John Damme to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Damme to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34888, f. 32
- Date
- 30 November 1449
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 95; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 15
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
To my ryght worshepfull master John Paston at London in
the Inner Temple.PLESE it your good maistershep to knowe that my
maisteresse your wyff recomaundeth here to yow and
fareth well, blyssed be God, and all your menye faren
well also and recomaunde hem to yaw, &c. I was with my
lord of Oxenford and dede myn erand, and I found his good
lordshep well disposed towardys yow, for he seid if he were
sent to for to come to, &c., if it kepe faire weder he wold not
tarye, and if it reygned he wold not spare. More over I spak
with Pertrych as touchyng the letter sent to my lord Moleyns;
he seyth that he was privy to the wrytyng and wele a vowe it
by record of xx. persons, but he wold name to me no persone;
and so he and I accorded not fully. And I bad hym remembre
hym that he myght not abyde there if ye wold have hym owt.
And he seid he knewe well that. But he seid, if ye put heem
out, ye shuld be put owt sone after a geyn. And I seyd if it
happe it so thei shuld not longer reste there. And Mariot
stod by and seyd that were no merveyll whill thei were but ij.
men, but it shuld not be best so. And I seyd that I lete them
wete it shuld be so if ye wold, thow they made all the strenght
which they coude make. And ther to Mariot seyd stately, that
myght not be performed; and more langage ther was, to long
to wryte at this leyser. Pertrych and his felaw bere gret visage
and kepe gret junkeryes and dyneres, and seyn that my lord
Moleynes hath wrytyn pleynly to hem that he is lord there and
well be, and shall be, and ye not to have it; but I trust to
Goddes ryghtwysenes of better purvyaunce. Lyke it yow to
remembre what Heydon doth and mayde by colour of justice
of the pees, beyng of my lordes councell and not your good
frend nor weell wyller, and to comon with your sad councell
what ye must suffre by the lawe, and where inne ye may resiste.
On Sunday last passed Gunore and Mariot and John Davy and
other dyned with Pertrych, &c.; and after eveson [evensong]
Gonore spake to my maisteresse that she shuld make here men
to leue here wyfeles and here jackes; and she answered that
thei purposed to hurte no man of here owyn sykyng; but for
it was seid that she shuld be plukkyd owt of here howse, she
were loth to suffre that; and therfore she sayde thei shuld goo
soo til ye come hom. And he seid stately, but if thei left here
aray it shuld be plukked from them. I trust he must have a
better warant, from his stately langage, or ells he shall not have
it from hem esily. All this I remitte to your good remem-
braunce with Goddes help, to Whom I pray to gyde your
ryght to his worshep and your hertes desire.Wrytyn at Sustede on Seynt Andrewe day, &c.—Yowres,
Were but well, as me semyth, that ye myght ordeygne now
a fetys jacke defensable for your self, for there con they do best
and best chep, &c.2 [Add. 34,888, f. 32.] This letter was evidently written in 1449, after John
Paston had re-entered Gresham, and his wife was keeping it for him. See No. 88.1449
NOV. 301449
NOV. 30 - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
A.D. 1449, 30 Nov.
[Add. 34,888, f. 32]
This letter was evidently written in 1449, after John Paston had re-entered
Gresham, and his wife was keeping it for him. See No. 77 of the general
series.To my ryght worshepfull master John Paston at
London in the Inner Temple.PLESE it your good maistershep to knowe
that my maisteresse your wyff recomaundeth
here to yow and fareth well, blyssed be
God, and all your menye faren well also
and recomaunde hem to yaw, &c. I was with my
lord of Oxenford and dede myn erand, and I found
his good lordshep well disposed towardys yow,
for he seid if he were sent to for to come to, &c., if it
kepe faire weder he wold not tarye, and if it reygned
he wold not spare. More over I spak with Pertrych
as touchyng the letter sent to my lord Moleyns; he
seyth that he was privy to the wrytyng and wele a
vowe it by record of xx. persons, but he wold name
to me no persone; and so he and I accorded not
fully. And I bad hym remembre hym that he myght
not abyde there if ye wold have hym owt. And he
seid he knewe well that. But he seid, if ye put heem
out, ye shuld be put owt sone after a geyn. And I
seyd if it happe it so thei shuld not longer reste
there. And Mariot stod by and seyd that were no
merveyll whill thei were but ij. men, but it shuld not
be best so. And I seyd that I lete them wete it
shuld be so if ye wold, thow they made all the
strenght which they coude make. And ther to
Mariot seyd stately, that myght not be performed;
and more langage ther was, to long to wryte at this
leyser. Pertrych and his felaw bere gret visage and
kepe gret junkeryes and dyneres, and seyn that my
lord Moleynes hath wrytyn pleynly to hem that he
is lord there and well be, and shall be, and ye not
to have it; but I trust to Goddes ryghtwysenes of
better purvyaunce. Lyke it yow to remembre what
Heydon doth and mayde by colour of justice of the
pees, beyng of my lordes councell and not your good
frend nor weell wyller, and to comon with your sad
councell what ye must suffre by the lawe, and where
inne ye may resiste. On Sunday last passed Gunore
and Mariot and John Davy and other dyned with
Pertrych, &c.; and after eveson [evensong] Gonore
spake to my maisteresse that she shuld make here
men to leue here wyfeles and here jackes; and she
answered that thei purposed to hurte no man of here
owyn sykyng; but for it was seid that she shuld be
plukkyd owt of here howse, she were loth to suffre
that; and therfore she sayde thei shuld goo soo til
ye come hom. And he seid stately, but if thei left
here aray it shuld be plukked from them. I trust he
must have a better warant, from his stately langage,
or ells he shall not have it from hem esily. All this
I remitte to your good remembraunce with Goddes
help, to Whom I pray to gyde your ryght to his
worshep and your hertes desire.Wrytyn at Sustede on Seynt Andrewe day, &c.—
Yowres, J. DAMME.Were but well, as me semyth, that ye myght
ordeygne now a fetys jacke defensable for your self,
for there con they do best and best chep, &c.