To Sir James Gloys.
THER be dyvers thynges in your letter sent to me; one that a slaw[n]derus noyse shuld renne ageyns Yel- verton, Alygton and me, to brynge us owte of the conceytes of the puple be Heydon and his dyscyplis, of a bill that shuld have do put uppe in to the Parlement ageyns my Lord of Norwich and odir. I lete yow wete this is the furst day that I herd of any seche, but I wold wete the namys of hem that utter this langage and the mater of the bill. As for my Lord of Norwych, I suppose ye know I have not usid to meddel with Lordes maters meche forther than me nedith; and as for Sir Thomas Todynham, he gaff me no cawse of late
tyme to labor ageyns hym, and also of seche mater I know non deffaut in hym. And as for Heydon, when I putte a bill ageyns hym I suppose he shall no cause have, ne his discyplis nother, to avante of so short a remedy ther of, as ye wrygth they sey now. As for that ye desyr that I shuld send yow word what I shuld sey in this mater, I pray yow in this and all other lyke, ask the seyeres if thei will abyd be ther langage, and as for me, sey I prupose me to take no mater uppon me butt that I woll abyde by; and in lek wys for Yelverton and Aligton. And that ye send me the namys of them that ye wryte that herd this langage seyd shrewedly, and what they seyd; and that ye remembre what men of substance wer ther that herde itt; for if this can be dreve to Heydon or his dissyplis, as ye wryte, it wer a gode preve that they fere to be appelyd of seche materes. And I thank yow for your godwill. Wrete att Norwych, on Seynt James day.
2 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter, which is printed from a draft in John Paston’s hand, was written in answer to the preceding, to which the reader is referred for the evidence of its date.
1455 JULY 25