J[ohn] Hurlegh to Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- J[ohn] Hurlegh to Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/44
- Date
- 28 September [1424 or earlier]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 44; Kingsford, Vol I, item 44
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
28 SEPTEMBER [1424 or earlier]
The writer, who was clearly connected with Salisbury, is probably the John
Hurlegh, who was prebendary of Ramsbury in 1414, Warden of the Hospital
of St. Nicholas, Salisbury, from 1418-20, and rector of Kingston Deverell;
he died in 1425 (Wordsworth, Cartulary of St. Nicholas Hospital, p. 211;
for another reference to him see Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI, i, 234). Golafre,
Warfield and Hurlegh were three of Stonor's feoffees of Ermington (see p.-
36 below). Warfield was also Stonor's receiver (see No. 41). A Nicholas
Cassy of Gloucester occurs in 1427-29, and a John Cassy of Gloucester in
1434 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI, i, 376, 515; ii, 372). William Alisaundre of
Wilts, occurs in 1423-34 (ibid., i, 571; ii, 219, 343). This letter may possibly
have some connexion with the presentation of one John Hurle to Bourton in
Hemmersh, diocese of Worcester, in 1421 (ibid., Henry V, ii, 399). From A.C.,
xlvi, 44.Wurshipfull Sire and maistre, I recommande me to Ʒow; and do Ʒow
to wite ?at I am enfourmed ?at Osebarn and Cassy have pursued a new
writ of quare impedit aƷeyns J. Golafre, J. Warfeld, and ?e incumbent,
and ?oghten, as I suppose, to have hade a pryve recovere: for as Gyles,
our attorne of ?e chapitre, told me, ?at ?e processe is at distresse now
retournable at ?e oeptes or ?e quinzisme, I [? know]not qwether. I seend
syr John to Gloucestre to ?e under-shirreve to have hade a copie: and
he said to hym, "kame none write": and so and I suppose ?e retourne
be pryvele made at London: here is koynt craft. William Alisandre
semes most bost and wurship, for all syde ?at ?ai be onsward at ?is
terme. And if I may ride for ?e crikke, I shall kome to Ʒow, praing
with all myn hert ?at Ʒe wold be ?er &c. Also J send Ʒow a copie of
?e letters of Institucion and Induccion at ?e kynges presentacion &c.,
praing hertely ?at Ʒe will vouchesave to konnen with Ʒore counseill:
for I suppose ?ai be now at more laiser ?en at London &c. Also,
Wurschipfull Syr, Cassy hase disabeied be Juggement of Wilcotes: I
send Ʒow a copie ?erof, and of ?e endenture made, ?e obligacions be in
mennes hondes ? . . .1 dar not delyver ham for hym: I seend Ʒow
a copie of ham. And truly I wold full fayn ?at he were chawfed.
Man of lawe say here ?at ?e parson, my cosyn, and Ʒore bedeman, has
his accion as for his reparacions, and ?e payne of ?e obligacion shuld I
have: for truly ?at was ?e entent, ?at if my cosyn hat disabeied ?e
juggement I had forfaited myn obligacion. And me semes ?at he
shuld be in ?e same caas to me. He settes noƷght be noman. And
?erfore truly, syr, I wold the poure parson hade resonable reparacion
after ?e juggement, and ?e avantage of ?e obligacion stonde in gover-
nance of Ʒow and Ʒore frendes &c. I pray Ʒow lette all be seen with
gode avys, as my holly trust is in Ʒow. Also, syr, I send John to Mr.
Gilbert for ?e sale of ?e land, and he sais Lang, the corser, has been
with hym, and if hit shuld be soold be parcelles he wold undertake of
vj C. markes and moore &c. And he sais my lord of Duresme has
write to hym for a cosyn of his, Mr. J. Fytan. And I shall be at
London now at bis terme for finale sale ?erof, I suppose. And Mr.
G says, if he may for his foote, he will also. And see Ʒe what is best
for Ʒore entent, and I shall help faithfully as mycull as in me is. And
I beseche Ʒow seend me som wurd be ?e brynger of Ʒore will and avys.
Also I have be sore diseised in my bakke, and elles I shuld have
spoke with Ʒow er ?is: for certeyn Þer was never matier Þat I Þoght so
mycull apon &c. T. Hailing told me he wold speke with Ʒow. And I
pray Gode kepe Ʒowe in hele of body and sowle with encresce of wur-
ship. Writen at Sarum apon Þe seynt Michell even,Ʒore prest, J. Hurlegh.
Venerabili viro Thome Stonore, armigero, domino suo speciali.
1 There is a hole in the MS.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
28 SEPTEMBER [1424 or earlier]
The writer, who was clearly connected with Salisbury, is probably the John
Hurlegh, who was prebendary of Ramsbury in 1414, Warden of the Hospital
of St. Nicholas, Salisbury, from 1418-20, and rector of Kingston Deverell;
he died in 1425 (Wordsworth, Cartulary of St. Nicholas Hospital, p. 211;
for another reference to him see Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI, i, 234). Golafre,
Warfield and Hurlegh were three of Stonor’s feoffees of Ermington (see p.
36 below). Warfield was also Stonor’s receiver (see No. 41). A Nicholas
Cassy of Gloucester occurs in 1427-29, and a John Cassy of Gloucester in
1434 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI, i, 376, 515; ii, 372). William Alisaundre of
Wilts, occurs in 1423-34 (ibid., i, 571; ii, 219, 343). This letter may possibly
have some connexion with the presentation of one John Hurle to Bourton in
Hemmersh, diocese of Worcester, in 1421 (ibid., Henry V, ii, 399). From A.C.,
xlvi, 44.Wurshipfull Sire and maistre, I recommande me to Зow; and do Зow
to wite þat I am enfourmed þat Osebarn and Cassy have pursued a new
writ of quare impedit aЗeyns J. Golafre, J. Warfeld, and þe incumbent,
and þoghten, as I suppose, to have hade a pryve recovere: for as Gyles,
our attorne of þe chapitre, told me, þat þe processe is at distresse now
retournable at þe oeptes or þe quinzisme, I [? know]not qwether. I seend
syr John to Gloucestre to þe under-shirreve to have hade a copie: and
he said to hym, “kame none write”: and so and I suppose þe retourne
be pryvele made at London: here is koynt craft. William Alisandre
semes most bost and wurship, for all syde þat þai be onsward at þis
terme. And if I may ride for þe crikke, I shall kome to Зow, praing
with all myn hert þat Зe wold be þer &c. Also I send Зow a copie of
þe letters of Institucion and Induccion at þe kynges presentacion &c.,
praing hertely þat Зe will vouchesave to konnen with Зore counseill:
for I suppose þai be now at more laiser þen at London &c. Also,
Wurschipfull Syr, Cassy hase disabeied þe Juggement of Wilcotes: I
send Зow a copie þerof, and of þe endenture made, þe obligacions be in
mennes hondes þ . . .1 dar not delyver ham for hym: I seend Зow
a copie of ham. And truly I wold full fayn þat he were chawfed.
Man of lawe say here þat þe parson, my cosyn, and Зore bedeman, has
his accion as for his reparacions, and þe payne of þe obligacion shuld I
have: for truly þat was þe entent, þat if my cosyn hat disabeied þe
juggement I had forfaited myn obligacion. And me semes þat he
shuld be in þe same caas to me. He settes noЗght be noman. And
þerfore truly, syr, I wold the poure parson hade resonable reparacion
after þe juggement, and þe avantage of þe obligacion stonde in gover-
nance of Зow and Зore frendes &c. I pray Зow lette all be seen with
gode avys, as my holly trust is in Зow. Also, syr, I send John to Mr.
Gilbert for þe sale of þe land, and he sais Lang, the corser, has been
with hym, and if hit shuld be soold be parcelles he wold undertake of
vj C. markes and moore &c. And he sais my lord of Duresme has
write to hym for a cosyn of his, Mr. J. Fytan. And I shall be at
London now at þis terme for finale sale þerof, I suppose. And Mr.
G. says, if he may for his foote, he will also. And see Зe what is best
for Зore entent, and I shall help faithfully as mycull as in me is. And
I beseche Зow seend me som wurd be þe brynger of Зore will and avys.
Also I have be sore diseised in my bakke, and elles I shuld have
spoke with Зow er þis: for certeyn þer was never matier þat I þoght so
mycull apon &c. T. Halling told me he wold speke with Зow. And I
pray Gode kepe Зowe in hele of body and sowle with encresce of wur-
ship. Writen at Sarum apon þe seynt Michell even,Зore prest, J. Hurlegh.
Venerabili viro Thome Stonore, armigero, domino suo speciali.
1 There is a hole in the MS.