John Elmes to Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Elmes to Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/43
- Date
- 6 February [?1457]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 60; Kingsford, Vol I, item 60
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
6TH FEB. [? 1457]
The 6th of February fell on a Sunday in 1452, 1457, 1463, and 1474. If
the writer may be identified with John Elmys, the merchant of Henley, who
occurs in 1443 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI, iv, 169), the most likely date is
1457. "My lady your sister" is clearly Isabel, wife of Thomas Sackville of
Falley or Fawley, which is halfway between Stonor and Henley. Thomas
Sackville died in 1466, and if this letter is read as implying that Isabel Sack-
ville was a widow, the date must be 1474. From AC., xlvi, 43.15Right wurshipfull syr, and my good Maister, y Recommaunde me to
yow: and please hyt your Maistershyppe to wete that the Sonday next
after my departynge fro yow I come to Hendeley at vij of the clocke in
the mornynge, and whan I had herde masse John Mathew come to me
fro my lady youre syster, and told me that there had be certain persones
at my place at Falley and have take a distresse thre horses of my ten-
auntes, whiles that he was at the Chyrche at matyns and have caried
hem away: and they have seled up the halle dore with a wrytynge ther
apon, what the wrytynge is I wot not as yet: and thys was don wythoute
any knowliche or wetynge of my lady, or of any oficer of hereys: where-
fore my lady, your syster, wuld that I shuld wryte to yow of this mater,
for she feryth that here fraunchese shuld be hurt or broken, becawse of
this doyng &c. And syr, I beseke yow to be my goode Maister: for
be my trouth I nevir dede any thynge in the mater syne I was with
Maister Fowler, and suche promys as I have made on to yow and to
Maister Fowler y shall trewly kepe hyt. Also syr, my tennant, Robert
Cockes, is a hevy man becawse his hors be take away. I can nor wyll
not gefe hym no comfort, onto that I have wurd fro yowr Maistership,
that wote Almyght Jhesu, who have yow, Right worshipfull syr, evyr in
his blessed kepyng, Amen. Writen at Hendeley in hast the same Son-
day that the dede was don, the vj day of Feverer.By your servaunt John Elmes.
To Right worshipfull syr, and my goode Maister Thomas Stonar, this
be delivered. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
6TH FEB. [? 1457]
The 6th of February fell on a Sunday in 1452, 1457, 1463, and 1474. If
the writer may be identified with John Elmys, the merchant of Henley, who
occurs in 1443 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI, iv, 169), the most likely date is
1457. “My lady your sister” is clearly Isabel, wife of Thomas Sackville of
Falley or Fawley, which is halfway between Stonor and Henley. Thomas
Sackville died in 1466, and if this letter is read as implying that Isabel Sack-
ville was a widow, the date must be 1474. From A.C., xlvi, 43.Right wurshipfull syr, and my good Maister, y Recommaunde me to
yow: and please hyt your Maistershyppe to wete that the Sonday next
after my departynge fro yow I come to Hendeley at vij of the clocke in
the mornynge, and whan I had herde masse John Mathew come to me
fro my lady youre syster, and told me that there had be certain persones
at my place at Falley and have take a distresse thre horses of my ten-
auntes, whiles that he was at the Chyrche at matyns and have caried
hem away: and they have seled up the halle dore with a wrytynge ther
apon, what the wrytynge is I wot not as yet: and thys was don wythoute
any knowliche or wetynge of my lady, or of any oficer of hereys: where-
fore my lady, your syster, wuld that I shuld wryte to yow of this mater,
for she feryth that here fraunchese shuld be hurt or broken, becawse of
this doyng &c. And syr, I beseke yow to be my goode Maister: for
be my trouth I nevir dede any thynge in the mater syne I was with
Maister Fowler, and suche promys as I have made on to yow and to
Maister Fowler y shall trewly kepe hyt. Also syr, my tennant, Robert
Cockes, is a hevy man becawse his hors be take away. I can nor wyll
not gefe hym no comfort, onto that I have wurd fro yowr Maistership,
that wote Almyght Jhesu, who have yow, Right worshipfull syr, evyr in
his blessed kepyng, Amen. Writen at Hendeley in hast the same Son-
day that the dede was don, the vj day of Feverer.By your servaunt John Elmes.
To Right worshipfull syr, and my goode Maister Thomas Stonar, this
be delivered.