15 John Johnson to Sir William Plumpton, [1465 × 1469]1
(No. 16, p. 160)
Right worshippfull & reuerent Sir & maister,a I recomende me vnto you. And please your good mastershipp to witte there is a clerk att York, the whilke purposes to say his first mes the Sunday next after the feast of the Natiuitie of our Lady the Virgin, and if ye would vouchsafe that he might haue a morsal of venison aganst the said Sunday, for Robart Manfeld sake.2 And trewly I shall lett him wytte both how ye did to his kinswoman against her wedding, and now for this said priest, for he is full brother to the said woman and they are both right neare of his kin. I am siker he thank you full hartely fro I lett him witt, and that shalbe in all the gudly hast at I may; with the grace of God, who encrease your good estate to his pleas<ure>.b Written in hast att York, the Friday next before the said feast.2
Your owne servant and bedeman
John Johnson of Yorke
Endorsed: To my worshipfull & reverent maister Sir William Plompton kt
a Marginal note: 16 letter.
b Marginal note: Coppied 12 January 1612,
1 The letter was probably written before 1469 when Sir William was dismissed from his office as master forester.
2 The writer, who was asking a considerable favour, must have known that Manfeld’s gratitude would be useful to Sir William, C. Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages: Social Change in England c.1200–1520 (1988), 61.