John Mathewe's Account
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Mathewe's Account
- Reference
- C 47/37/4/12-14
- Date
- December 1474 - May 1475
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 146; Kingsford, Vol I, item 146
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
DEC, 1474—MAY, 1475
These accounts are written in the same hand on three long slips of paper.
The receipts, which begin the first slip, are given in full; of the expenses
only such items as seemed to be of interest. From Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 12-14.Md. ?at y John Mathewe receyved of my mastur Wyllm. Stonore on
Sunday nexst afore Seynt Thomas day in ?e xiiij yere of þe reigne of
Kyng E. þe iiijth yn þe halle of Stonor v. s. Item, y receyvid of my
mastur yn þe seyd yer on þe morne after seynt powles day, xl. s. It.,
y receyvid þe same tyme of þe parson of Thynchest1 vj. s. viij. d. It.,
y receynd of my master on goode freday in þe xv yere of þe reyngne of
Kyng E. þe iiijth xl s. It., y receyvid of my mastur yn þe seyd yere on
Wennsday nexst a fore st. Phylippus day and Jacobbe, v. li. Summa
recept. ix. li. xj. s. viij. d.Expenses include: On seynt Thomas yeve for rede heryng, iiij. d.;
for þe stelyng of a axe for þe Kechynne, ij. d.; on Crystemas Eve y
toke Mylis for þe makyng of tapurs for yowr Chapell, iij. d.; þe freday
nexst afore seynt powles day yn eysturs, ij. d.; þe same tyme for
syngyng brede, ob. Summa (to St. Paul's Day, 25 Jan., 1475)
v. s. ix. d. ob.On seynt powles day y payd to þe smyth of Assynden, xx. s.; þe same
day for beefe, xvij. d.; þe same day to Harry Chowne for lath nayle
and tyle pinnes for þe dofe howse (amount missing); on freday nexst
afore Candelmas day for packenedull and threde, j. d.; þe same day for
þe caryage of a barelle of heryng and a cade, xj. d.; to þe porters of
Henley, ij. d.; for holy candulle, ij. d.; for ij lockes and ij nawgers,
x. d.; to Crystmas for heggyng, ij. d.; to þe seyd Crystmas on seynt
Mathewes for þe hegyng of þe rowde crofte, ij. d.; Summa (to Good
Friday, 24 March) xlvj. s. iij. d.Payde to Byrde on goode fryday for his wages, vj. s. viij. d.; to More,
vj. s. x. d.; to Joye, iij. s. vj. d.; to Fryth, iij. s.; to Cocke, ij. s. vj. d.;
to Thomas More, iij. s. iiij. d.; to Berde of Falley for makyng of harnes,
ij. s.; for syngyng brede and wyne, iiij. d.; on freday nexst after Estur
for eysturs and elys, iiij. d.; to a man of Netylbed for lyme, xij. d.
Summa (to Hoke Tuesday, 4 April) xxxiij. s.On Phylippes day and Jacobbe payed to Symmys for plowyng ij. s.; for
ale at Redyng feyr, iij. s. iiij. d.; to Byrd for myssomer quarter wages,
vj. s. viij. d.; for vannyng unto þe throssars at þer furst comyng for þer
labur, ij. s.; on Wyttson yeve for egges, ij. d. Summa (to Whitsunday,
14 May) iij. li. x. s. Summa totalis, vij. li. xv. s. ob. Summa debit,
xxxvj. s. viij. d.1 ? Fingest, Bucks., near Stonor.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
DEC., 1474—MAY, 1475
These accounts are written in the same hand on three long slips of paper.
The receipts, which begin the first slip, are given in full; of the expenses
only such items as seemed to be of interest. From Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 12-14.Md. þat y John Mathewe receyved of my mastur Wyllm. Stonore on
Sunday nexst afore Seynt Thomas day in þe xiiij yere of þe reigne of
Kyng E. þe iiijth yn þe halle of Stonor v. s. Item, y receyvid of my
mastur yn þe seyd yer on þe morne after seynt powles day, xl. s. It.,
y receyvid þe same tyme of þe parson of Thynchest1 vj. s. viij. d. It.,
y receyvid of my master on goode freday in þe xv yere of þe reyngne of
Kyng E. þe iiijth xl. s. It., y receyvid of my mastur yn þe seyd yere on
Wennsday nexst a fore st. Phylippus day and Jacobbe, v. li. Summa
recept. ix. li. xj. s. viij. d.Expenses include: On seynt Thomas yeve for rede heryng, iiij. d.;
for þe stelyng of a axe for þe Kechynne, ij. d.; on Crystemas Eve y
toke Mylis for þe makyng of tapurs for yowr Chapell, iij. d.; þe freday
nexst afore seynt powles day yn eysturs, ij. d.; þe same tyme for
syngyng brede, ob. Summa (to St. Paul’s Day, 25 Jan., 1475)
v. s. ix. d. ob.On seynt powles day y payd to þe smyth of Assynden, xx. s.; þe same
day for beefe, xvij. d.; þe same day to Harry Chowne for lath nayle
and tyle pinnes for þe dofe howse (amount missing); on freday nexst
afore Candelmas day for packenedull and threde, j. d.; þe same day for
þe caryage of a barelle of heryng and a cade, xj. d.; to þe porters of
Henley, ij. d.; for holy candulle, ij. d.; for ij lockes and ij nawgers,
x. d.; to Crystmas for heggyng, ij. d.; to þe seyd Crystmas on seynt
Mathewes for þe hegyng of þe rowde crofte, ij. d.; Summa (to Good
Friday, 24 March) xlvj. s. iij. d.Payde to Byrde on goode fryday for his wages, vj. s. viij. d.; to More,
vj. s. x. d.; to Joye, iij. s. vj. d.; to Fryth, iij. s.; to Cocke, ij. s. vj. d.;
to Thomas More, iij. s. iiij. d.; to Berde of Falley for makyng of harnes,
ij. s.; for syngyng brede and wyne, iiij. d.; on freday nexst after Estur
for eysturs and elys, iiij. d.; to a man of Netylbed for lyme, xij. d.
Summa (to Hoke Tuesday, 4 April) xxxiij. s.On Phylippes day and Jacobbe payed to Symmys for plowyng ij. s.; for
ale at Redyng feyr, iij. s. iiij. d.; to Byrd for myssomer quarter wages,
vj. s. viij. d.; for vannyng unto þe throssars at þer furst comyng for þer
labur, ij. s.; on Wyttson yeve for egges, ij. d. Summa (to Whitsunday,
14 May) iij. li. x. s. Summa totalis, vij. li. xv. s. ob. Summa debit.
xxxvj. s. viij. d.1 ? Fingest, Bucks., near Stonor.