SIRE, lyke it your maistership to wete that I sende you at this tyme the rolle of the copies of all patentes, and the appoyntement with Wentworth laste, and also a abstracte drawen as it come simply to my remembrance. And I shalbe with you sumtyme the next weke. All men ar owte at this tyme, as the Parson,2 Worcester, and Barker; and therfore til thei come, I may not owte. H. Wyndesor departid on Monday, and will doo that he can. He telleth me Lumleys patent is in his awarde, but it is of noo force. And also he hathe Constable is ij. [second?] patente, and that is moste ayenst us, &c. He wil purveie therfore as ye knowe myn maister3 comaundit hym to yow.
Here hath ben Wilton with the dede of feffement yester- day, and all men hadde ensealed sauf myn maister that now hathe ensealed, and H. Inglose is right soory. I can no newe tidinges, but that myn maister hath put his matier of Issabells in Scroudeby, and the rente of the priour of Norwiche dieu to Heilesdon in your hande and Thomas Grene. Ye shal the next weke have the evidences. And Jesu kepe you and youres.
I sende myn Maistres Crane a lettre fro hir brother, but I have the credence, whiche I can not say but if she appose me for certeih materes of hir brotheres.
Writen at Castre, the ij. day of Aprill.
Your owen servaunt,
J. B.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The date of this letter is very uncertain. In 1456 the writer dates from Southwark on the 8th of May, and in 1458 from London on the 14th of March, so that there is rather a presumption against his being at Caister on the 2nd of April in either of these years. But these points, it must be owned, are little to be relied on, as Bokking certainly passed to and fro a good deal between London and Norfolk. The date must, however, be between 1455 and 1459. The letter has no address, but was doubtless intended for John Paston.
2 Thomas Howes.
3 Sir John Fastolf. |