John Dalton to George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Dalton to George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/95
- Date
- 27 January 1482
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 74
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
By the reference to the recent death of Richard Cely the elder this letter belongs
to the year 1482.Ryght interly beluffyd Broder after all dew recomendacyon I
recomaunde me unto yow as hartely as I can or may. Furthermore
Syr I have receved ij letters from yow by the wych letters I onder-
stand of your grett hevenes for your farder on whose sole God have
mercy. Furthermore Syr it is so that Gysbreth van Winbragh
hayth bene her syn yow departyd and he wylle here agayne he
telles me within xiiiij dayes after Candellmes and syeth the xj
sarplers cottes woolle of yours on the wych I have taken a gode
peny of hym for alsoy syr here came non Holanders syn yow went
but won felyschip of Delff the wych I kod seell non flec[es] and no
syn we have made bylles of xiijs iiijd on the sarplers the wych must
be sent ovyr in to Ynglond and ther payd at plesur your faders
byll at plesur amontes unto xvli vjs viijd ster: your broder Rychards
xliiijs ster: and Wylliam Maryon byll iijli xs viijd ster: Alsoy Syr
syn yt ys soo as it is of my mayster your fayder in the reverence
of God take it pacyenly and hurt nott yoursell for that God wyll
have done no mane may begense. Alsoy Syr all your felles here
don well but ze schall onderstand that we lacke peltes and here is
non thow that bene be at xxd a dossene Alsoy Syr syn yow departyd
I have bene wt my broder Wylliam Dalton at Bruges and ther I
bowgh vic peltes after iiijs iiijd a lb and lytyll moor the wych ze
schall all waye have the ton hallffe of as long as I have ony the wych
peltes schalbe here schortely sum of them and betwyxt thys and
fast I trow to have a Ml peelltes Syr I schall do my best for yow in
all maner of theng belongyng unto yow as I wold do for owr broder
Wylliam Dalton so helpe me Jhesu. Alsoy Syr I trowe to have
of Gysbreth van Wynesbragh xl or lli of Carolles at ys comyng he
told me that he wold do ys best to geet them for me at xvjd the
pond in case be that yow wyll that I schall send them ovyr to yow
or to any oder for yow send me worde and it schalbe don and that I
can do for you or maye do in any oder matter. Your horsyn do
weell, God save them. Alsoy Syr wheras we ette the good
podynges the woman of the hosse that mayd them as I onderstand
sche ys wt schylde wt my broder that had the jeyscheskeynea of me
Syr all owr howsswold by nam recomaund them unto yow and the
bene ryght sore of your hevenes in gud fayth Syr I pray yow that
I may be recomaunded unto yowr broder Rychard Cely and ych of
yow cheere oder in the reverence of owre Layde who preserve yow.
A Calles the xxvij day of Jennar.Your broder to my poer John Dalton
that I can or may.Addressed: To my interly beluffid brother Jorge
Cely merchant [of th]e staple of
Calley no beyng [in Lon]don in
Marte Layne.a Perhaps the Flemish Gezellin, a female companion.