237 John Doddington to William Plumpton, 7 October [?1542] (No. 24, p. 202)
Right worshipfull Sir,a my deuty to you premised, in my hartyest maner I commend me vnto you and to my mistress, your wife. Pleaseth yt you to vnderstand my master1 hath wryten his letter to Mr Goldsbrough2 for a do for your mastership in Bilton park, or the peark of Heay,3 at your pleasur. I trust it will be signed, and if it be not, [p. 203] my masterb desires your mastership to send him word therof. The same letter is herin closed. And I pray your mastership if ther be any service that I doe your mastership, it will please you to commaund me as your servant. And thus pray almighty God to preserve you. Scribled in hast the vij day of October.
Your servant to comaund
John Dodingtonc
Endorsed (p. 202): To the right worshipfull Mr William Plompton esquire
a Marginal note: 24 letter by John Dodington.
b Marginal note, as above.
c Marginal note: Copied the 12 June,
1 Robert Plumpton.
2 Possibly Edward Goldsborough, king’s sergeant at arms (d. by Oct. 1543), who received a regrant for life of the office of feodary of Knaresborough with the forestership of wards in Knaresborough forest, 6 July 1523, Somerville, i, 526; L & P, xv, 473; xvi, 432, 708; xviii (i), 184.
3 Hayah Park,