John Doddington to William Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Doddington to William Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 22, p. 200
- Date
- 6 June, year unknown
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To other members of the Plumpton family', item 17; Kirby, item 236
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
236 John Doddington to William Plumpton, 6 June (No. 22, p. 200)
Right worshipfull,a in my most hartyest maner I commend me to you,
and likewise to my good mistress your wife, trusting to Jesus that you
and all your children and family be in good health. And wheare I
perceiue by Robart Setell, your servant, that the perty who oweth the
lease you sent vnto me to be exemplefied, thinketh long for the same,
and suposes the same lease to be [?lost],b Sir, truth it is the same lease
is and remaineth in the custody of Mr Henley1 of the court of
augmentation of the kings maiesties crown, and is assigned with the
hands of Mr [p. 201] Chauncler2 and councellc of the court aforsaid, &
vpon the iiij day of this present month of June was deliuered to Duke,
clarke of the said councell, to ingrosse in parchment, and then to be
sealed with the seale of the same court, which shall be done and
finished within fower or 6 dayes next coming. And shortly also, I shall
send you the same with a bill of such somes of money as I haue &
shall disburse for the same, so that I trust the said party haue no cause
to mistrust the having therof. He may not haue that leases in revertion
be sold on Alowed Sent Leasur. And frindship, as knoweth our lord
God, who ever preserue you. Scribled in hast at London, the 6th day
of June.Yours to comaund John Dodingtond
Endorsed (p. 200): To the right worshipfull and his singuler good master
Mr Wm Plompton esquire thisa Marginal note: the 22 letter by John Dodington.
b MS best.
c Marginal note: 22 letter by John Dodington.
d Marginal note: Copied the 10 of June, Satterday.
1 Walter Henley, formally appointed solicitor of augmentations 16 Dec. 1537. He held
the office until the autumn of 1547 when it was reported that he was seriously ill and
almost blind, Richardson, Augmentations 43n, 140n., 492; L & P, xiii (1), 67, 109, 253, 1093.2 Lord Audley was succeeded as chancellor in 1544 by Thomas, Lord Wriothesley,
HBC, 86. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To the right worshipfull and his singuler good Master, Mr. William
Plompton, Esquire, this.Right worshipfull, in my most hartyest maner I commend me
to you and likewise to my good Mistres your wife, trusting to Jesus
that you and all your children and famila be in good health.
And wheare I perceive by Robart Settell, your servant, that the
perty who oweth the lease you sent unto me to be exemplefied,
thinketh long for the same and suposes the same lease to be lost ;
Sir, truth it is, the same lease is and remaineth in the custody of
Mr. Henley of the Court of Augmentation of the King's Majesties
Crown, and is assigned with the hands of Mr. Chauncler and
Counsell of the Court aforsaid, and upon the iiij day of this pre-
sent month of June was delivered to Duke, clarke of the said
Councill, to ingross in parchment, and then to be sealed with the
seale of the same Court, which shall be done and finished within
fower or 6 dayes next coming. And shortley also, I shall send
you the same with a bill of such somes of money, as I have and
shall disburse for the same ; so that I trust the said party
have no cause to mistrust the having therof. He may not have
that leases in revertion be sold on Alowed Sent Leasur.a And
frindship, as knoweth our Lord God, who ever preserve you.
Scribbled in hast at London the 6th day of June.Yours to comaund,
JOHN DODINGTON.a Alured St. Leger, qu?re?