John Dymmok to [?]
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Dymmok to [?]
- Reference
- C 47/37/1/32-33
- Date
- 1416-1417
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 42; Kingsford, Vol I, item 42
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
This letter, which is much injured, and very difficult to decipher, is written
by a bailiff at Ermington, and is apparently addressed to an officer (probably
John Warefeld) of Thomas Stonor in London; Stonor himself was perhaps
absent in France. Accompanying it is the "bille of expenses and alowans";
the latter is too much injured to reproduce in full, but it is not as a whole of
great interest, though important as supplying Dymmok's name, and the date;
it is headed:—Ermyngton
Expense et allocaciones Johannis Dymmok, a0 Regis Henrici quinti
viij0.In primis petit allocacionem de xlv. s. pro operibus liberorum [tenen-
cium]. It., pet. all. de xxviij. s. j. d. pro piscaria voc. Madyngstad.Other items are:—
iiij. d. pro j twest pro hostio panterie; viij. s. iiij. d. pro v. mill, lapid.
tegul.; vj. s. viij. d. de expensis Willi. Mayne eundo et redeundo versus
London.; iij. li. quos Willelmus Mayne solvit domino apud Stonor.There are also legal expenses incurred by William Penbrygge, with his
expenses on going to London; and expenses for John Hals in London.
The total of receipts with expenses and allowances was ?41 18s. 3d.; and
Dymmok had apparently ?21 8s. 0d. in hand.The Account is probably for the year ended at Michaelmas, 1420
(8 Henry V); so this letter was presumably written late in 1420. In an
Account rendered by John Warefeld, Stonor's receiver, for that year appears
the receipt of ?15 from John Dymmok, farmer of Ermyngton, and the pay-
ments include:—expense facte London, in Curia Admirallis pro wrecco maris apud Erm.
in mari provecto, viz. primo die Augusti xxvij. s., et in aliis custubus in
eadem Curia mense Novembr., ut pro fine xx. s., et senescallo Curie vj. s.
viij. d., et pro feodis Clerici Curie pro ij procurationibus vij. s. iiij. d.,
et in feodis budell dicte curie iiij. d. (Ministers Accounts, 750/17).An Account by John Dymmok for 1419-21 mentions William Mayne and
John Hals (id., 822/35, see vol. ii, p. 179 below). Dymmok appears on a
commission in Devonshire in Feb. 1419 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry V, ii, 274).
John Fortescue was father of Richard Fortescue of Ermington (see No. 45);
he was a justice of the peace for Devon from 1418 to 1422. John Hals,
who was on the commission of peace for Devonshire from 1420 to 1431, was
a lawyer of some prominence. The paper on which the letter is written is so
mutilated at the foot that it is impossible to obtain anything of its meaning;
a continuation on the other side is equally hopeless (Ch Misc., 37, i, 32,33).Ermyngton.
Syr, as touchant ?e ffynes ?at Ʒe sende to me, syr (?), I knowe ham
noƷht what ?ay be, what is I-payd ne what is to payng, but I have aspyd
among ham yn presence of Thomas, your messynger, [who] can enfourme
you: and ?ay wil noƷtt paye . . . with oute hure dedis enselyd and . . .
frynd is . . . and his wif hath Ʒulde up hure e . . . d. Symon Lode
do? no fors f[or he] is febel and yold, Paulisfot, Ray, John at Wille, this
persons1 use makyth ham fulfulle alle [?is]. John Hals welle ha? en-
formyd me of ham, and therfore Thomas can enfourme [you] of all hit:
but Ʒut I shal enquere among ham better, yf y may eny ?yng gete yn hast:
and ?erfor sendith [unto me a] bille of hur namys and what is to pay
and touchant R. H[a]lle &c. Thomas can enfourme you by mouthe
fully of J. Fortescu, Raff Hatt and Woder, god frendis, of the whiche
spareth noƷtt to speke bo? for youre worchip and profet: and touchant
my payment I sende by Thomas, your Ʒeman, to my maister and Cosyn
Hals a letter and a bond to delyvere you, excepte divers expenses and
alowans, of ?e whiche I send to you a bille. And as touchant myn
endentur, reson wolde that ?ay were had aredy, for drede of changyng
of ?e world ?at is bretell, as sone as hy[t] myth be mad and enselyd ef-
fectually, savant my maysteris profit and worchip: for truly Ʒe knowe
wel, and knowe also ?at I am a profitabel Reve for hym and have a
gret charge and labor. Saunz rien apprendre. For why comyth, so
moche as the clothyng ?at was spoke (?) ?er of is by hynde, but Ʒut I
chalynge hit noƷth but after [my] maysteris oune governanse at ?is
tyme: for me ?ynkyth h[it] bote a febel reward, for wel I wot he ha? no
servant [yn] Engelond ?at servyth hym yn suche a labor and travayl [as]
I do, payng more to hym ?anne ?e value Ʒerly amontath, takyng ryth
noƷth for my travayl, ?e which as Ʒut I faith wel safe yn hope of amende-
ment aftir his discrecion and .... And touchant my maysteris beyng
at London, and ... ns ... at mois michel;2 I wot wel Ʒe most
nedes be ?er, [for] Ʒe shalle save my maysteris enheritance, his profit
and his worship, for to answer to ?e false sugestion ?at is mad [yn] ?e
admyral is Court: for every man here know[eth] wel ?at ?e wreke is
parcel of ?e enheritance of Ermyngton and is fre . . . amend, no?er
plede? to a Countre is payment for me ... my Styward and yours;
and ?er for John Fortescu is worth and tenementes (?). . . . . . and
leeches yn ?is be. . . . . . never yn my lyf, for. . . . . .1 The reading is doubtful.
2 Or perhaps "mes Michel," for Michaelmas.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
This letter, which is much injured, and very difficult to decipher, is written
by a bailiff at Ermington, and is apparently addressed to an officer (probably
John Warefeld) of Thomas Stonor in London; Stonor himself was perhaps
absent in France. Accompanying it is the “bille of expenses and alowans”;
the latter is too much injured to reproduce in full, but it is not as a whole of
great interest, though important as supplying Dymmok’s name, and the date;
it is headed:—Ermyngton
Expense et allocaciones Johannis Dymmok, ao Regis Henrici quinti
viijo.In primis petit allocacionem de xlv. s. pro operibus liberorum [tenen-
cium]. It., pet. all. de xxviij. s. j. d. pro piscaria voc. Madyngstad.Other items are:—
iiij. d. pro j twest pro hostio panterie; viij. s. iiij. d. pro v. mill. lapid.
tegul.; vj. s. viij. d. de expensis Willi. Mayne eundo et redeundo versus
London.; iij. li. quos Willelmus Mayne solvit domino apud Stonor.There are also legal expenses incurred by William Penbrygge, with his
expenses on going to London; and expenses for John Hals in London.
The total of receipts with expenses and allowances was £41 18s. 3d.; and
Dymmok had apparently £21 8s. 0d. in hand.The Account is probably for the year ended at Michaelmas, 1420
(8 Henry V); so this letter was presumably written late in 1420. In an
Account rendered by John Warefeld, Stonor’s receiver, for that year appears
the receipt of £15 from John Dymmok, farmer of Ermyngton, and the pay-
ments include:—expense facte London. in Curia Admirallis pro wrecco maris apud Erm.
in mari provecto, viz. primo die Augusti xxvij. s., et in aliis custubus in
eadem Curia mense Novembr., ut pro fine xx. s., et senescallo Curie vj. s.
viij. d., et pro feodis Clerici Curie pro ij procurationibus vij. s. iiij. d.,
et in feodis budell dicte curie iiij. d. (Ministers Accounts, 750/17).An Account by John Dymmok for 1419-21 mentions William Mayne and
John Hals (id., 822/35, see vol. ii, p. 179 below). Dymmok appears on a
commission in Devonshire in Feb. 1419 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry V, ii, 274).
John Fortescue was father of Richard Fortescue of Ermington (see No. 45);
he was a justice of the peace for Devon from 1418 to 1422. John Hals,who was on the commission of peace for Devonshire from 1420 to 1431, was
a lawyer of some prominence. The paper on which the letter is written is so
mutilated at the foot that it is impossible to obtain anything of its meaning;
a continuation on the other side is equally hopeless (Ch. Misc., 37, i, 32, 33).Ermyngton.
Syr, as touchant þe ffynes þat Зe sende to me, syr (?), I knowe ham
noЗht what þay be, what is I-payd ne what is to payng, but I have aspyd
among ham yn presence of Thomas, your messynger, [who] can enfourme
you: and þay wil noЗtt paye . . . with oute hure dedis enselyd and . . .
frynd is . . . and his wif hath Зulde up hure e . . . d. Symon Lode
doþ no fors f[or he] is febel and yold, Paulisfot, Ray, John at Wille, this
persons1 use makyth ham fulfulle alle [þis]. John Hals welle haþ en-
formyd me of ham, and therfore Thomas can enfourme [you] of all hit:
but Зut I shal enquere among ham better, yf y may eny þyng gete yn hast:
and þerfor sendith [unto me a] bille of hur namys and what is to pay
and touchant R. H[a]lle &c. Thomas can enfourme you by mouthe
fully of J. Fortescu, Raff Hatt and Woder, god frendis, of the whiche
spareth noЗtt to speke boþ for youre worchip and profet: and touchant
my payment I sende by Thomas, your Зeman, to my maister and Cosyn
Hals a letter and a bond to delyvere you, excepte divers expenses and
alowans, of þe whiche I send to you a bille. And as touchant myn
endentur, reson wolde that þay were had aredy, for drede of changyng
of þe world þat is bretell, as sone as hy[t] myth be mad and enselyd ef-
fectually, savant my maysteris profit and worchip: for truly Зe knowe
wel, and knowe also þat I am a profitabel Reve for hym and have a
gret charge and labor. Saunz rien apprendre. For why comyth, so
moche as the clothyng þat was spoke (?) þer of is by hynde, but Зut I
chalynge hit noЗth but after [my] maysteris oune governanse at þis
tyme: for me þynkyth h[it] bote a febel reward, for wel I wot he haþ no
servant [yn] Engelond þat servyth hym yn suche a labor and travayl [as]
I do, payng more to hym þanne þe value Зerly amontath, takyng ryth
noЗth for my travayl, þe which as Зut I faith wel safe yn hope of amende-
ment aftir his discrecion and . . . . And touchant my maysteris beyng
at London, and . . . ns . . . at mois michel;2 I wot wel Зe most
nedes be þer, [for] Зe shalle save my maysteris enheritance, his profit
and his worship, for to answer to þe false sugestion þat is mad [yn] þe
admyral is Court: for every man here know[eth] wel þat þe wreke is
parcel of e enheritance of Ermyngton and is fre . . . amend, no er
plede to a Countre is payment for me . . . my Styward and yours;
and er for John Fortescu is worth and tenementes (?) . . . . . . and
leeches yn is be . . . . . . never yn my lyf, for. . . . . . . .1 The reading is doubtful.
2 Or perhaps “mes Michel,” for Michaelmas.