John Aubrey to Sir Henry Spelman
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John Aubrey to Sir Henry Spelman
- Reference
- Add. 43489, f. 30
- Date
- 6 July 1469
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 718; Fenn, Vol II, Edward IV item 26
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
To the right reu’ent Sr. Henry 1 Spelman Recordor of the Cite
of Norwich be this Letter deliu’ed.RIGHT reu’ent Sr I recomaunde me to you plese it you to
knowe this same day com to me the 2 Shirreve of Norff’
hymself and tolde me that the 5 Quene shall be at Norwichup on 4 Tuysday cometh sevenyght suyrly And I desired to
have knowe of hym by cause this shuld be hir first comyng hedir
how we shuld be rulyd as well in hir resseyvyng as in hir abidyng
here And he seide he wold nat ocupie hym ther wyth but
he councelid us to wryte to you to London to knowe of hem
that ben of Coñsell of that Cite or wyth other wurshepfull
men of the same Cite that ben knowyng in that behalf And
we to be ruled ther aftir as were acordyng for us for he lete me
to wete that she woll desire to ben resseyved and attendid as
wurshepfully as evir was Quene a forn hir Wherefore Sr. I be
the assent of my Bretheren Aldermen, &c. prey you hertily to
have this labor for this Cite And that it plese you if it may be
that at that day ye be here in p’pre p’sone and I trust in God
that outher in rewards or ellys in thankynges both of the
Kyngs comyng and in this ye shall ben plesid as worthy is
Wrete in hast at Norwich the vj day of Juyll Ao ixo R E qrti.By yor. Weelwyller,
5 John Aubry, &c.
10 by 5 ?.
Thursday, 6th of July,
1469, 9 E. IV.This Letter shews the attention, which the City of Norwich wished to pay to the
Queen on her reception, and during her residence there.1 Henry Spelman married Ela, Daughter and Coheir of William de Narburgh, and
was the first of that family that settled at Narborough, in Norfolk.2 Roger Ree, Esq. was Sheriff of Norfolk, in 1469.
3 Elizabeth, Queen of Edward IV.
4 18th of July, 1469.
5 John Aubry, was Mayor of Norwich, in 1469. Pl. V. No 22.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
To the right reverend Sir Henry 7 Spelman, Recorder of the City
of Norwich, be this Letter delivered.RIGHT reverend Sir, I recommend me to you. Please it
you to know this same day came to me the 2 Sheriff of
Norfolk himself, and told me that the 3 Queen shall be at
Norwich upon 4 Tuesday come sev’night surely. And I desired
to have know of him, because this should be her first coming
hither, how we should be ruled, as well in her receiving, as in
her abiding here. And he said, he would not occupy him
therewith, but he counselled us to write to you to London, to
know of them that been of Counsel of that City, or with other
worshipful men of the same City, that been knowing in that
behalf; and we to been ruled thereafter, as were according for
us; for he let me to weet, that she would desire to be received
and attended, as worshipfully as ever was Queen afore her.
Wherefore I, by the assent of my Brethren Aldermen, &c pray
you heartily to have this labour for this City, and that it please
you, if it may be, that at that day ye be here in proper person.
And I trust in God, that either in rewards, or else in thankings
both of the King’s coming, and in this, ye shall be pleased as
worthy is. Written in haste at Norwich, the 6th day of July
Anno 9o Regis Edwli quarti.By your Well Willer,
10 by 5 ?.
Thursday, 6th of July,
1469, 9 E. IV.This Letter shews the attention, which the City of Norwich wished to pay to the
Queen on her reception, and during her residence there.1 Henry Spelman married Ela, Daughter and Coheir of William de Narburgh, and
was the first of that family that settled at Narborough, in Norfolk.2 Roger Ree, Esq. was Sheriff of Norfolk, in 1469.
3 Elizabeth, Queen of Edward IV.
10 by 5 ½.
4 18th of July, 1469.
5 John Aubry, was Mayor of Norwich, in 1469. Pl. V. No 22.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To the right reverent Sir Henry Spelman, Recordor of
the Cite of Norwich, be this Letter delivered.RIGHT reverent sir, I recomaunde me to you. Plese it
you to knowe, this same day com to me the Shirreve
of Norffolk3 hymself, and tolde me that the Quene
shall be at Norwich up on Tuysday4 cometh sevenyght suyrly.
And I desired to have knowe of hym, by cause this shuld be
hir first comyng hedir, how we shuld be rulyd, as well in hir
resseyvyng, as in hir abidyng here. And he seide, he wold
nat ocupie hym ther wyth, but he councelid us to wryte to you
to London, to knowe of hem that ben of counsell of that cite,
or wyth other wurshepfull men of the same cite, that ben
knowyng in that behalf, and we to be ruled ther aftir, as were
acordyng for us; for he lete me to wete that she woll desire to
ben resseyved and attendid as wurshepfully as evir was Quene
a forn hir. Wherefore, sir, I, be the assent of my Bretheren
Aldermen, &c., prey you hertily to have this labour for this
cite. And that it plese you, if it may be, that at that day ye be
here in propre persone; and I trust in God, that outher in
rewards, or ellys in thankynges, both of the Kyngs comyng,
and in this, ye shall ben plesid as worthy is.Wrete in hast at Norwich the vj. day of Juyll Anno ixo
Regis E. quarti.By your weelwyller, JOHN AUBRY, &c.
1 Mayor of Norwich in 1469. 2 [From Fenn, ii. 18.]
3 Roger Ree was Sheriff of Norfolk this year. 4 18th July.