71 John Latoner, prior of Newburgh1 to Sir
Robert Plumpton (No. 59, p.
Right worshipfull Sir, I commend me to you, & am full sory ?at ye should
be displeased agaynst the writting which came last to you in my name. I
comaunded the officer to write to you in my name, but I saw not the same
after. Sir, ye haue alway bene good master to our house, and I pray you so
contynue, & in any thing which ye are myscontent with, it shall be amended by
the sight of your selfe; & I beseech you be good master to this bearer, for
he is giltles in this matter. And as for our land, we pay our dymes
therefore, and trust in you that ye will not ses none thereof, wherby we
should haue cause to make further labor; for it is not the kings mynd to ses
no dymeable land,2 & we haue no suit land, but it is dymable, as
God knoweth, who preserue you euermore.
Your louing frind
the Prior of Newbrougha
Endorsed: To the right worshipfull knight Sir Robart Plompton
a Appended: This
letter hath a seale. Copied the 8 day of March 1612.
1 Newburgh Priory held lands in Spofforth. John
Latoner was elected prior in 1483 and resigned in May/June 1518, VCH,
Yorks, iii, 226, 230.
2 Land subject to assessment for the tenth,