To my right worshipfull cosyn, Syr John Paston, Knight, be thys lettre
RIGHT worshipfull cosyn, in my most herty wise I [comme]nd me to you. And where I am enformed that ye have takyn a disthresse within the [Du]chy of Lankastir for suche money as was commyng toward you of ryght for the tyme that ye were shiryef, me seme, cosyn, ye aught not to take it within the said Duchy of noon auncyen demene holdyn upon the King; for there be places inow to gadir it upon without the said auncyen demene, and so ye cannot lose it. And also, cosyn, I am enformed that it is paied alredy to oon John Burnam, which is of sufficyency inow. For whiche cause mesemythe it werne resone to levey it upon hym than ther where as is noon auctorite to levey it upon. Wherfore, cosyn, I pray you to be good mastir for my sake to thies pore men, whiche be the Kingz tenauntz, and to shew them the favour that ye may. And I shall be as glad to doo you as gret plesure in tyme commyng, by Goddz grace, Who preserve you.
Wretyn at Attylborow, the vij. daie of Apryll.
Zowir cosyn and frend,
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] Sir John Paston had been sheriff in the year 1485-6, but he did not receive his knighthood till June 1487 at the battle of Stoke, so that this letter cannot be earlier than 1488. It is, however, not unlikely to have been written in that year, or one or two years later. The writer, Lord Fitzwalter, was beheaded and attainted in 1495 as an adherent of Perkin
1488(?) APRIL 7