John Carver and John Wythers to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Carver and John Wythers to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 210, p. 146
- Date
- 20 October [1509]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 168; Kirby, item 207
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
207 John Carver1 and John Wythers to Sir Robert Plumpton, 20 October
[1509] (No. 210, p. 146)Right worshipfull, after all due recomendations, pleaseth you to vnd-
erstand ?at of late you made great instante labors vnto our singuler
good lord, my lord Archbyshop of Yorke,2 for a chauntory of ?e Trenite
[p. 147] within the church of Rippon,3 possessed by Sir Anthony Sole;
and also ye shewed to our lord Archbishop ?at ?e foresayd Sir Anthony
was intrused. Wervpon your informacion, our sayd lord Archbishop
comaunded, by a letter to ?e foresayd chapitor of Rippon derected, to
admitte Sir Richard Plompton4 by your presentacion, for because ?e
foresayd Antony was presented by Richard Emson, & also ?at he was
his chapelaine, & not after ?e true order of law admytted. Master
Plompton, according to our sayd lord Archbyshop, at his departing out
of England, comaunded to me John Carvar, his vicker general [. . .]a &
John Wythers, his surveyor & generall reasonner, to wryte vnto you
?at foresayd Sir Anthony hath be possessed this iij quartors of a yeare &
more peassably; & also presented by the kinge, & nothing belonging to
Rich: Emson, and no quare impedit of your parte suyd, & as now without
remedie by ?at wryte. Wherfore, we exhort you & hartyly desire you
to patiently suffer this poore preist to occupie peassiabely his poore
chavntory, with all <?e> profitts & commoditys to ?e said chavntrey
belonging, without any desire & commaundement of your parte to ?e
tenaunts, fermes & occupiers of ?e same, without any furder besines
or trouble; & it nothinge preiudiciall to your tytle of londis; & thus
doing, ye shall please almighty God & to cause our forsayd lord
Archbishop to be more synguler good lord in all your causes, busines &
trobles; & thus our lord god haue you in his keeping.5 From yorke, ?e
xxix day of October, by your faithfull & loving frynds at ther litle
powers, as god knowes.bJohn Carver Vicar General John Wythers6
Endorsed (p. 146): To our right worshipfull Sir Robt Plompton kt
a Sir J. deleted.
b Appended: Copied ?e 12th of May 1613.
1 Appointed vicar-general 1501, archdeacon of Middlesex and of York (d. by 1515),
Emden, Biographical Register of Oxford, i, 365?6.2 Christopher Bainbridge, provided 22 Sept. 1508, appointed Henry VII?s proctor at
the Holy See Sept. 1509, died at Rome 1514, HBC, 265.3 192n.
4 157.
5 On 12 Nov. 1515 it was agreed to settle by arbitration the question whether the Ripon
chantry was appurtenant to the manor of Plumpton, CB, 845; App. II, 1, 75.6 John Wythers, provost of the church of Hemingborough, brought an action for
trespass in Addingham against John Catterall, Early Chancery Proceedings, ii (PRO, Lists &
Indexes, xvi), 557. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To our right worshipfull Sir Robart Plompton, kt.
Right worshipfull, after all due recomendations pleaseth you to
understand, that of late you made great instante labors unto our
singuler good lord, my lord Archbyshop of Yorke, for a chauntry
of the Trenite, within the church of Rippon, possessed by Sir An-
thony Sole; and also ye shewed to our lord Archbishop that the
foresayd Sir Anthony was intrused. Wherupon your informacion,
our sayd Lord Archbishop comaunded, by a letter to the foresayd
chapitor of Rippon derected, to admitte Sir Richard Plompton by
your presentacion, for because the foresayd Antony was presented
by Richard Emson, and also that he was his chapelaine, and not
after the true order of law admytted. Master Plompton, accord-
ing to our sayd Lord Archbishop, at his departing out ot Eng-
land,a comaunded to me John Carvar, his Vicker generall, and
John Wythers, his Surveyor and generall Reasonner, to wryte unto
you that the foresayd Sir Anthony hath be possessed this iij quar-
ters of a yeare and more peassably; and also presented by the
Kinge, and nothing belonging to Rich. Emson: and no Quare
impedit of your parte suyd, and as now without remedie by that
wryte. Wherfore, we exhort you and hartyly desire you to pa-
tiently suffer this poore preist to occupie peassiablely his poore
hawntory with all the profitte and commodity to the said chawn-
tory belonging (without any desire and commandement of your
parte to the tenaunts, fermors and occupiers of the same), without
any furder besines or trouble, and it nothinge preiudiciall to your
tytle of londis. And thus doing, ye shall please almyghty God,
and to cause our forsayd lord Archbishop to be more synguler
good lord in all your causes, busines, and trobles. And thus our
Lorde God have you in his keeping. From Yorke, the xxix day
of October, by your faithfull and loving frynds at ther litle pow-
ers, as God knoweth. JOHN CARVER,
Vicar generall.(29 Oct. 1509.) JOHN WYTHERS.
a Christopher Bainbridge, Archbishop of York, appointed proctor for King Henry
VIII. at the Papal See, 24 Sept. 1509. He died in the Holy City. (See Drake's