Remember my instructions about bills and actions against Debenham by my
tenants at Calcote. Make a ?remembrance apart? of the ground on which every
trespass has been committed, whether it be in my lands or in those of my
tenants, and whether the land was holden of me by Calcote Hall fee, or Freton
Hall fee, lest Debenham justify [on the plea that] he took them elsewhere. As
my tenants at Cotton have been compelled to pay much money to Jenney and
Debenham against their wills, I would, as I have told John Paston the younger,
that he should ride to Cotton with Richard Calle and such friendship as he can
get, and demand my duties, except from those who had been compelled to pay
the others. The latter to take actions next term against Debenham. Will
respite them for this once all they have paid, till it may be recovered by law;
that is, provided they ask it: otherwise, will politicly put them in jeopardy of losing their farms. Desires Calle to make a roll of the tenants and when he comes to Cotton enter therein how much cattle has been distrained from each.
It appears by the last letter that a writ was issued, evidently at the suit of Deben- ham, against John Paston, junior, and the other agents of his father in Suffolk. From the present paper it would seem that John Paston also instituted a prosecution on behalf of his tenants against Debenham. We shall find by later letters that these suits were going on in 1463, and were not terminated in the beginning of the follow- ing year. The MS. from which the above abstract has been made is a draft with a heading in John Paston’s hand. On the back are notes of the Statutes of Westminster and of Richard II. touching scandalum magnatum, etc.
3 [From Paston MSS.,