
sped.As for my livelode, I left with Daubeney a bille of many of
my dettis, wherby ye alle myght have be indused whedir ye
shulde have sent for silver.It liketh me evill to here that my prestis and pore men be
onpaiid, and that no mony sent to me more thanne x. markis
be Berney of alle this season, and yet therof telle Richard Calle
he sent me viii. nobils in goold for v. markis, and that as longe
as gold was better payment thanne silver I had nevir so moche
gold of hym at onys; and telle hym that I wolle nat that he
shall kepe that use, for I trowe my tenauntis have but litell gold
to pay.Also remembir yow in any housold, felaship or cumpany
that will be of good rewle, purvyauns must be had that every
persone of it be helpyng and furtheryng aftir his discrecion
and powyr, and he that woll not do so without he be kept of
almes shuld be put out of the houshold or felachep.Item, where ye desire me that I shuld take your sone1 to
grase, I woll for your sake do the better, and will ye knowe he
shall not be so oute of my favour that I will suffir hym to
mischefe without be eftsones his owne defaut. And hough be
it that in his presumptuouse and ondiscrete demenyng he gaf
bothe me and yow cause of displeasir, and to other of my
servauntis ille exaumple, and that also guided hym to alle
mennes undirstandyng that he was wery of bidyng in myn
hows, and he not insurid of help in any other place; yet that
greveth nat me so evill as doth that I nevir coud fele nor
undirstand hym poletyk ne diligent in helpyng hym self, but
as a drane amongis bees which labour for gaderyng hony in the
feldis and the drane doth nought but takyth his part of it. And
if this myght make hym to knowe the better hym self and put
hym in remembrauns what tyme he hath lost, and hough he
hath leved in idelnes, and that he coud for this eschewe to do
so heraftir, it myght fortune for his best. But I here yet nevir
from no plase that he hath be in of any poletyk demenyng or
occupacion of hym. And in the kynges hows he coud put hym
self foorth to be in favour or trust with any men of substauns
that myght forther hym; neverthelesse as for your house and
myne I purpose not he shall come there, ner be my will non
othir but if [i.e. unless] he can do more thanne loke foorth and
make a fase and countenauns.Item, send me word whedir my glasier hath do at Bromholm
and at the friers of the South Towne,1 and whedir he be paiid
such mony as I sent home word he shuld be paiid, and if he
have do all he must have more mony, but I remembir not
certeynly what, till I come home, for I remember nat what his
bargeyn was for the work at the Southtowne. I trowe Mr.
Clement can telle, and also fele hym self and send me word.
Also that ye and Richard Calle and Daubeney see that Mr.
Clement and Mr. Braklee2 which hath grete nede I wote well,
and my prestis and pore men be paiid and also all othir men.
And that ye see that I be not callid on for that is my dewte.
Also that ye see amongis yow that that is owynge me be not
lost ne forborn for lewdnes, for that shall bothe hurt me and
do my tenauntis harme. Lete Richard Calle remembir that
my fermour of Sweynesthorp is falle in gret dette for defaut
of callyng upon but be on [one] yere; And I deme that bothe
John Willeys and my new fermour of Snaylewell arn like to
be in the same case, and peraventure Aleyn of Gresham and
other.Item, remembir yow or evir I had a doo with Fastolffis
livelode, whill I toke hede to my livelode my self, it both
served myn expenses at home and at London and all other
charges, and ye leid up mony in my cofirs every yere, as ye
knowe. And I wote well that the payment of my prestis and
other charges that I have for Fastolffis livelode is not so gret
as the livelode is, thow part therof be in trobill. And thanne
consider that I had nought of my livelode for myn expenses at
London this twol monyth day; ye may verely undirstand that
it is not guided wittely nor discretly; and therfore I pray yow
hertly put alle your wittes to gedir and see for the reformation
of it. And ye may remembre be this how ye shuld do if this
wer yowris alone, and so do now.And that ye woll remembir I have sent yow all many lettirs
touchyng many maters, and also a bille now last by Pecok of
erandis, desiryng yow to see hem alle to gedir and send me an
answere articlerly; and such as ye can not spede at this tyme,
lete hem be sped as sone as ye may, that ye se over my seyd
lettirs oft tymes til they be sped.Item, I remembir that myn heygh at Heylisdon the last
yere was spent and wasted fwll recklesly and colored under my
shep.1 I pray yow see that I be not servid soo this yere.Item, Pecok told me of a fermour that wold have had
Mautby Mersh, paying xij. markis as it went afore; and
Richard Calle told me of on [one] that wold pay more. Burgeys
paiid me first xij. markis vjs. viijd., and I had the reed and the
rushis, and he found the shepherdis hyre in shakke tyme for my
fold; and sithen he brigged awey the shepherdis hyre and
thanne the nobill, and I trowe he occupyth ne lenger hym self.
And I remembir he told me vij. yere goo that my merssh shuld
alwey apeyr [impair] till the prime were past the nombre of
xix., and thanne it shuld amend a ix. or x. yers, promittyng me
he wold thanne amend my ferme. I praye yowe help to lete it
aswell as ye can, rather to hym thanne a nother man if he woll
do aswell, and that ye comon with Pecok.Item, as for the mater that I wrote of to the viker and
other goode felaws, desire hem that thei be not to excessive
hasty in the mater for non nede, but to do that the may do
therin [goodly]2 and wittely as sone as thei may; And as for
the respite of the mater here, lete hem not care therfore. I
shall do well ineugh, telle hem; for certeyn, the mater is in as
good case as any such mater was this xx. wynter, as my counsell
tellyth me; but I will be sure of all weyes that I may have, and
specially of the declaracion of the trought of my mater and of
my frendis.Item, as for the mater athwyx the parson of Mautby,
Constantine3 and the viker of Derham,4 whedir it were smalle
mater or gret I care not, but I am sure that too witnesse which
I knowe were apposed therin before a juge spirituall, whech as
I suppose was Master Robert Popy or some other; the viker
of Derham can telle, and as I trowe can John Wynter of
Mautby, or othir parysshons telle, where the sute was athwyx
hem, and I can think it was in the chapitell; if ye can easely
gette me what the witnesse seid, I wold nomore; but do no
gret cost over it.Item, recomaund me to Master Robert Popy, and telle
hym, as for any thyng seid ayens hym in my mater then myn
adversaris ment ontrewly, they proved nought but that he is a
good man and a worshipfull and a trewe.Item, if I have any otis beside my stuffe, or may any
bye aftir xiiijd., spare not, and take good mesure of bartirre
for some other chafers, and send me word hough moch ye
may bye.Item, it is told me ye make no wood, nowther at Caster nor
Mautby, wherof I merveyle; remembir yow we must brenne
wood a nodir yere.Item, I send yow a titelyng that I mad whill I was at home,
what malt I had by estimacion set at the lest; wherfore see that
Brigge make a reknyng of his malt, and cast ye my book and
loke what ye can amend it; and apeyre [impair] it shall not if
alle folkis have do trewly; but I suppose fewe of you have
take any heed at it as moch as I ded.Item, I may selle here for vjs. viija. a quarter clene fyed
after Royston mesure, whech is lesse thanne the water mesure
of London. Cambrigge shire malt is here at xs. Cast ye what
I may selle of new and old, savyng stuffe for myn hows.
Item, to remember that Guton malt must be shipped at
Blakeney. Item, Lynstedis malt at Wolcote may be shipped
there; therfore cast amongis yow what malt may best be
sold.Item, if on [one] man may not attende to gader silver,
sende a nother, and send me word what hath be reseyved and
spent.Item, that I have an answer of alle my lettirs and of every
article in hem.Item, but if ye make such purvyauns that my prestis
be paiid and pore men, beside other charges, and purvey
mony for me beside; owther ye gadir shrewdly or ellis ye
spend lewdly.Item, I sent a lettir by Rauff Greneakyr to James Gresham
and to yow, which he promised me shuld be at Norwich on
Wednesday aftir Thwelth day, and therin wer divers maters;
and in especiall of a mater that shuld be in communication on
Teusday last past bethwyx Yelverton and Robert Wyngfeld,
as in the seid lettir is specifiid. It is so that the seid Robard
shall be here within this ij. dayes; if any thyng ye have aspied
of it send me word. Item, yonge Knevet tellith me that
he is my good frend, and he is come ridyng homeward on
Friday last was. I pray yow, ley wetche whedir ye here any
thyng that he medillyth hym at that mater, and send me word;
for I wold understand whedir he wer just and trew or nought,
and that do [done] it shall not ligh in his power to hurt me.
But take ye hed and inquere and knowe other mennes purpos,
and kepe your intent as close as ye can; and what some evir
boost be mad, werk ye wisely and set not by it but send me
word what ye here.Item, Calle sendyth me word that Sir Thomas Howes is
seke and not like to askape it, and Berney tellyth me the con-
trary; wherfore I pray yow take hed therat, and lete me have
knowleche, for though I be not behold to hym I wold not he
were ded for more thanne he is worth.Item, take the viker the bille that I send yow herwyth.
Item, that ye, if ye can fynd the meane, to aspie what goodis
Edmond Clere eschetith of any mannes.1Item, remember well to tak heed at your gatis on nyghtis
and dayes, for theves, for thei ride in divers contres with gret
felaship like lordis, and ride out of on [one] shire in to a nother.
Wretyn at London, the Tuisday next aftir Sent Hillary.Item, that Richard Calle bryng me up mony, so that my
prestis [i.e. borrowings] be paiid, and that he come up suerly
with other men and attornis.Endorsed in a later hand:—’Some speciall lettres towching John Paston’s
trowbells and sute for Fastolfs landis by the Duke of Suffolk.’————————————
1 [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 15.] The contents of this letter show it to be of the year
1465, when Daubeney and Calle, as we know, were with Margaret Paston (see No.
576). Reference is made to the displeasure Sir John Paston had given to both his
parents in 1463 (see No. 552), and what his mother writes about his return home in
May of this year (No. 579) goes to confirm the date. Further proof will be found in
the footnote at p. 126.2 If this be the vicar of Paston, it was William Warner, who succeeded Robert
Williamson in 1464. 3 James Gloys, the priest.1 Sir John Paston.
1 South Town, Yarmouth, where there was a house of Austin Friars.
2 Dr. John Brackley, the Grey Friar.
1 Meaning, that the waste was attributed to his sheep.
2 This word ‘goodly’ has been lined out, and a very illegible word inserted
above it.3 Constantine Dalby had been rector of Mautby from 1453 to 1460, and appears also
to have held the vicarage of East Dereham from 1451 to 1458. He was succeeded at
Mautby by Thomas Howes from 1460 to 1465, and then by Robert Cutler or Cotteler,
who must be the ‘parson of Mautby’ spoken of just before.4 Robert Sheringham was vicar of East Dereham from 1458 to 1467.
1 Edmund Clere, as appears by evidences in the Record Office, was escheator of
Norfolk and Suffolk from November 1464 to November 1465.1465
JAN. 151465
JAN. 151465
JAN. 151465
JAN. 151465
JAN. 151465
JAN. 15 - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
A.D. 1465, 15 Jan.
[Add. MS. 34,889, f. 15]
The contents of this letter show it to be of the year 1465, when Daubeney
and Calle, as we know, were with Margaret Paston (see No. 497). Re-
ference is made to the displeasure Sir John Paston had given to both his
parents in 1463 (see No. 480), and what his mother writes about his return
home in May of this year (No. 500) goes to confirm the date. Further
proof will be found in the footnote at p. 94.To my mastres Margrete Paston, and to my welbelovid
Frendis, John Daubeney and Richard Calle.IPRAY yow, see to the god governaunce of
my housold and guydynge of other thynges
touchyng my profite, and that ye, with
Daubeney and Richard Calle, and with
other such of my frendis and servauntis as can avise
yow aftir the mater requireth, wekely take a sad
comunecacion of such thynges as be for to do, or
oftenner and nede be, takyng avise of the master,
and of the viker1 and Sir Jamis,2 that is for to say,
as well for provision of stuffe for myn howsold as
for the gaderyng of the revenew of my livelode or
greynes, or for setting awerk of my servauntis, and
for the more poletik meane of sellyng and carryng
of my malt, and for all other thynges necessari for
to be do; and that whanne I come home I have
not an excuse, seying that ye spoke to my servauntis
and that Daubeney and Calle exkuse them that thei
wer so besy thei myght not attende; for I woll have
my mater so guided that if on man may not attende
a nother shall be comaunded to do it; and if my
servauntis faile I had lever wage some other man,
for a jorny or a season, thanne my mater should be
on sped.As for my livelode, I left with Daubeney a bille of
many of my dettis, wherby ye alle myght have be
indused whedir ye shulde have sent for silver.It liketh me evill to here that my prestis and pore
men be onpaiid, and that no mony sent to me more
thanne x. markis be Berney of alle this season, and
yet therof telle Richard Calle he sent me viii. nobils
in goold for v. markis, and that as longe as gold was
better payment thanne silver I had nevir so moche
gold of hym at onys; and telle hym that I wolle nat
that he shall kepe that use, for I trowe my tenauntis
have but litell gold to pay.Also remembir yow in any housold, felaship or
cumpany that will be of good rewle, purvyauns must
be had that every persone of it be helpyng and
furtheryng aftir his discrecion and powyr, and he
that woll not do so without he be kept of almes
shuld be put out of the houshold or felachep.Item, where ye desire me that I shuld take your
sone1 to grase, I woll for your sake do the better,
and will ye knowe he shall not be so oute of my
favour that I will suffir hym to mischefe without be
eftsones his owne defaut. And hough be it that in
his presumptuouse and ondiscrete demenyng he gaf
bothe me and yow cause of displeasir, and to other
of my servauntis ille exaumple, and that also guided
hym to alle mennes undirstandyng that he was wery
of bidyng in myn hows, and he not insurid of help
in any other place; yet that greveth nat me so evill
as doth that I nevir coud fele nor undirstand hym
poletyk ne diligent in helpyng hym self, but as a drane
amongis bees which labour for gaderyng hony in the
feldis and the drane doth nought but takyth his part
of it. And if this myght make hym to knowe the
better hym self and put hym in remembrauns what
tyme he hath lost, and hough he hath leved in
idelnes, and that he coud for this eschewe to do so
heraftir, it myght fortune for his best. But I here
yet nevir from no plase that he hath be in of any
poletyk demenyng or occupacion of hym. And in
the kynges hows he coud put hym self foorth to be in
favour or trust with any men of substauns that myght
forther hym; neverthelesse as for your house and
myne I purpose not he shall come there, ner be my
will non othir but if [i.e. unless] he can do more
thanne loke foorth and make a fase and countenauns.Item, send me word whedir my glasier hath do at
Bromholm and at the friers of the South Towne,1
and whedir he be paiid such mony as I sent home
word he shuld be paiid, and if he have do all he
must have more mony, but I remembir not certeynly
what, till I come home, for I remember nat what his
bargeyn was for the work at the Southtowne. I
trowe Mr. Clement can telle, and also fele hym self
and send me word. Also that ye and Richard Calle
and Daubeney see that Mr. Clement and Mr. Brak-
lee2 which hath grete nede I wote well, and my
prestis and pore men be paiid and also all othir
men. And that ye see that I be not callid on for
that is my dewte. Also that ye see amongis yow
that that is owynge me be not lost ne forborn for
lewdnes, for that shall bothe hurt me and do my
tenauntis harme. Lete Richard Calle remembir
that my fermour of Sweynesthorp is falle in gret
dette for defaut of callyng upon but be on [one]
yere; And I deme that bothe John Willeys and my
new fermour of Snaylewell am like to be in the same
case, and peraventure Aleyn of Gresham and other.Item, remembir yow or evir I had a doo with
Fastolffis livelode, whill I toke hede to my livelode
my self, it both served myn expenses at home and
at London and all other charges, and ye leid up
mony in my cofirs every yere, as ye knowe. And I
wote well that the payment of my prestis and other
charges that I have for Fastolffis livelode is not so
gret as the livelode is, thow part therof be in trobill.
And thanne consider that I had nought of my live-
lode for myn expenses at London this twol monyth
day; ye may verely undirstand that it is not guided
wittely nor discretly; and therfore I pray yow hertly
put alle your wittes to gedir and see for the reforma-
tion of it. And ye may remembre be this how ye
shuld do if this wer yowris alone, and so do now.And that ye woll remembir I have sent yow all
many lettirs touchyng many maters, and also a bille
now last by Pecok of erandis, desiryng yow to see
hem alle to gedir and send me an answere articlerly;
and such as ye can not spede at this tyme, lete hem
be sped as sone as ye may, that ye se over my seyd
lettirs oft tymes til they be sped.Item, I remembir that myn heygh at Heylisdon the
last yere was spent and wasted fwll recklesly and
colored under my shep.1 I pray yow see that I be
not servid soo this yere.Item, Pecok told me of a fermour that wold have
had Mautby Mersh, paying xij. markis as it went
afore; and Richard Calle told me of on [one] that
wold pay more. Burgeys paiid me first xij. markis
vjs. viijd., and I had the reed and the rushis, and
he found the shepherdis hyre in shakke tyme for my
fold; and sithen he brigged awey the shepherdis
hyre and thanne the nobill, and I trowe he occupyth
ne lenger hym self. And I remembir he told me vij.
yere goo that my merssh shuld alwey apeyr [impair]
till the prime were past the nombre of xix., and
thanne it shuld amend a ix. or x. yers, promittyng
me he wold thanne amend my ferme. I praye yow
help to lete it aswell as ye can, rather to hym
thanne a nother man if he woll do aswell, and that
ye comon with Pecok.Item, as for the mater that I wrote of to the viker
and other goode felaws, desire hem that thei be not
to excessive hasty in the mater for non nede, but
to do that the may do therin [goodly]2 and
wittely as sone as thei may; And as for the respite of
the mater here, lete hem not care therfore. I shalldo wel ineugh, telle hem; for certeyn, the mater is in
as good case as any such mater was this xx. wynter,
as my counsell tellyth me; but I will be sure of all
weyes that I may have, and specially of the declara-
cion of the trought of my mater and of myfrendis.Item, as for the mater athwyx the parson of Mautby,
Constantine1 and the viker of Derham,2 whedir it
were smalle mater or gret I care not, but I am sure
that too witnesse which I knowe were apposed therin
before a juge spirituall, whech as I suppose was
Master Robert Popy or some other; the viker of
Derham can telle, and as I trowe can John Wynter
of Mautby, or othir parysshons telle, where the sute
was athwyx hem, and I can think it was in the
chapitell; if ye can easely gette me what the witnesse
seid, I wold nomore; but do no gret cost over it.Item, recomaund me to Master Robert Popy,
and telle hym, as for any thyng seid ayens hym in
my mater then myn adversaris ment ontrewly, they
proved nought but that he is a good man and a
worshipfull and a trewe.Item, if I have any otis beside my stuffe, or may
any bye aftir xiiijd., spare not, and take good mesure
of bartirre for some other chafers, and send me word
hough moch ye may bye.Item, it is told me ye make no wood, nowther at
Caster nor Mautby, wherof I merveyle; remembir
yow we must brenne wood a nodir yere.Item, I send yow a titelyng that I mad whill I was
at home, what malt I had by estimacion set at the
lest; wherfore see that Brigge make a reknyng of his
malt, and cast ye my book and loke what ye can
amend it; and apeyre [impair] it shall not if alle
folkis have do trewly; but I suppose fewe of you
have take any heed at it as moch as I ded.Item, I may selle here for vjs. viijd. a quarter clene
fyed after Royston mesure, whech is lesse thanne the
water mesure of London. Cambrigge shire malt is
here at xs. Cast ye what I may selle of new and old,
savyng stuffe for myn hows. Item, to remember that
Guton malt must be shipped at Blakeney. Item,
Lynstedis malt at Wolcote may be shipped there; ther-
fore cast amongis yow what malt may best be sold.Item, if on [one] man may not attende to gader
silver, sende a nother, and send me word what hath
be reseyved and spent.Item, that I have an answer of alle my lettirs and
of every article in hem.Item, but if ye make such purvyauns that my
prestis be paiid and pore men, beside other charges,
and purvey mony for me beside; owther ye gadir
shrewdly or ellis ye spend lewdly.Item, I sent a lettir by Rauff Greneakyr to James
Gresham and to yow, which he promised me shuld
be at Norwich on Wednesday aftir Thwelth day, and
therin wer divers maters; and in especiall of a
mater that shuld be in communication on Teusday
last past bethwyx Yelverton and Robert Wyngfeld,
as in the seid lettir is specifiid. It is so that the
seid Robard shall be here within this ij. dayes; if
any thyng ye have aspied of it send me word. Item,
yonge Knevet tellith me that he is my good frend,
and he is come ridyng homeward on Friday last was.
I pray yow, ley wetche whedir ye here any thyng that
he medillyth hym at that mater, and send me word;
for I wold understand whedir he wer just and trew
or nought, and that do [done] it shall not ligh in his
power to hurt me. But take ye hed and inquere
and knowe other mennes purpos, and kepe your
intent as close as ye can; and what some evir boost
be mad, werk ye wisely and set not by it but send
me word what ye here.Item, Calle sendyth me word that Sir Thomas
Howes is seke and not like to askape it, and Berney
tellyth me the contrary; wherfore I pray yow take
hed therat, and lete me have knowleche, for though
I be not behold to hym I wold not he were ded for
more thanne he is worth.Item, take the viker the bille that I send yow
herwyth.Item, that ye, if ye can fynd the meane, to
aspie what goodis Edmond Clere eschetith of any
mannes.1Item, remember well to tak heed at your gatis on
nyghtis and dayes, for theves, for thei ride in divers
contres with gret felaship like lordis, and ride out of
on [one] shire in to a nother. Wretyn at London,
the Tuisday next aftir Sent Hillary.Item, that Richard Calle bryng me up mony, so
that my prestis [i.e. borrowings] be paiid, and that
he come up suerly with other men and attornis.Indorsed in a later hand:—’Some speciall lettres towching
John Paston’s trowbells and sute for Fastolfs landis by the Duke
of Suffolk.’1 If this be the vicar of Paston, it was William Warner who succeeded
Robert Williamson in 1464. 2 James Gloys, the priest.1 Sir John Paston.
1 South Town, Yarmouth, where there was a house of Austin Friars.
2 Dr. John Brackley, the Grey Friar.
1 Meaning, that the waste was attributed to his sheep.
2 This word ‘goodly’ has been lined out, and a very illegible word
inserted above it.1 Constantine Dalby had been rector of Mautby from 1453 to 1460, and
appears also to have held the vicarage of East Dereham from 1451 to 1458.
He was succeeded at Mautby by Thomas Howes from 1460 to 1465, and
then by Robert Cutler or Cotteler (see p. 133), who must be the ‘parson of
Mautby’ spoken of just before.2 Robert Sheringham was vicar of East Dereham from 1458 to 1467.
1 Edmund Clere, as appears by evidences in the Record Office, was
escheator of Norfolk and Suffolk from November 1464 to November 1465.