John D. To Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John D. To Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 180, p. 118
- Date
- 28 June [1516]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 178; Kirby, item 215
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
215 John D.1 to Sir Robert Plumpton 28 June [1516] (No. 180, p. 118)
Right worshipfull Sir, in my most humble maner ?at I can I recomend
me to your good mastership, & also to my good lady, letting your
mastership vnderstand ?at Nicholas the messenger hath deliuered a
byll into the Stare Chamber of all the prevey seles ?at he deliuered in
the north country; & as [p. 119] many as apereth not, the Councell
derecteth proses against them. Howbeyt I made aledgment for your
mastership, wherwith they are content, & hath giuen day to All Hallow
Day; & they lay to your charge lxxviijli ?at your mastership shold be
debtable to ?e king for ?e lordship of Plompton,a for ij yeres in King
Herre the vijth dayes. This must be answered at the next terme; & Sir,
ther is a suyt against your mastership in the excheker for introschon;2 &,
Sir, as for my yong master, ?at hath none end as yet.3Sir, the kings grace & the queens lyeth at Wodfeld; & yt is sayd of
certayne ?at they comes a lyget from Rome to my lord Cartdenallb &
shall bring to my lord Cardenall the paypis with <full> authoryty &
power of all maner of things [in] the reame of England.4 No more to
your mastership, but the Holy Ghost haue you in his keping. From
London, in hast, the xxviij of June.By your seruant Joh. D.c
Endorsed (p. 118): To my right worshipfull master Sir Robt Plompton kt
deliuer thes in hasta Marginal note: Indebted for ?e lordship of Plompton to ?e king.
b Marginal note: Newes from Rome.
c Appended: Copied ?e first of May 1613.
1 John Doddington, 234. See A.G. Dickens, ?The First Stages of Romanist Recusancy
in Yorkshire, 1560?1590?, YAJ, xxxv (1943), 165.2 Having illegally retained possession of Plumpton after its recovery by the feoffees to
the use of the heirs general, Sir Robert was now indebted to the king for the issues
received during the period up to the date of his legal reinstatement, CIPM, Henry VII,
iii, 177?8.3 The dispute with the Babthorpes, 126, 216 and passim.
4 Cardinal Wolsey obtained these powers by bull 22 Dec. 1516, Rymer, xiii, 573.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my right worshipfull master Sir Roabrt Plompton, kt. deliver
thes in hast.Right worshipfull Sir, in my most humble maner that I can, I
recomend me to your good mastership, and also to my good lady;
letting your mastership understand that Nicholas, the messenger,
hath delivered a byll into the Stare Chamber of all the prevey
seles that he delivered in the north country : and as many as
apereth not, the Counsell derecteth proses against them. How-
beyt, I made aledgment for your mastership, wherwith they are
content, and hath given day to All-hallow day. And they lay to
your charge lxxxiijli, that your mastershijp shold be debtable to the
King for the lordship of Plompton, for ij yeres, in King Herre the
VIIth dayes. This must be answered at the next terme. And,
Sir, ther is a suyt against your mastership in the Excheker for
introshon.a And, Sir as for my young master, that hath none end
as yet.b Sir, the Kings grace and the queens lyeth at Wodfeld;
and yt is sayd of a certayne that ther come a lyget from Rome
to my lord Cartdenall, and shall bring to my lord Cardenall the
paypis with full authoryty and power of all maner of things in
the Reame of England.c No more to your mastership, but the
Holy Ghost have you in his keping. From London in hast, the
xxviii of June.By your servant,
(28 June 1516) JOHN D.a This suit must relate to the forcible possession retained of Plumpton in the reign
of Henry VII. after recovery by assise at the Common Law. Sir Robert Plumton
was nor, it seems, made a debtor to the King for the rents and profits received during
this intrusion, till he was again in by due course of law.b The dispute with Babthorpe. (See next Letter.)
c Cardianl Wolsey obtained these powers from Rome by bull dated Dec. 22. 1516.
Rymer's F?dera, tom. XIII. p. 573.