THES be th’enjuryes and wrongys done by William Paston to John Paston, hys nevew.
Fyrst, the maners of Marlyngforthe, Stansted, and Horwellbery wes gev[en to] William Paston, Justyce, and to Agnes, hys wyff, and to th’eyers of ther tw ...................... to whom the seyd John Paston is cosyn and heyer, that is to sey, son to John, son and heyer to the seyd William and Agnes.
Item, wher the [seyd William Paston was seasyd of the maner of ——], Ed. Clere with other infeofyd to the use of the seyd Will[iam]2 and of hys heyres, the whyche William made hys wyll that th[e said Agnes], hys [wife], shold have the seyd maner for terme of hyr lyff. And aftyr th[at he] dyed, and the seyd Agnes occupyed for terme of hyr seyd lyff ......................
...................... Afftyr whoys dethe Sir John Paston, Knyght, as cosyn and heyer to t[he said William], in to the seyd maner entred, and dyed with ought issue of hys bodye. ...................... John as brodyr and heyer to the seyd Sir John, [and cosyn and heyer is lett ......................],1 ...................... seyd maner entred, and is lettyd to take the profytys of the same by ...................... of the maners of Marlyngforthe, Stansted, and Horwelbery befor r ...................... by the meanys of the seyd
of the seyd feoffes the seyd maner; and aftyrwardes the seyd
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It is evident that this paper was drawn up some time after the death of Sir John Paston in 1479. It is in his brother John’s hand- writing.
2 ‘Ed. Clere—Will[iam].’—These words are interlined in place of the words in italics within brackets, which are struck through.
1 These words are struck through.
After 1479
After 1479