John Hamme to [Thomas Stonor]
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Hamme to [Thomas Stonor]
- Reference
- SC 1/51/63
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 49; Kingsford, Vol I, item 49
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
There is no indication of date in this letter, nor is the name of the person
to whom it was written given. But the writer is probably the John Hampne
who was bailiff at Horton in 1419-20 (Ministers Acounts, 1250/2, see vol. ii,
p. 179). It must therefore have been addressed to the first Thomas Stonor.
With this the reference to John Martyn agrees, for there was a John Martyn
on the commission of peace for Kent from` 1413-36. In any case it would
have been difficult to assign the letter to the time of the second Thomas
Stonor; for Alice Drayton owned Horton till her death in October, 1468,
and John Forth was bailiff in October. 1469 (see No. 101). The letter
is now separated from the Stonor papers, to which it no doubt belongs, and
is in A.C., li, 63.To my Worshipful lord. I recomaunde me to Ʒow with alle my
herte. I beseche Ʒow Þat Ʒe wille ?enke on my lord of Caunterbery, for
me fery? sore of hym. Als I beseche Ʒow, Ʒif Ʒe mow naƷt tary, Þat Ʒe
wolde speke with John Martyn Þat he myƷt be mene betwene my lord
of Caunterbery and Ʒow Þat it myƷt be concevyd for? in Þe best maner
for Ʒour profyt and worshyp. Also I beseche Ʒow ?at Ʒe willyn speke
to John Martyn as towchyng Þe mater of Chertone ?at he wolde take
non distresse, and Þat it myth be conceyved in leyser unto ?e tyme ?at
Ʒe and John Martyn mowe speke to-kedyr ate Ʒour bothe esement.
Also I wold fayn wete what Ʒe wyllyn do with Mannemede, for it must
be ordeynyd for for Ʒour owne profyt. Also I beseche Ʒow with alle my
herte Þat Ʒe willen leve word atte Ʒour ynne of alle bese materys I wrete
in a scrowe: and I sshal sende Þedir a Saterday next comyng. I
beseche Ʒow ?at Ʒe wil tary ?e lenger for Þese maters aforeseyd, and I
sshal helpe to bere sum of Þe costes. Almythy God have Ʒow ever in
his kepyng body and soule.Be John Hamme
Ʒoure pouer servaunt.
No endorsement.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
[c. 1425]
There is no indication of date in this letter, nor is the name of the person
to whom it was written given. But the writer is probably the John Hampne
who was bailiff at Horton in 1419-20 (Ministers Accounts, 1250/2, see vol. ii,
p. 179). It must therefore have been addressed to the first Thomas Stonor.
With this the reference to John Martyn agrees, for there was a John Martyn
on the commission of peace for Kent from 1413-36. In any case it would
have been difficult to assign the letter to the time of the second Thomas
Stonor; for Alice Drayton owned Horton till her death in October, 1468,
and John Forth was bailiff in October, 1469 (see No. 101). The letter
is now separated from the Stonor papers, to which it no doubt belongs, and
is in A.C., li, 63.To my Worshipful lord. I recomaunde me to Зow with alle my
herte. I beseche Зow þat Зe wille þenke on my lord of Caunterbery, for
me feryþ sore of hym. Als I beseche Зow, Зif Зe mow naЗt tary, þat Зe
wolde speke with John Martyn þat he myЗt be mene betwene my lord
of Caunterbery and Зow þat it myЗt be concevyd forþ in þe best maner
for Зour profyt and worshyp. Also I beseche Зow þat Зe willyn speke
to John Martyn as towchyng þe mater of Chertone þat he wolde take
non distresse, and þat it myth be conceyved in leyser unto þe tyme þat
Зe and John Martyn mowe speke to-kedyr ate Зour bothe esement.
Also I wold fayn wete what Зe wyllyn do with Mannemede, for it must
be ordeynyd for for Зour owne profyt. Also I beseche Зow with alle my
herte þat Зe willen leve word atte Зour ynne of alle þese materys I wrete
in a scrowe: and I sshal sende þedir a Saterday next comyng. I
beseche Зow þat Зe wil tary þe lenger for þese maters aforeseyd, and I
sshal helpe to bere sum of þe costes. Almythy God have Зow ever in
his kepyng body and soule.Be John Hamme
Зoure pouer servaunt.
No endorsement.