John Chedworth, Bishop of Lincoln, to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Chedworth, Bishop of Lincoln, to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34888, f. 121
- Date
- 26 July 1455
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 302; Fenn, Vol III, Henry VI item 62
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (1st transcript)
To the worshipfull and
welbeloved John Paston
Esquyer.RIGHT worshipful and welbeloved Sir I comaunde me
unto you And with al my hert thank you for the grete
labours that ye oftymes have diligently doon for my welbelov-
ed Servaunt John Ode to th?entent that he shuld mowe atteyne
to entre and enjoy peasible his enheritaunce as I am enfo?med
dew unto him and pray you of youre goode Contynuaunce cer-
tyfieng you that I have written unto Yelverton the Iustice that
he wol at some sesonable tyme com?on with Sir Thomas Tuden-
h?m Knyght and to offre him asmoche reason as it shal be
thought unto him and to you that lawe wol in that behalf
require Prayng you that ye wol Com’on with the saide Yelver-
ton and to Conceyve betwix you such lawful meones of gyding
of this matier that my said servaunt may have peasebly with
owten grete trouble his said enheritaunce as J shal in case sem-
blable do my labour unto your pleasaunce. And pray you that
of the disposic’on of the said Sir Thomas Tudenh’m in this
behalf I may be c’tified And jhu p’s’ve you written at London
the xxvj day of July.J. Bishop
of Lincoln.11 ? by 8 ?.
26th of July, 1455.
33 H. VI.At the bottom of this Letter is written in a hand of the time, ?Litt. direct. Johī
Paston ītr Michēm xxxiij & xxxiiij Henr. sextī,” which ascertains the date.This Letter contains nothing of any importance, but being written by a learned pre-
late, I thought it proper to insert it.John Chadworth was the second Provost of King’s College, in Cambridge, and suc-
ceeded to the See of Lincoln in 1452, soon after which he was joined in commission
with William Wainfleet, Bishop of Winchester, for reforming the Statutes of both the
Colleges built by King Henry VI. at Eton and Cambridge. He died in 1471.Autograph. Pl. XIX. No 23.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (2nd transcript)
To the worshipful and well beloved John Paston, Esquire.
RIGHT worshipful and well beloved Sir, I commend me
unto you, and with all my heart thank you for the great
labour that ye oft times have diligently done for my well beloved
servant John Ode, to the intent that he should mowe (be able to)
attain to enter and enjoy peaceably his inheritance, as I am in-
formed due unto him; and (I) pray you of your good continu-
ance, certifying you that I have written unto Yelverton the
Justice, that he would at some seasonable time commune with
Sir Thomas Todenham, Knight, and to offer him as much rea-
son, as it shall be thought unto him and to you, that law will in
that behalf require, praying you that ye will commune with the
said Yelverton, and to conceive betwixt you such lawful means
of guiding of this matter that my said servant may have peace-
ably without great trouble his said inheritance, as I shall in case
semblable (similar) do my labour unto your pleasance (pleasure).
And (I) pray you that of the disposition of the said Sir Thomas
Todenham in this behalf, I may be certified; and Jesu preserve
you. Written at London, the 26th day of July.JOHN, Bishop of Lincoln.
11 ? by 8 ?.
26th of July, 1455.
33 H. VI.At the bottom of this Letter is written in a hand of the time, ?Litt. direct. Johī
Paston ītr Michēm xxxiij & xxxiiij Henr. sextī,” which ascertains the date.This Letter contains nothing of any importance, but being written by a learned pre-
late, I thought it proper to insert it.John Chadworth was the second Provost of King’s College, in Cambridge, and suc-
ceeded to the See of Lincoln in 1452, soon after which he was joined in commission
with William Wainfleet, Bishop of Winchester, for reforming the Statutes of both the
Colleges built by King Henry VI. at Eton and Cambridge. He died in 1471.Autograph. Pl. XIX. No 23.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
TO JOHN PASTON1To the worshipfull and welbeloved John Paston, Esquyer.
RIGHT worshipful and welbeloved Sir, I comaunde me
unto you, and with all my hert thank you for the
grete labours that ye oftymes have diligently doon for
my welbeloved servant John Ode, to th’entent that he shuld
mowe atteyne to entre and enjoy peasible his enheritaunce, as I
am enformed dew unto him; and pray you of youre goode con-
tynuaunce, certyfieng you that I have written unto Yelverton,
the justice, that he wol, at some sesonable tyme, common with
Sir Thomas Tudenham, knyght, and to offre him asmoche
reason as it shal be thought unto him and to you, that lawewol in that behalf require, prayng you that ye wol common
with the saide Yelverton, and to conceyve betwix you such
lawful meones of gyding of this matier that my said servaunt
may have peasebly with owten grete trouble his said enherit-
aunce, as I shal in case semblable do my labour unto your
pleasaunce. And pray you that of the disposicion of the said
Sir Thomas Tudenham in this behalf, I may be certified. And
Jesu preserve you.Written at London, the xxvj. day of July.
1 [From Fenn, iii. 246.] The date of this letter is ascertained by a contem-
poraneous memorandum at the bottom of the original in these words, ‘Litt. direct.
Joh’i Paston inter Michaelem xxxiij. et xxxiiij. Henr. Sexti.’JULY 26