To the Ryght worshpful John Paston, Esquyer.
RYGHT worshipfull, &c. Please zou to comfort and help my pouer tenaunt, Symond Sparre, whech ys a restyd by warant, at the sute of the Lord Scalys, for Sir T. Tudynham shepp. And, Sir, uppon Fryday last passyd, Blake, the Kynges secratory, tolde me that there was delyvered a supersedyas for all men in that sute. But, Sir, as my verry trust is in zou for this, lat it be easyd, as I may doo for zou, &c.; for, Sir, I may not attent, by cause I am ocupyed with my suster, for hir husbond, Sir Rychard Veuuter,2 dessessyd upoon Fryday last, &c. Wretyn in gret hast upon Trenyte Sunday.
Be zoure pouer cosyn, JOHN BERNEYE.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] For the date of this letter see Note 3 on last page. Trinity Sunday fell on the 20th of June in 1451.
2 Blomefield mentions a Sir Richard Veutre, who presented to the living of Cockthorp in 1450.—Hist. Norf. ix. 218.