John Pampyng to John Paston. Senior
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Pampyng to John Paston. Senior
- Reference
- Add. 27444, f. 103
- Date
- 6 September 1461
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 481
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
To my right worshipfull master John Paston, the older, Squier.
PLEASE your mastirship to wete that I have be at Cotton,
and spoke with Edward Dale, and he told me that
Yelverton and Jenney were there on Friday,2 and a
toke distresse of xxvj. or more bullokks of the seid Edwards
in the Park, and drofe hem to a town therby; and a neygh-
bore there undirstandyng the bests were Edward Dalis,3 and
bond hym to pay the ferme, or ellis to bryng in the bests be a
day. And whan the seid Edward undirstod the takyng of the
seid bests he went to Yelverton and Jenney, and bond hym in
an obligacon of xli., to pay hem his ferme at Mighelmes;
whech I told hym was not well do, for I told hym ye had be
abill to save hym harmeles. And because of discharge of his
neyghbour he seid he myght non other wise do. Nevirthelesse
as for mony thei get none of hym redely, ner of the tenaunts
nowthyr, as he can thynk yet. The seid Yelverton dyned on
Friday at Cotton, and there chargid the tenaunts thei shuld
pay no mony but to hym, and hath flaterid hem, and seith thei
shall be restorid ayen of such wrongs as thei have had be Sir
Philip Wentworth and other for Master Fastolff; and because
of such tales, your tenaunts owe hym the bettir will. And I
purposid to have gon to Cotton and spoke with the tenaunts,
and Edward Dale told me he supposid thei wold be this day at
Nakton. And because [I desired]4 to speke with hem as ye
comaundid me, I terid not but rod to Ipwich to my bed, and
there at the Sonne was the seid Yelverton and Jenney and
Thomas Fastolff; and myn ost told me, that the same aftir
none thei had be at Nakton, but what thei ded there I can not
telle, and whan I was undirstand your man, Hogon, Jenneys
man, askyd suerte of pes of me; and Jenney sent for an officer
to have hed me to prison; and so myn ost undirtoke for me
that nyght. And this day in the mornyng I wente to Sen
Lauerauns Chirche; and there I spak to hem and told hem ye
merveylid that thei wold take any distresse or warne any of
your tenaunts that thei shuld pay yow no mony. And Yel-
verton seid ye had take a distresse falsly and ontrewly of hym
that ought yow no mony ner hem nowther. And he seid he
was infeffid as well as ye; and as for that I told hym he wost
odre [knew the contrary], and thow he were it was but your use,
and so I told hym that men were infeffid in his lond, and that
he shuld be servid the same withinne fewe dayes. And he
seid he wost well ye were not infeffid in his lond, and if ye
toke upon yow to make any trobill in his lond ye shall repente
it. And also he seid that he wold do in like wise in alle maners
that were Sir John Fastolffs in Norfolk as thei have begonne,
and other langage as I shall telle yow. And so I am with the
gayler, with a clogge upon myn hele for suerte of the pees;
wherefore please your mastirship to send me your avise.Item, John Andrews was with hem at Cotton, and thei have
set a man of the seid Andrews to kepe the plase.Item, Wymondham, Debenham and Tympirle come to
Yelverton this day at masse and speke with hym; and I speke
to Tymperle in your name that he wold not comforte ner be
with hem ayein in this mater; and he seid he undirstod no
such thyng, ner it was not his comyng hedir. Wretyn at
Ipwych the Sonday next before the Nativite of Owr Lady.Yowr servaunt, JOHN PAMPYNG.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] In the letter of James Gloys, which follows (No.
482), will be found an allusion to a recent ‘revel done in Suffolk’ by Yelverton and
Jenney. That the affair alluded to was the same which is described in this letter will
appear beyond doubt if the reader will refer to Letter 487.2 4th September. 3 Apparently the writer has omitted a word or more here.
4 Omitted in MS.
The back is covered with some rough memoranda in Richard Calle’s hand, of
moneys received at different times of year by Richard Charlys, Thomas Howys,
William Berton, baker, of Southwark, Ralph Lovel, John Prentyng, Richard Coomber,
and John de Dorylot. Some of these payments are made through Dawbeney, John
Paston, junior, and John Paston, senior (per manus Johannis Paston Senioris).1461
SEPT. 61461