John Doddington to Mrs Isabel Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Doddington to Mrs Isabel Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 6, p. 185
- Date
- 22 February [?1539-40]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To other members of the Plumpton family', item 16; Kirby, item 235
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
235 John Doddington to Mrs Isabel Plumpton, 22 February [?1539–
40] (No. 6, p. 185)Right worshipfull and my singler good mistress,a my duty to you
premised, in my most hertyest maner I recomend me vnto you. Pleaseth
you to vnderstand I haue receiued your letter, by the which I vnderstand
that your pleasure is that I shuld lett Edward Glydal haue such parcels
of ground of your maner of Sacomburs as which heb think to be nessary
for him, and which parcils I think be minded to be let. Mistress, as yet
I haue let no percill of the same, your maner, to no person. So ever
the les, I haue oferd Glidall that if I let any persill of the sam, that he
shold haue the perfirment therof before any other person, and as farr
as I can prevaile, he hath in mind to haue ney percill of the same land.
He hath taken a [p. 186] farmec of my lord of Essex,1 and that he
intendeth to inhabit and dwell; and his eldest son, which lately dweld
in a coppie hold of his father in Sacomb, hath taken and dwelleth in
a farme of [. . .]d <Mr Holts> in Lankeshire, about Wouden.2 And the
same copie hold the said Edward Glidal wold haue me to take of him
and put in account therin my self, and that then I shold & might tach
land of the sam, your said maner, to the said coppiehold I shuld
think expedient, and I as yet am not minded to take any copehold.
Soeuertheless, if Gladall himselfe or his son be minded to occupie any
of the said land that I shall be minded to let, he shall hau the preferment
therof, and your [. . .]e <comaundment> in that behalfe, or in any other
thing that in me lieth to be obse[ru]yd and kept to the [. . .]f best of
my power by the same, as Jesus [knoweth,] who preseue you in good
and prosprus health, with long continuance of the same. In hast, from
London, the xxijth of Febuary.Your servant & to camaund John Doddingtong
Endorsed (p. 185): To the right worshipfull Mrs Isabell Plompton this
with speedea Marginal note: 5 letter by John Dodington.
b MS he which.
c Marginal note: Letter 5 by John Doddington.
d his father deleted.
e contenment deleted.
f lease deleted.
g Marginal note: Copied the 5 of June 1626.
1 Henry Bourchier, earl of Essex (d. March 1540), or Thomas Cromwell, raised to the
earldom 18 April 1540 and executed the same year. Mackie, 404, 414n.2 The manor of Wodden, near Eccles, formerly an estate of Whalley Abbey, was
granted to Thomas Holcroft (kntd 1544), who later transferred it to the senior branch of
the family, headed by his brother, Sir John Holcroft of Holcroft, VCH, Lancs, iv, 372. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To the right worshipfull Mrs. Isbell Plompton, this with speede.
Right worshipfull and my singler good Mistres, my duty to you
premised, in my most hertyest maner I recomend me unto you.
Pleaseth you to understand I have received your letter ; by the
which I understand that your pleasure is, that I shuld lett Edward
Glydal have such parcels of ground of your maner of Sacomburs,
as which he think to be nessary for him, and which parcils I think
be minded to be let. Mistres, as yet I have let no persill of the
same your maner to no person. So ever the les, I have oferd Gli-
dall, that if I let any persill of the sam, that he shold have the
perfirment therof before any other person, and as farr as I can
prevaile, he hath in mind to have ney percill of the same land.
He hath taken a farme of my Lord of Essex, and that he intendeth
to inhabit and dwell ; and his eldest son, which lately dweld in a
coppie hold of his father in Sacomb, hath taken and dwelleth in
a farme of Mr. Holts in Lankeshire abowt Wouden.a And
the same copiehold the said Edward Glidall wold have me to
take of him and put in acount therin my self, and that then I
shold and might tack land of the sam your said manner to the said
coppiehold I shuld think expedient ; and I as yet am not minded
to take any copehold. Soevertheles, yf Glidall himselfe or
his son be minded to occopie any of the said land that I shall
be minded to let, he shall hav the preferment therof, and
your comaundment in that behalfe, or in any other thing that
in me lieth, to be observyd and kept to the best of my power
by the same, as Jesus [knoweth], who preserve you in good and
prosprus health with long continuance of the same. In hast from
London the xxiith of Febuary.Your servant and to comaund,
JOHN DODINGTON.a Woolden Hall in Eccles parish was the seat of Thomas Holcroft, esq. in 1595.
He probably purchased from the Holts.